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  • karenb

    Hi Susan,

    I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I read on here almost every day, but do not post much… however, I did want to mention that my sister had an obstruction and that is actually what caused her to lose her battle, because by the time they found out she had it, she wasn’t strong enough to go through the surgery… so if your husband does have an obstruction and is strong enough, maybe this is something you want to look into or mention to his doctors and/or surgeons…

    Good luck!

    Karen B


    Hi Susan,

    I am so sorry to hear about your husband. I read on here almost every day, but do not post much… however, I did want to mention that my sister had an obstruction and that is actually what caused her to lose her battle, because by the time they found out she had it, she wasn’t strong enough to go through the surgery… so if your husband does have an obstruction and is strong enough, maybe this is something you want to look into or mention to his doctors and/or surgeons…

    Good luck!

    Karen B

    in reply to: He wants to turn back time… #47281

    Oh my gosh! I read your entries all the time, and I could not stop the tears today. I am so sorry! I lost my younger sister to this horrible disease 4 years ago. I was so hopeful that Dave would be it. I wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. Sending you a big hug!

    Karen B.

    in reply to: Missing her #42759

    Hi, I can so relate to what you are going through. I too lost my sister to this terrible disease. I don’t post on here very often, but read the posts almost every day. My sister was so young and had four small children at home. She passed away six months after diagnoses. We would talk on the phone every day before she got sick. It has been almost four years now, and even though I didn’t believe it or want to hear it when people would tell me it gets better in time, it truly does. I can now talk about her and the memories we have without turning into a sobbing mess. My thoughts are with you during this very difficult time. Hugs!

    Karen B

    in reply to: Can’t imagine the end w/my Sister #33327

    Dearest Kristi,

    I so feel your pain! How are you doing? I lost my younger sister 3 years ago, this December 12th. Time does help, I can at least talk about her now without the uncontrollable sobbing. Although, there still isn’t a day that goes by that I do not think about her and miss her terribly. I absolutely hate this disease!

    You are in my thoughts during this very difficult time!

    Karen B.

    in reply to: My beautiful sister Caroline #28533


    I also lost my younger sister to this horrible disease. She was only 33 years old, and had four young children. I can so relate to everything you say. It has been two years since my sister passed away, but it doesn’t feel like it has been two years. She was my best friend and I miss her soo much! I wish I could tell you time makes it better, but that has not been true for me. Thinking of you during this difficult time.


    in reply to: Shirley – My Sister #26053

    Hi Teresa,

    I also lost my sister to this horrible disease. She was 32 years old and left her husband and four young children behind.

    I can so relate to what you are saying about being best friends for 40 years. I do have a lot of friends, but I still miss my sister.

    It has been 2 years since she passed away and there are still days that out of no where, I just start crying. I think time has helped some, but as you said, my life will always be sadder since losing her.

    I hope you find comfort in all the wonderful memories you have of your beautiful sister.

    Take care of yourself!


    in reply to: YOUR PERMISSION IS NEEDED #22343

    Hi Lainy,

    You have my permission also.

    Have a great day!

    Karen B.

    in reply to: FYI Scott has gone for transplant!!!!!! #20128

    Hi Brenda,

    I have been reading your blog, and today before I even clicked on it, I said, I hope they have a liver for Scott. Wow!! How wonderful! I really hope everything goes well for him, and he has a speedy recovery. I love reading your blog!

    Karen B.


    Hi Patty,

    First I want to say I am so sorry that you are in this situation. I haven’t posted for a long time, but I read the other posts regularly.

    My younger sister had the same problem when she was first diagnosed with this horrible disease. We took her to the Mayo in MN, but we had to put 2500. up front, before they would even see her. Then we got sent back to billing every time they wanted to do another test, and we would need to put up more money. My mom, my brothers, my sister and myself were putting it on our credit cards. So very frustrating and unfair! She was only 32 years old, and did not have health insurance even though she worked as a med aid/nurse’s aid for several years.

    It is hard enough waiting for appts, phone calls, watching your loved one in so much pain, but then to have to worry about the medical aspect of it too, it was terrible.

    Hang in there and keep looking for resources. Hugs!!

    Karen B.


    Hi Michael,

    I know exactly what you are saying when you say you feel so helpless. I lost my younger sister to this terrible disease. I really wish I would have found this board, back when she was diagnosed. There is so much knowledge and support here. We didn’t know where to begin when we heard the diagnosis. Stay strong for your wife, but don’t forget about yourself. My thoughts are with you and your wife!


    in reply to: Remembering my sister #17175

    Dear TraumaJock,

    Hi! I also lost my younger sister to this terrible disease. She was only 32 years old. She fought so hard, and we were right by her side all the way. I still cannot believe it. I miss her every day. She left four beautiful young children and a husband behind. I do love spending time with her children. I carry my sister in my heart too!

    I think that is great that you went on to be a nurse. Carry her in your heart always…


    in reply to: Oh my god the pain is so deep! #16694

    Thank you Edith and Kate! I am going to look for the books you suggested, Edith.
    Kate, I know what you meant, a person thinks if they grew up taking care of someone and being there for them all your life, and then they pass away before you, it doesn’t seem right. She was only 32 years old. But, as we all have to learn the hard way, so many times age has nothing to do with it. Thank you both again!



    Hi Everyone!

    I just want to say I know exactly what all you are going through. I lost my younger sister 9 months ago to this terrible disease. She was having some pain in her shoulder, but other than that, was always healthy. She worked in a nursing home, so we just assumed it was from too much lifting. The pain kept getting worse, and when she went in and had a CS and then a Pet Scan and found out it was cancer, we could not believe it! We took her to the Mayo clinic and then to a cancer center in MN. She fought as hard as she could, unfortunetely she had to be on so much pain medicine, it stopped her intestines from working, and she got a blockage, couldn’t get food down anymore. She passed away six months after being diagnosed. I still wish we would have done so many things differently, but, I am happy for the time we had, and I try to spend as much time with her four children as I possibly can. I really wish they could find a cure! My thoughts are with you all, Karen

    in reply to: Oh my god the pain is so deep! #16690

    I lost my younger sister to this horrible disease. I feel the pain every day. I miss her so much, she was my best friend. She left four beautiful young children and her husband behind. I just cannot make sense of it… those babies needed their mom so much! She tried so hard to fight it, but just six months after she was diagnosed, she passed away. I have been through so many emotions, but most of the time I feel angry.

    I just wanted to vent somewhere too! Thanks!


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