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  • in reply to: An Unexpected Prognosis #91254

    Kris, As much as they appear to believe their prognosis, they want to follow me very carefully with scans three months apart and for how long, I don’t know. I am the eternal pessimist, I think….at least where this stuff is concerned. So, I am not going to agree to lengthening out the appts or stopping them for some time to come. We found this one early enough because I refused to lengthen the time between scans by more than a month….and even then, it was quite a while after the oncologist mentioned it. I realize the reason for lengthening them out……the increasing load of radiation from the CTs puts us at risk of other cancer.

    One other thing that was mentioned by one oncologist was that I would not “exactly” reset ….it won’t be like starting all over again because it is so far out from the first CC surgery and thinking about this 2nd surgery as more of a “mop up” (my words) operation.

    Catherine, ….Wish I didn’t have to go through it either…..I wish none of us had to go through this nightmare. It robs so much from so many, patients, family and friends.


    in reply to: Introduction #91228

    Holly, Thanks for asking. I am doing much better, though still get a twinge now and then in that one portal incision. I need to stretch in general….not just the abdomen, but it sounds like a very reasonable thing to do. I am prone to cramps in my hands and legs due to two vitamin deficiencies, which we are trying to correct. I’m going to call around here locally and see if there is a PT who specializes in stretching that abdominal muscle tissue to help the adhesions. It does make sense that they wouldn’t go away…but that stretching them would help with comfort. I did have problems with intermittent pain after the first surgery, but it was alway explained away by doctors as probably intestinal problems. Nope…it wasn’t.

    Thanks again. That’s a great idea.
    Julie T.

    in reply to: Starting the fight again #91150

    Oh Lainy, now I can’t get that image out of my head. Kris in a jello mold.

    Go get ’em Kris.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Physical Therapy for scar tissue/ adhesions #91265

    Thank you Holly, I may sign up for something like this very soon, since I had so many adhesions from my first surgery and now have had another one.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64781

    Great news, Debbie. Congratulations, Mike!

    in reply to: Introduction #91216


    I also would like more info on the use of physical therapy for addressing scar tissue/adhesions. I just had a second resection (recurrence again in the liver) and before my surgeon could even “see” the liver, he spent 45 min removing adhesions inside. That was actually a good portion of the surgery. Thank goodness that he is patient and meticulous. I’d sure like to keep from having so many adhesions another time though.


    in reply to: Starting the fight again #91145

    Kris, For what it’s worth, you have my good thoughts with you going into those consults….and I’m quite sure those of a lot of old timers on these boards go with you as well. We’re rooting for you, girly. Go get ’em.

    in reply to: Less Than 48 Hours Before Surgery #91129

    Victor, on the off-shoot chance you will see this before surgery tomorrow……you have my best wishes going forward. You’ll recover from the surgery before you know it and please post again when you are up to it. We love hearing.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Complication of latest surgery #91083


    Interesting….thank you for that info on your home town docs and scans. I am so glad that my GP insisted that we get a CD copy of the CT scan to take with us up to Mayo. Since I don’t hurt much now, it isn’t that important for right now, but I’d hate to have something done based on what was misread. Yikes!

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Complication of latest surgery #91079


    I have just returned from Mayo Rochester today. I went for my 4 week post op checkup. My local GP had me hand carry a CD copy of the CT scan that was done here in my hometown. I was diagnosed the SEROMA fluid collection post surgery.

    My Mayo surgeon looked at the scan…..and told us that he did not see what they were looking at. HUH? I told him that they even gave us the neurology report, showing that it was 3.5 cm in one direction (how do you miss that?) He looked at it again and again, he did not see a Seroma. There were some areas that might have been misread as a Seroma, but they weren’t anything of consequence.

    So, now the question: Did my local radiologist misread the CT THAT BADLY? My GP had asked them to look for a possible hernia starting or kidney stone, but the local radiologist came up with this Seroma.

    The Mayo surgeon suggested that the problem may have been due to inflammation in the muscle in the area of the one laproscopic port incision, but otherwise, we don’t know. The pain is almost 100% gone after using hot packs very often for about 5 days and less frequently the past several days. All I have left is a little pinching feeling now and then, when medications have worn off. I’m trying to wean off the pain meds as soon as possible since I’ve been on them since surgery.

    When all is said and done…..the pain is almost gone, so normally, I’d say the subject is closed, except it makes me wonder what is the point to ever having another local CT scan if they can’t really read them accurately? Guess I will discuss this with my local GP.

    Seems like always something.
    I will be posting other news from the check up under “What’s Working” either later today or tomorrow.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80439

    Love the news…..thanks for sharing. And…btw….the graph really helps me see the path this has taken …where you were and are now. Super.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Complication of latest surgery #91073

    Right after the post surgical SEROMA was diagnosed, I surfed the web for more info. Some websites suggested putting hot packs on it to help reduce the size /fluid amount and pain . So, I started putting hot packs on it off and on all day and evening. By the end of the full second day, I was sure that the pain was far less and by day three, I could once again stand up and dress myself (except socks) without help. In three days time, I went from crying a lot because of the pain to being able to get up and move around without using a cane or walker. It has taken a few more days, but this morning, I was finally also able to lie on my right side, though the left side (where the SEROMA is located is still uncomfortable, but not really hurting badly. I’m wearing myself back off of the pain meds. Such a difference for something so simple as a hot pack and being persistent.

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Complication of latest surgery #91071

    Thanks Gavin,

    I hope noone has to use the info, but I hoped it might be of help to someone. There were a number of other things being suggested as the cause of the pain. My new pain med schedule that my GP set up is covering the pain better. Thank you for all the good thoughts sent my way. I will get through this, and once we got a handle on the pain better, I can deal with it dragging out if it has to in order to see if my body absorbs the fluid naturally.. But, yes, I’d rather it was fixed immediately to get rid of the pain if possible, …..and get on with things

    Julie T.

    in reply to: Fluctuating blood sugar levels #91061

    Irish Mac,

    Any sickness is a stressor on the body which can cause BG to rise. And….stress itself can also cause it to rise as well.

    in reply to: lets pray this is the year for the cure #91089


    Prayers for your sister that the CT scan in 3 weeks will show that the chemo has controled the spread of the CC I’m glad to hear that she was able to enjoy her Christmas and New year holidays.

    Prayers also for everyone here , patients and caregivers alike, for a cure.

    Julie T.

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