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  • in reply to: what is your blood type? #64170

    Susie-that is interesting I am also B+. My blood type worked in my favor when I was waiting for liver, I was first on the B+ list!!! My maternal uncle died at 56 from pancreatic cancer, I wonder what blood type he was??
    Hope all is well with you.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) #63934

    I am very interested in this article because I not only am I cancer survivor I am a transplant recepient, which means on going medical cost for the rest of my life, which I am so glad to have!! The article is interesting because she was never denied insurance, she just couldn’t afford her insurance any longer. I am “walking a mile in her shoes”, our family(3 people) private policy started at $400.00 a month 12 years ago and now is $1065.00 a month. I just changed my coverage becasue of my rate increase, I couldn’t go up in coverage, but I could down grade my insurace, thanks to Obama care, that was the loop hole to not dening me insurance. My premiums go up about every other year and most of those were healthy years. The fact that one illness was 2.5 million in claims, makes my premiums pretty affordable. I will always have about $25,000-$30,000 a year in claims( blood draws, scans and meds) with out any major problems (I already have over $100,000 this year because of one bad scan). I am not sure what our answer is, no one should die because they can’t afford a doctor, but I don’tknow how our goverment could afford the medical care we expect, I am pretty convinced that if I didn’t have BCBS I would have never been put on life support until they found another liver and my life saved. I am very interested to know as CC patients how much care we would receive because of our odds, would we get transplants, resections or any clinical trials if we didn’t have private insurance? I am neither for or against goverment involved insurance I just know I had no grief from BCBS.
    Thanks for letting me rant, this an on going issue in my life!! My heart breaks for this family, because I can only continue to pay over $12,000 a year for premuims and my deductable so long, I now just thank God I am alive to have this problem!
    Lots of prayers for all-Cathy

    in reply to: Holding my breath again! #63896

    Kris-sending lots of prayers!! GOOD LUCK!!!
    Lots of love-Cathy

    in reply to: First Post-Chemo Scan Results #63666

    Kristina-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor do to a liver transplant trial. I was diagnosed and saved at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. (almost your back yard!!) by Dr. William Chapman. Please read my story on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan), it is full of HOPE.
    The fact you wonder or ask about a second opinion or other options is a sign you should. Time is not our friend with CC so I would not worry about researching more options right away.I have always felt that second opinions only validate what you are doing or open new options, you can’t lose. I know that Dr. Chapman will take your call and are very patient friendly because they are very passionate about CC.
    Please contact me if there is any info or help I can give you. I am proof there is HOPE.
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: 2nd resection a success! #63875

    Lulu-GREAT POST- your story is so full of HOPE, especially the part about all the new research. CONGRATS!!
    Lots of prayers and keep posting good news-Cathy

    in reply to: New here #63868

    Joanna-Welcome and sorry you had to find us. I am a CC survivor, 3 years and 2 months cancer free. I have an amazing story to share, I keep it posted on my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan). I had my miracle happen at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis MO. by Dr. William Chapman. I am a live because of God, 2 strangers and Dr. William Chapman. I was diagnosed July 30,2008 and was given 6-8 months to live and my only HOPE was a transplant.
    Joanna, I was blessed because I was diagnosed by one of the best who knew my only HOPE was Dr. Chapman and didn’t have to go through all the bad doctor and illerate doctor nonsense.
    Please call (618-567-3247) or email if I can help. I am living proof there is HOPE!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Gavin-Wayne Parson either posted or wrote to me about Dr Chapman training doctors in Scotland for our trial!! Wayne, if possiable is a bigger Dr. Chapman fan than me!! He flew from Hawaii to St. Louis for 72 hours just to be at Dr. Chapman’s reception!!!

    in reply to: The Atlantic: contributed by the son of a physician with CC #62806

    I have found the article to be very interesting because it was what everyone on this site has expierenced. I read it to say he started with HOPE and would leave no stone unturned, he used his medical degree to do what most can’t do and that is medical expierments, he tried to maintain a normal life and when it was time to accept the fact he wasn’t going to win the battle he did it with grace and his family supported and respected all his choices. I too had a child who was in college and my husband, doctor and myself wanted her to stay there. When the second transplant happenned she did end up coming home and missing a semester of college.
    I just heard so many of our CC families stories and expierences in this article. I agree with Eli that this is just my opinion and feel free to disagree. The bright side to this our cancer made it to a major magazine!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy


    Gavin-Mike was Dr. Chapman’s patient after me. I keep his story posted on my FB page!!! More kudo’s for Dr. Chapman and transplant as a cure!
    Lots of prayers for all fighting and taking care of us CC folks!! Cathy

    in reply to: Folfirinox-clinical trial #63571

    Kristina-Welcome I am a CC survivor. I live in IL. across from St. Louis MO. I am glad your mom is tolerating treatments. I also took 3 anti-nausea meds on a regular basis to prevent troubles.I also have BCBS and they never gave me any grief or added to my woes, I have 2.5million dollars worth of claims!!! I was your mom’s age when diagnosed. I have to been “Hell” and back and survived! Please share my FB page (Catherine Sims Dunnagan)with your mom, I keep my story and two other success stories on it, it is full of HOPE!!
    Lots of prayers and HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: 5 years cancer free!!! #63597

    YEA!!! I love to be given HOPE!! I am at 3years 1 month!!!
    Thanks for the HOPE and lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: port for chemo #58184

    LeeAnn-Why aren’t all 3 one option?? I had gemcidabene, 5FU, oral chemo and radiation all in one clinical trial. I am 3 years cancer free! I am not sure where you are bieng treated but you might talk to another oncologist for more info and another opinion.
    Lots of prayers there is HOPE-Cathy

    in reply to: Anything new coming up? #63344

    Tiff-Dr. Chapman’s lecture included how more people with intrahepatic cholangio could be transplant candidates!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: My new road: radiation? #61782

    Go team Kris!!! Just a word of caution radiation is accumlative and usually extreme tiredness sets in at end, I have posted this and also Derin and Patty!! Be prepared to rest and miss a little karoake and poker, but as you just posted “this to shall pass”! Keep all your positive thoughts because those and prayer are what make the best cancer fighters!!
    Lots of prayers-Cathy

    in reply to: Is this good? #63197

    Lisa-always HOPE!!! Hope is the one constant we all have!! Enjoy your positive news, you will find your self enjoying the moment and giving less concern about what tomorrow will bring. I am proof miracles happen!!!
    Lots of prayers for your husband-Cathy

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