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  • in reply to: Live Broadcast on Wednesday Patient / Caregiver Sessions #98076

    Hi all,

    Just a reminder that this event takes places today, starting now at 12pm EST!!!

    The live stream is here –

    Live Stream

    Thanks all,



    Thanks for that Billy, much appreciated!


    in reply to: Happy Holidays #97936

    Thanks for that Mary. And I would also like to wish you and everyone else here and their families as well a Merry Christmas. I hope that you will all have a good one and that Santa of course is good to you as well!

    Hugs to all,


    in reply to: 9 Years next week! #97825

    Hi Randi,

    It is great to hear from you as always and what brilliant news you have to share with everyone, superb!! No doubt Thanksgiving will always bring back these memories for you and I hope that you had a good day yesterday. You are most certainly a beacon of hope for so many people here and please do not feel guilty although I can understand why you could feel that way sometime. You also helped a lot of people here on the boards for all the time that you were a mod here too so thanks as always for all of your work here.

    It is always great to see you back on here Randi and here’s to the next 9 years and more!

    Celebratory Hug for you!


    in reply to: Happy Thanksgiving! #97824

    Hi Randi,

    Hope you had a good day! And for sure, if you are coming to Scotland next year or the year after then definitely look me up! Would be great to meet you. You know how to get in touch with me and let me know if I can help with your trip, info etc. Avoid the winter though I would say as it gets a bit chilly here then!


    in reply to: Happy Thanksgiving! #97819

    A Happy Thanksgiving to all of my American friends from me over here in Scotland as well. I hope that you all can enjoy the day with your family and friends, and enjoy the turkey too!



    Hi Kgroft,

    Glad to be of help as always. Thanks for letting us know about your husband and I am very happy to hear how he is getting on with this. I will keep my fingers crossed for him for further great responses to the treatment and please if you can keep letting us know how things go with this. We are here for you.

    My best wishes to you both,


    in reply to: Unfortunately, another introduction. #97802

    Hi Jonathan,

    Welcome to the site although I so wish that you did not have to be here. Thanks for sharing what has and is happening right now and I am sorry that you are having to go through all of this. If we can help at all then we will so please feel free to post away as much as you want and ask questions. And if we have answers to your questions then we will help as best as we can.

    Not much I can add to what the others have said but I just wanted to welcome you here. Yes you are right in that so much of what is on the web in general is full of doom and gloom, but there is also so much garbage out there regarding this and most cancers. My advice to you regarding the web is to ignore so much of it and if you are looking for info etc then please use reputable sites. And of course the support that you will get on here from those who know what you are going through and dealing with is second to none!

    Looking forward to hearing more from you and my best wishes to you and your family,


    in reply to: Anyone have a way to access full studies referenced here? #97768

    Hi Taxman,

    Just to add to what Mary said to you about using google or other search engines. What you could do is copy the entire abstract title word for word then paste that into google and that way you will have a much better chance of finding a link to the full piece that you are interested in.

    Eg –

    “Treatment outcomes for unresectable intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma: Nationwide, population-based, cohort study based on propensity score matching with the Mahalanobis metric.”

    That comes from the abstract you link in in your post and having put that into google it does seem to show another way to view the full piece.

    Hope some of that is useful and good luck with your googling.



    Hi Mary and Tilly,

    Thanks loads for posting the extra links and info. Much appreciated as always!! And yes Mary, there is always something new to learn isn’t there! It seems like we are getting some good results lately from research etc, let’s hope that it keeps getting better!

    Thanks loads,


    in reply to: Hello -Husband diagnosed with Cholangia Carcenoma #97681

    Dear Kate,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your husband Ian. Please accept my sincerest condolences. I wish that there was something that I could say that would help ease the pain that you feel right now but I know that there are no words that will help. You did everything that you could to help him through this and I am glad that his last moments were spend at home with his family around him.

    Thank you as well for your most generous offer of donations to the Foundation instead of friends and family flowers, thank you very much. Please know that we are all here for you and my thoughts right now are with you and your family.



    in reply to: Feeding tube supplies and formula donation #97645

    Dear Arlyn,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear of the passing of your dear father. Please accept my sincere condolences. Having also lost my dad to this cancer I so know the pain and loss that you feel right now and wish that there was something that I could say that would help right now. Like Mary, I too hope that someone will take you up on your most generous offer of donation of these items and I thank you for this as well. Please know that we are all here for you and my thoughts are with you and your family right now.



    Thanks as always for the extra info Mary! Appreciated loads by everyone.



    Just a heads up again for the upcoming webinar so thought I’d bring this to the top of the page again!

    This webinar will give updates on the TAS 120 clinical trial and also be a question and answer forum for patients and caregivers. If you have a question you’d like answered, please submit it at



    in reply to: Ivosidenib: First Global Approval. #97504

    Hi Mary,

    Glad to be of help as always! Thanks to you for the extra info as well re the AG-120 and some of our members taking part in that trial. I did a search for AG-120 on the boards so that that info is in this post and this is what came up –

    Thanks as always Mary!


Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 6,160 total)