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Viewing 15 posts - 691 through 705 (of 6,160 total)
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  • in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86802

    Hi Lorraine,

    How is Donnie doing this weekend? Please tell him that we are all here rooting for him big time. Are you going to contact the GP tom? It was Dr MacLeod was it not? Please let us know how that goes and know as well that we are all here for you and Donnie always. Thinking of you both right now.



    in reply to: Cholestyramine Resin #91527

    Hi Scott,

    Have you tried doing a search on the site for posts on this? I can’t recall any discussions on it off the top of my head. I did a google search for you on this and found this from Mayo –

    Please let us know how this works for you if you try it.

    All the best,


    in reply to: Ascites post resection #91526

    Hi Lisa,

    There are a ton of posts here on the site about ascites and that is very common with this cancer. The search forum function will throw up all of the discussions about ascites for you.

    Here is another link that will be of use to you –

    Please let us know how things go with this and everything else for your husband.

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: 1st Check up PET scan #91493

    Have you had a look at the chemo board Scott?

    in reply to: World Cholangiocarcinoma Day – February 17, 2016 #91370

    Just a quick reminder for everyone of World Cholangiocarcinoma Day 2016!

    “World Cholangiocarcinoma Day is an international effort to raise much-needed awareness of cholangiocarcinoma, a devastating cancer that occurs in the bile ducts in or outside the liver. This poorly understood and under researched disease is increasing in incidence globally – we believe collaboration is the way forward.”

    February the 17th, mark the date! And no doubt I will flag it up again for everyone nearer the time! :)

    Hugs to all,


    in reply to: Hi there! #91523

    Hi Brigid,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us here but glad that you have joined in with us all. You are in the best place for support and help and will get loads of both from everyone here and we will help if we can.

    How did the chemo go for you so far? Looking forward to hearing more from you as well, And just to say, if you are wondering where the other 3 posts are that you did tonight then that was me that deleted them as they were the same as this post. It’s just that we try and delete any duplicate postings so that other posts don’t get lost in the traffic. Sort of like housekeeping if you like!

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Hello i m newbie #91485

    Hi Robert,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you have joined in with us. I too am from the UK, up here in Dundee.

    Why don’t you tell us a bit more about things if and when you can. We are a friendly bunch, none of us bite or anything!

    Looking forward to hearing more from you,


    in reply to: Lainy’s Surgery #91384

    Glad to see you back on here again Lainy! Now remember…………. not too much talking… need to let the jaw heal nice and good!!


    Too many brain jokes going around in my brain… I best get outa here quickly!!! Ha!!

    in reply to: ARQ-087 Clinical Trial : FGFR2 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor #91427

    Looking forward to hearing how everything goes Ashley.

    Now you are stuck with us all!!! :)


    in reply to: Introduction My brother’s fight with Cholangiocarcinoma #86796

    Hi Lorraine,

    Great to hear from you and I am real sorry to hear the latest news about Donnie, not what anyone wants to hear. I’m not too sure about the drains etc so will leave comments about them to others. My thoughts right now would be to go see the gp and see if they can get Donnie referred back to Edinburgh and see if they can take a look at what is going on with everything. Especially so as you say that Donnie feels that they have rubbed their hands of him.

    What does the Marie Curie nurse say about everything, the drains etc? As to the scan being too risky to do due to renal failure etc, again I can’t answer that question for you as I do not know the answer to it either. Apologies for that. My thoughts would be as I said to get to the GP and see what they say about things, what to try and do next etc.

    Please tell Donnie that we are all rooting for him and I am sending him my best wishes.

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: 2016 Annual Meeting Live Webcast – Patients and Caregivers #91473

    Hope everyone is watching! Melinda’s story was amazing, but we knew that anyway.

    Thank you Melinda!!!



    in reply to: ARQ-087 Clinical Trial : FGFR2 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor #91424

    Hi Ashley,

    Just to let you know that I have stuck this post now to this board specifically seeing as Tom is on this trial. Reason being is that is makes it easier for everyone to see all the postings about trials that either they or their loved ones are actually on. Sometimes it is too easy for postings to get lost in the traffic as it were with everything! Hope sticking this one is okay with you.

    Please let us know how things go for Tom on the trial and know as well that I am keeping things crossed for him.

    My best to you both,


    in reply to: Proton Beam Therapy #91401

    Thanks for that Marion, yes it can be very slow some times, grrrr! Think the same is happening here in the UK in that it will only be available in a few locations throughout the country.



    in reply to: Proton Beam Therapy #91399

    Thanks for that Marion. We are way behind the rest of the world when it comes to treatment like these. I know that the NHS are funding this a bit more now but the child in question in the above link had to take their child to The Czech republic to get the treatment done there. They did that against the docs orders and it seems to have been the right choice for them.



    in reply to: My Introduction #90938

    Here is a link on mouth ulcers and some other stuff from Macmillan and I hope it is useful.

    My best to you,


Viewing 15 posts - 691 through 705 (of 6,160 total)