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  • in reply to: Latest ct scan results #69627

    Doggone it! I wanted to post in the good news section! It’s not the worst news, but it could be better.
    New nodal involvement at the tip of the pancreas involving another blood vessel, of course. Dr. Fong doesn’t want to try to remove it because of where it is. There are a few options like IRE (electricity) or microwave ablation. But he wants me to talk with rad onc. So I got an appt for Monday with dr. Meyer to discuss radiation or other courses of action. Dr. Fong wants to look at other options because I look so healthy and doing the ablation would be like another major surgery.
    $@##%!!! I was hoping nothing had changed.
    We discussed clinical trials. He said the cancer cells no longer have clearly defined edges because of the necrosis so phase III trials would probably not take me. Phase II might, but there’s no way of knowing if I would actually be getting treated or getting a placebo. And Phase I trials are mostly to see if how new drugs affect people, not necessarily the cancer, and since I’m no sick he wouldn’t recommend that.

    in reply to: Great news #69617

    Oh, Lauren, I am so thrilled to hear your news!!

    in reply to: Posting Sensitive Subjects and Statistics #69605

    I, too, find many posts upsetting, but I also know the mortality rate, while still horrendous, is better than 2 years ago when I found this site. When I was diagnosed, it hit me like a ton of bricks that I might not live to see my 50th birthday. By the way, I turn 50 in June and I have no intentions of going anywhere for a few more years at least. I am coming up on my 2 year anniversary of hearing the word cholangiocarcinoma for the first time, and my initial searches all pretty much said I was done. I’m still here and still “not sick!”
    While it s extremely upsetting to read some of these posts, I find it encouraging to know the mortality rate has dropped so much in 2 years, and I hope and pray that within the next couple of years yet more breakthroughs are found and the mortality rate percentages change to survivor percentages!
    I will agree that adding to the title saying a post has sensitive material may have merit. But then I think that I often click on a post that says “my mom” or something as “mundane” and end up crying like a baby over someone’s post.
    It’s a hard decision to make, and I often skip posts when the title sounds like I would get far too upset. Then again, I read most of the medical links pertaining to me, no matter what, for any new information I might glean from the new research.
    Sorry if this is disjointed. I’m trying to be cohesive, but don’t seem to know if I am making sense.

    in reply to: Re: Midnight fevers? #69407

    Hahaha! I only know that peri menopause hit immediately upon beginning chemo and its over now!! Less than 2 years of that stuff… One good thing from cancer, huh?? :)

    in reply to: Re: Midnight fevers? #69405

    When I had the pump installed, they had to keep me in the hospital an extra few days because my fever kept spiking around 9 pm. I would be fine all morning, then around 5pm or so it would elevate a little and around 9 I would get a headache and they would check my temp to find it had spiked to 101. This continued for about 2 weeks after they finally released me. No one could figure out why. I don’t worry about it much when it happens anymore unless it gets over 102.
    I haven’t had this in a while, tho.
    I hope she is able to get transferred to NYP so she can get the surgery… Hopefully on schedule or maybe Dr. Kato can move her date back just a few days until the fever is under control.
    Good luck and keep us informed.

    in reply to: My surgery #69208

    Glad to see your surgery went well…. Now for some more good news next week!
    Best wishes,

    in reply to: New member #69193

    My thoughts are with you and your husband. I watched a webinar today from Mass General for patients with intrahepatic cc. It will use gem/CID and possibly proton beam radiation. You may want to look into it. The info will be on here as hosted the webinar.
    I have never been told what be I have, so I will have to ask. And I have already had stereotactic radiation thru Sloan so I don’t know if I would be a candidate anyway, but it’s worth a look.
    Did any of the doctors suggest radiation?
    Good luck with your search, and keep us all informed, as we all care. This is a wonderful support group.


    I don’t understand this but I’m sure gonna ask my docs on the 12th! Just have to remember to print it out!

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #65848

    I’m sorry to hear that Jayne. You or the docs will find something else I am sure. Just keep the faith and be proactive!
    I’m probably not proactive enough, but I’m not sick on the outside so I’m torn between kicking it when it’s down and possibly having worse consequences or riding the good times out until I need to do something. It’s a hard decision to make…
    I also have a caringbridge account. I couldn’t handle the 40+ emails all the time, so if they wanna know, they gotta go there! I also post brief messages on Facebook.
    God bless,

    in reply to: Newly Diagnosed #65853

    Susan: I am so sorry to hear this. Who are you going to see at Sloan? Dr. Kemeny is a brilliant doctor but I would not recommend her to most people. Her personality is nonexistent. Unless you are looking at the option of the liver infusion pump, you wouldn’t see her anyway.
    Dr. Fong is my surgeon and he is a “person”. Not just a doctor. He talks to you and explains things. I love him. Sloan is a great research hospital, which is why I go there. Can I ask where in New Jersey you live?
    God bless,

    in reply to: My Story #69026

    Sorry you had to find us this way. I was diagnosed 2 years ago with stage 4a. The mets for me were to lymph nodes. The main tumor is in the liver. I also had no symptoms but my CA19-9 was over 80 (can’t quite remember what). Bilirubin was 0.7 or so.
    I did receive gem/ox. My suggestions are to make sure he has a scarf, warm socks and gloves nearby. There are a few side effects, which he may or may not get. Nausea is one. It can be controlled with meds but I eventually found it easier for me to just give in. I was sick for about 1/2 hour the evening after infusions. Then I was fine.
    Almost everyone suffers some amount of neuropathy. Make sure you have room temp drinks, as he will almost definitely not be able to drink anything cold. And a scarf for the cold air… it will hurt his throat. At least for a few days. And gloves help a lot, even when taking food out of the fridge and grocery shopping. I got some stares as my gem/ox treatments were in the summer.
    It’s a little bit of a nuisance, but beats the alternative! The tumor and lymph nodes responded well to this cocktail, as I hope his does. Please keep us posted and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me. I believe I’m one of the few here that has actually had this cocktail. My email is
    By the way, just to make you feel better… I’m still not “sick”. I’ve never been jaundiced. I have had my share of “sick days” and had a couple of stints in the hospital for various reasons, but we are keeping cc at bay.

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery News #56102

    Yay for the great news! I’m so happy things are moving forward! I’ll be there walking with Lauren in spirit! Time to get the Pom poms out for a huge cheer!
    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: The Passing of My Wife, Cindy Andrews #69017

    Lanny: I never met your wonderful Cindy, but she was so special. She encouraged so many of us, and I loved seeing her posts of her grandchildren.
    I am so glad to have had her in my life, as it was, and I pray that time will heal your wounds and you always remember the wonderful life you had with such a special lady.
    Hugs to you and your family,

    in reply to: Painful heels #68869

    Linda: I used udder cream(?) and lotion with urea in it. I bought the eucerin one. And I put it on thick at night and bought special socks that held in the lotion. My feet hardly cracked but after I finished my treatment I got lazy and about a month later they started peeling like crazy. Good luck.

    in reply to: 6 Years and Doing Great! #68702

    Sue: I don’t know how I missed this! I literally broke down crying reading your great news!!

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