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  • in reply to: It’s done #25250

    Thanks everyone for your comfort and nice words. Peters “farewell celebration” was yesterday. And how beautiful it was. Everything felt good. All the beautiful speeches, the music (our oldest son had written and composed a song for his father), all the flowers. There were over 250 people to salute Peter. And now we have the last resting place and the living memory of the tree that the collegues planted. What more can we wish for? Absolutely nothing :)
    My love goes out to all of you, wishing you many good days in this new year.

    in reply to: Festive month? #24705

    Thanks everyone for all your warmth and support. I needed it and now I can look forward again. I will make this a good month, I promise.
    Today is going to be a special day. All the collegues of Peters department at the Watership, where he worked, are going to plant a tree for him on a beautiful spot at one of his projects. We are going to be picked up by one of the collegues and will be there when the limetree will be put in the soil. Isnot that a special gift? And it will give our sons and me a nice remembrance spot to go to as well.
    So I will have a smile on my face today and try to keep it on.
    Thanks again, all you wonderful people, and my dearest wishes for you all this month.

    in reply to: Neuro Radiologist Dr. Richard Berger #24189

    Hi Jeff,
    My Peter has had radiation from a very good radiologist last Wednesday. It was a one time radiation, since one of the tumors started to press on his spine and there was fair chance of a transverse myelitis. This has been prevented now. Peter is very tired now, but he can lay on his back again. We both wish you all te best,

    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma without symptoms or pain. #23531

    Hi Sue,
    Very sorry to hear that your husband died. I must be a very difficult period for you. I am happy to hear that at least he didnot suffer.
    My husband has this disease and got a life prediction of 2-3 months. This was in May last year. He is still with me now, but I can see we have taken the turn downwards now.
    I am silently praying that he too will not suffer. He is not afraid to die, he says and also not to be in pain. But he so much wants to stay with us and the acceptance that his days are limited is heartbreaking.
    I wish you all the strength you need and hope very much you have lots of nice memories to keep in your heart.
    Iris (the Netherlands)

    in reply to: Jeff’s Update #23745

    Peter and I wish you all the best and hope you can keep your spirits up. You are a huge inspiration to us and we will be thinking of you.

    in reply to: Husband newly diagnosed #22401

    Hi Jan,
    I like to wish you and your husband very good and hopeful weeks to come. It will be tough on you, but since there seem to be chances ….. go for it!

    in reply to: Husband newly diagnosed #22389

    Hi Jan,
    Even on the other side of the ocean we are thinking of you and your husband. All the best, Iris.

    in reply to: Genetics – The elephant in the room??? #22483

    Hi everyone,
    The discussion of CC being hereditary is an interesting one. But also a subject that didnot have enough research yet. A lot of oncologists in Holland think the chance of getting cancer might be hereditary. And I tend to agree, looking at my husbands background. His mother kicked off two different types of cancer, before she died on asbestos cancer. Both her brothers died on prostate cancer and two of their sons also had cancer.
    On the other hand, what can one do with this knowledge? Not much, I believe. Talking to our oldest son about this and trying to get him to eat healthier, he answered with a smile “I rather live 60 years with a lot of fun, than 80 years with a lot of restrictions”. As you might guess, he is a junkfood eater.
    Anyway, on our anti-cancer diet my Peter is doing quite well. We will have the results of today’s bloodtest on Wednesday. The last bloodtest was not an improvement, but also not worse. The coughing (metastases to the lungs) remains.
    Wishing you all the best, Iris.

    in reply to: My Report Card(CT Results) #21101

    Hi Jeff, great to still see that fighting spirit. You are a star and have lifted Peter and my hope about fighting this cancer as long as we can. I would like to admit that the diet, mentioned in the book Anticancer from Dr. David Servan-Schreiber does Peter good. It is just a different way of eating and he likes it very much and eats more. (Though he also lost 1,5 kilo’s because we completely stopped with sugar, honey and syrups.) But his energy is still good and his coughing less. Maybe an idea for you? Anyway, Peter and I are thinking of you and whish you the best.

