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  • kristin

    Marion, this link doesn’t work. Could you please repost it?

    Thanks for everything you do!


    in reply to: Jeff G Has Gone to A More Peaceful Place #28619

    Jeff touched so many people’s lives in so many beautiful ways– mine among them.
    He will live on, in all of our hearts.


    in reply to: new member #28679

    We are so glad you found us! Please tell us a little more about yourself when you’re ready to, and let us know what we can do to help.

    Sending you healing wishes!


    in reply to: Supplements? #28660

    For up-to-date information and research on nutrition and supplements, I (and other people) recommend the book Anti-Cancer, by D. Servan-Schreiber. It not only gives recommendations, but explains the science behind them, and has copious references if you want to check up for yourself.

    Hope this helps!


    in reply to: Where to find milk thistle seeds? #28558

    If you want to take them in capsules (or a standardized extract) any health food store has them– and even chain pharmacies like Rite Aid, CVS, and Walgreen’s. A good online source is (which has very good prices on all kinds of supplements.)

    I’ve been taking milk thistle for five years, and I’m convinced it’s one reason I’m doing so well.


    in reply to: New to radiation #28252

    I had 33 radiation treatments, with no problems other than tiredness (I needed 9 hrs. sleep a night plus a nap) and a burnt taste in my mouth. Some heartburn, but over-the-counter stuff worked for that.

    Most people seem to do fine with radiation, and I’m convinced it’s what walloped my tumors so thoroughly. 2 1/2 years later, they’re still there but not causing any trouble.

    Hope you have GREAT results too!!


    in reply to: Looking to connect with others facing this disease #28196

    Danielle, one of the things that has helped me the most over the last five years is this thought: Doctors can tell you what USUALLY happens with a particular disease, but they can never, ever tell you for sure what will happen in YOUR case.

    Hope this helps!


    in reply to: Looking to connect with others facing this disease #28193

    Hi Mary,

    We’re so glad you found us! I think you shouldn’t put limits on your life, because you just don’t know. As you read these boards you’ll find that people have such different experiences with this disease that it almost seems like a bunch of different diseases.

    In my case, I had a resection five years ago, and a recurrence almost three years ago treated with radiation and Xeloda. That treatment didn’t get rid of the tumors, but since then they haven’t grown– and no one can explain why. I feel great and have no symptoms or problems at all.

    So, yeah, your friends are being a little naive when they say you can “beat this cancer.” And we all have “limited time left”, cancer or not. But I think you should make your present and your future as big as possible in your mind.

    We’re here to help you in any way we can!


    in reply to: Help for Mom/family #28077

    When I could eat only shakes and smoothies, I always put in a big glob of peanut butter (a couple tablespoons.) It adds lots of calories and “good” fat. (Mixed with yogurt, juice, frozen berries, and whey protein powder.)

    Hope this helps!


    in reply to: Health Insurance Offer #27816

    I’ll believe it when I see it, that’s all I have to say…

    My husband and I are among the unlucky 7% that have to buy their own insurance. We’re just fortunate to live in a state that won’t let insurance companies drop you if you get sick.


    in reply to: Recovering ahead of schedule #27562

    I was told I had to wait 4 weeks for chemo and radiation, because both interfere with the healing of incisions.

    We’re so glad to hear you’re doing so well!!!

    in reply to: Hospital Communication #27577

    Rose May, we are all thinking of you, praying for you, and sending you healing thoughts.

    I know how incredibly stressful it is waiting for surgery– before my second one, they FORGOT to tell me the CAT scan results so until the day before I didn’t actually know if the surgery was a “go” (they couldn’t do it if there were more than the three tumors they already knew about.) Why do people do things like that?!

    But all will be well, soon.


    Kristin (Wisconsinite in exile!)

    in reply to: Any treatment that works? Please help #27458

    I had a resection in 2004, and a recurrence in 2006 that was inoperable and treated with radiation and Xeloda– it shrank the tumors but they’re still “there.”

    Since then, my treatment has been weekly acupuncture (to boost my immune system and strengthen my liver) and many supplements (especially IP6, ginseng, and milk thistle.) Recently I have also started practicing qigong, which I feel has been immensely helpful.

    I have to very respectfully disagree with Lisa about the usefulness of alternative treatments– I have had very good results with them. I think each person needs to find the treatment that feels right for them.

    Wishing you all the best!


    in reply to: One year ago today I had unsuccessful resection surgery #27449

    Yayyyy Lisa! You’re an inspiration to us all!


    in reply to: hallucinations #27315

    And I had horrific nightmares on Percocet– they went on and on and I couldn’t wake up.

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