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  • in reply to: My mom’s new journey with cancer #85685

    Golden Girl,

    Just thinking out loud here with regards to the cramping that your mum has been experiencing. I had severe cramping in my stomach, abdomen and my sides a few years ago, none of it cancer related and it turned out that I had a gastric ulcer and was bleeding in my gut. I don’t know if this is relevant to your mum but as I said I’m just thinking out loud here and wondered if your mums docs had or are looking at that being a possibility for her cramping? My cramping got so bad it was agony and my stools went real black. Do you know if your mums stool colour has changed or is black etc?



    in reply to: Our journey #86093

    Hi Deb,

    Welcome to the site! Sorry that you had to find us all here but glad that you have joined as you are so in the best place for support and help and I know that you will get loads of each from the great members here. And real glad to hear as well that your surgeon recommended this site to you!

    I can’t personally help with personal experiences about surgery or chemo as my dad never had either, he had PDT but I know that there will be many along soon that will be able to help with the specific questions that you ask. What type of chemo did your onc at Lahey recommend you take? The more info that you can give us the better that we will be able to help you.

    Thanks for sharing what has been going on with you. As I said, sorry that you had to find us here but please know that you are around people who know what you are going through and are here for you. You are not alone in this now, we are here for you and we care. Please keep coming back and let us know how everything goes.

    My best wishes to you,


    in reply to: Coming to the end :-( #86056


    Sorry to hear this news today about your dad. The blockage around the stent is exactly what my dad had as well and I can so understand why your dad has refused anymore blood tests and surgery at this point. Got to say as well, I do think that your dad has made a good and wise choice as well with regards to going into hospice at this point as they are experts at care for patients at this point and I know that he will be in good hands with them. I think I said to you before that my dad had nothing but good things to say about his care in hospice and I totally agree with that. They took excellent care of my dad and nothing was too much trouble for them.

    Should you wish to contact me off board Sammi then please feel free to do so as well.



    in reply to: Rare cancer’s genetic pathway identified #85999

    Thanks Frogspawn!

    And thanks too for sharing that nugget of exciting info with us Marion, looking forward to hearing all about this as you would imagine!!


    in reply to: Coming to the end :-( #86054


    I am very glad to hear that you have the Mac nurses involved with your dads care. They are invaluable and my dad had one for a long time, since his diagnosis actually and she was there at the end as well. They will provide much help and support to you and lean on them as much as you want to. One thing you may want to discuss with them is the use of a syringe driver for your dad. This helped my dad a lot when he was in hospice and it is a way of getting a constant supply of his meds over a 24 hour period. My dad had bad issues with vomiting so when he was taking his meds he was bringing them up so they weren’t working. The syringe driver gets around that by putting the meds directly into the body rather than one having to try and swallow them.

    Glad to hear that you have hospice arranged as a back up if needed and planning is good.

    I know you are scared, we all are at this point and it is such a tough situation for you all. But as you say, you wouldn’t want him to pass without having his loved ones beside him would you. I hear what you say about thinking that all that lies ahead for you now is blankness, that is an understandable thought considering everything that is going on for you right now. But Marion is right in what she says about one day you will look back and know that you did everything that you could to help your dad. The days, weeks and months after my dads passing were hard to say the least but I knew that I had to stay strong for my mum as I was and still are her carer as well. Again it comes down to strength and I know that you will have this as well. There is not a day that goes by that I don’t miss my dad, but time is a great healer and I can look back and laugh and smile at the good times that we had. I don’t forget the bad times, none of us do but I like to and am able to look back at the happy times and I know that given time you will as well.

    Please remember that we are always here for you and always will be. Thinking of you and your family right now.



    in reply to: Coming to the end :-( #86051

    Dear Sammie,

    I am so very sorry indeed to hear where things have progressed to with your dad. Having been there with my dad throughout I so know how you feel and what you are experiencing right now. I was where you are now with my dad and I know how tough it is for you all. My dad had the chance to leave hospice for a few days but decided to stay as he felt he would be taken care of better there. Everyone has different wishes for this stage.

    All I would suggest to you is that you have a plan in place for homecare for your dad so that he can be kept as comfortable as possible when he gets home. This is of the utmost importance now and I know this from my own experiences with my dad at this point. Will you have the services of a Marie Curie nurse for your dad when he is home? They will be able to provide the care and help he will need for all things medical, meds etc. I strongly recommend that you have some help lined up for when dad gets home. Marie Curie can be found here and your dads gp can refer him to them for help if something is not in place already.

    What lies ahead will not be easy for you all but I know that you are strong and will deal with everything that you have to. It is not easy at all, I know from my own experiences but you will do what you have to and get through this. We don’t know the strength that we have sometimes until it is called upon, please trust me on that one.

    My thoughts are with you all right now and I wish you peace and strength.



    in reply to: To give up or not #86044

    Dear Judy,

    I am sorry to hear that things are at this stage with Ron, my thoughts are with you both right now and I wish for peace and comfort for Ron. I know that hospice will be of great help to you both and it will help ease the pressure on you a little. Hospice took great care of my dad when he went through that and I hope for the same for your Ron. My dads name was also Ron. Thinking of you both.




    Glad to be of help Julie! And real glad to hear that you should be in that category, a good start to 2015 for you!


    in reply to: New to Discussion Boards #85738

    Hi Anne,

    Welcome to the site. Sorry that you had to find us all here and I am sorry to hear about your husband as well. Glad that you have gotten more involved now and made your first postings on the site, we don’t bite, honest! I know though that it can be hard sometimes to finally post rather than lurk as it were and please do not worry about having little to contribute. It is not about contributing and we are here to help if we can.

    Yes it is slow here with the time of the year and it is the weekend so I guess that makes it doubly slow with posts and all of that. No worries? We say that here in Scotland too so that is something else that we have in common! From what you say in your post it sounds like you are both up for the fight and have a positive attitude and that is great to hear as a positive attitude will carry you far,

    Real glad to hear that your husband is not having any side effects to his treatmentm and I so hope that this continues to be the case. Have you checked out the search forum function at the top of the page as that will throw up much info for you on all manner of topics?

    I look forward to hearing more from you Anne and please know that you are not alone in this now. We are here for you and we care, and please let us know how everything goes.

    My best wishes to you and your husband,


    in reply to: So worried for my dad :-( #85994

    Dear Sammi,

    Please do NOT worry at all about posting on Christmas Eve or Day or any other day for that matter. You go ahead and post whatever you want to at any time at all! Do not worry about that in the slightest. As I said to you, I was where you are right now with my dad and I so know what you are going through with everything.

    You are certainly not alone in this, we are all here for you and will help as best as we can.

    Thinking of you and your dad today.


    in reply to: Dear Mum #86001

    What a beautiful message Ilias!

    Hugs to you,



    Lots indeed coming out Duke and lets hope of course that it leads somewhere very very positive!


    in reply to: Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year #85854

    Very well said Marion. I so hope that the upcoming year will bring much progress for us all in the fight against CC and I know that we will get there. It may take longer than we would have wished for but we will get there.

    Hugs to all,


    in reply to: Tube’s out!!! #84621

    Great news Derin, thanks for sharing! Loving your attitude as well with the whole leaking rather than having the tube in too! Hopefully things go as plan and tube number 2 will be out according to the plan!

    My best to you,


    in reply to: So worried for my dad :-( #85989


    Having been where you are with my dad 5 years ago I so know how you feel and what you are going through right now. This is such a tough time for you all. My dad had lots of trouble with vomitting and tried loads of different meds and combinations of meds to try and deal with that. He also was on Haloperidol and that helped a bit as well. You are not alone in this, we are here for you.



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