    in reply to: Mum was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago #21544

    Hi Mercedes. Very sorry you had to come to this forum. I recognize all the feelings you have, since my husband was diagnosed with CC a year ago. And I am still scared and sad at times. But there is also hope. When surgery was broken off because the cancer had gone too far, Peter went home with a life prediction of 2-3 months (this was in May 2007). First we cried, than we started fighting back. Peter went back to work and started playing squash and running again, as he always had done. We started eating a lot healthier and are since one month ago on an anti-cancer diet, following the book Anticancer from Dr. David Servan-Schreiber. Since the news about Peters illness is out, we are embraced by the warmth of family, friends and collegues and that is a very special and rich feeling. We are 1,5 years later now and Peter still is very well and energetic. We are enjoying every day as a gift. Monday we shall have the first blood results after starting this new eating pattern. I will let this forum know how they are.
    So I can recommend you: let your feelings out, but also keep having hope and fighting spirit. I wish you all the strength in the world and sincerely hope your mother will have a good time left!

    in reply to: Hello. I am a new member in Phoenix. #20726

    Peter had his first blood tests since he started the anticancer diet, 3 weeks ago. His Gamma GT and AF went nicely down. And his blood was tested when he had a fever attack, so we are very anxious to know what the next test coming month will show.
    He very much likes this kind of food and I see him empty larger plates than before. To be honest, this kind of eating is good for me too ….. no sugar or sweets at all. I lost 4 kilo’s and I could use that :)
    Good luck everyone!

    in reply to: Fever attacks #20923

    Hi Jeff, I think you were right with the lung infection. Peter started coughing a lot, together with the high fever. The antibiotics brought the fever down and the cough allmost disappeared. This morning he suddenly passed out in the bathroom and I brought him to the hospital. Bloodsamples were taken and the values concerning the liver were better than last month (due to the strict diet allready?). The doctor now also thinks it’s a lung infection. At the end of the morning I could take him home again, but he will be closely monitored this week and probably new lung photo’s will be made. Anyway, his spirit is unbroken and he talks about going to work on Monday. We’ll see who where the trousers here :)
    (I know he will). Thanks for your suggestion, it helped giving a clear picture this morning in the hospital, which is fortunately a five minute walk from our house.
    Regards and all the best, Iris.

    in reply to: Introduction #20962

    Hello Marian, your husband and you went through quite some difficult times. I hope the new and alternative treatments help. What also help is a good healthy eating pattern. To keep it short that is allmost all vegetables, all fruits – but especially the smaller ones and fish at least twice a week. Absolutely no sugar, as cancer cells use sugar for their growth. I hope you can keep your husband a long time. All the best,

    in reply to: Fever attacks #20922

    Hi everyone, thank you all for your support. I had a very low day yesterday and it really helps to share. Peter’s temperature is allready dropping after the two antibiotic pills he took and the specialist called early this morning. We are going to see him next wednesday. He has hospital duty this weekend and told us we can come immediately when it is necessary. A safe feeling. I will post again after wednesday.
    Thanks for being my “brothers and sisters” and I wish you all well.

    in reply to: Does the way we eat raise the chance of getting cancer? #20587

    Hi Stacie, thanks for your reaction. In the meantime we also found some books over “eating anti-cancer”. You are right, cooking starts again with the simple, basic things. No colouring or preservatives, no packages as a basis for soups or sauces as they contain lots and lots of sugar and additives. We eat lots of fresh vegetables and fruits (however, we allways have done that) and totally skipped sugar and sweets. We are on this foodprogramme now for 3 weeks.
    Nevertheless, Peter is having a nasty fever attack at this moment, and I hope that with an antibiotic cure he will once more come out of that.
    Thanks again and greetings,

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