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  • lainy

    OMGOSH, Donna. My Teddy had the CC and after he “relocated” I fought U.C. for 4 years and finally had the Colectomy last May. I had read that Colitis can be a cause of CC. Just lucky I guess!
    I am so very glad to hear how well you are getting along and hope to keep hearing you repeat that news! Wishing you the very best!

    in reply to: My beloved mother #76644

    Dear Desiree, It is good to hear from you but I am unhappy that you are still in this deep dark hole. We have been together, you and I for a few years now and I wish I knew how to get you to enjoy life once more. I am sure that the happy, gregarious, caring and talented Mom of yours wishes she too could tell you how much she would love to see you laughing. Our loved ones so want to see us happy. My own interpretation of the single line streak in the sky is Mom telling you that everything is like a coma. She would love to paint you a really crooked and happy looking line not a flat line. I agree with you about people who really don’t care, probably not worth the friendship or perhaps have never lost a loved one. I remember how you love to ride your bike and that makes you and me both happy. Music! By not listening to music you are probably missing some of your Mom’s favorite music which is one way of contacting you.
    I can’t remember if you ever asked me for the signs that loved ones are around us. If you would like a copy just e mail me and I will send it to you. Honestly, knowing how my husband would want me to be, well, that is what I strive for to please him. I would imagine that to take on the project of Mom’s paintings would be a BIG project but she would be very proud of you for doing that and to get the world to someday know her. I wish you the very best, and hope you will come to a time that you want that for yourself as well. Best of everything to you!

    in reply to: 3rd strike on surgery. No transplant. #91645

    David, the good news is that there are still lots of options. It is really so very true that a surgeon does not know what he is going to find until he ventures in and looks around. Never count surgery out down the road. If an internal drain begins to cause pain it usually is because they dislodged. Easy fix so to speak… stents. There are others who went on after an aborted surgery and down the road did get their transplant. Hang in, hang on and keep up the good fight there could be help right around the corner!

    in reply to: Sad News #91718

    Dearest Nancy, I am so sorry to read that Ron’s valiant fight has ended and he was certainly a beacon of HOPE for this site. Please accept my humble condolences.
    It is hard to sing of oneness when our world is not complete, when those who once brought wholeness to our life have gone. Nothing but memory can fill the emptiness their passing leaves behind.
    But memory can tell us only what we were, in company with those we loved.
    It cannot help us find what each of us, alone, must now become.
    Yet no one is really alone; those who live no more, echo still within our thoughts and words. What they did is part of what we have become.
    We pay homage to our departed when we live our lives most fully, even in the shadow of our loss.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #91696

    Dear Patricia, just a thought about your Carole’s emotional state. If you feel she cannot cope with this or draw strength to fight this, what about asking her to ask her ONC if he could give her a little dose of something to help take the edge off? If she says no to that she could possibly talk with her clergy or perhaps a social worker from the Hospital. Just a thought. You are right about positive energy and attitude as that does help the flow of things.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80463

    Hi, Matt! I can’t wait to meet you and your wife!

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #91691

    Hi Patricia, my husband had a Whipple and the surgeon warned us that if he saw it had spread once they got inside they would abort the surgery. On the better side members have gone through this and have to end up with chemo before a surgery. Quite often it does go well, I hope it works as well for your loved one. Your family is certainly dealing with a lot. Sending prayers to them all. I am glad they have had other opinions as well. Now we hope for a successful chemo treatment and then surgery. I know this is a shock diagnosis as unfortunately one does not know in the beginning that they have CC, no symptoms. Scary! Trust yourself, the rest will follow! When first diagnosed one will start out walking slowly and before you know it they will be running with the pack! Please keep us updated on her progress and below is a site you may find helpful:

    in reply to: ARQ-087 Clinical Trial : FGFR2 Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor #91431

    Dear Ashley. this is such great news. Keep it coming! Trust yourself, the rest will follow! When first diagnosed one will start out walking slowly and before you know it you will be running with the pack! YEA!

    in reply to: Please consider sharing on your FB pages……. #91685

    All OK as I copied it fro Gav and it worked. Thanks a bunch!

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed #91689

    Dear Patricia, I am so sorry about your Family Member but know that you have come to the best place to be for CC support. We have quite a remarkable CC family. May I ask why surgery could not be done. Also where is the member being treated. I would suggest a second opinion, even 3rd and 4th. You want to make sure treatment and Oncologist are very familiar with CC and it is imperative that treatment and ONC are experienced with CC. Below is a site you may find helpful and please give us as much info as you can and need answers just ask away. Wishing you all the very best and please do keep us posted.

    in reply to: Please consider sharing on your FB pages……. #91682

    GAH! I just tried and the page would not appear.

    in reply to: New scan shows Gem/Cis not working, need new recommendation #85808

    Hi Rod, my goodness you certainly have done your home work. I have one suggestion and that would be a consult with Dr. Javle at MD Anderson in Houston. Hang in and hang on because that remarkable attitude of yours is going to help!

    in reply to: New Surgery for Me #91180

    Ha, Ha, I just answered your email, Holly! I am doing good although this one is a long recoup too. About 6 weeks. I took a big step today as I rejoined my Temples choir and while I had such a great time I have been exhausted since singing. But singing is good for the soul, spirit, and just plain comforting! Thanks for asking.

    in reply to: shortness of breath #91657

    Donna, it requires a Lung Xray and a lung CT Scan. It is just that your symptoms are the same as my son who was just DX with it. Valley Fever. It may very well be something from the CC but because of the breathing situation I would at least ask about it. It is a fungal infection. Best of luck on this. At least you would be eliminating problems.


    BGMAT sadly this is all normal. You never know how strong you are until “strong” is the only choice you have!

    I asked for strength. God gave me difficulties to make me
    I asked for wisdom. God gave me problems to solve.
    I asked for prosperity. God gave me brawn and brain to
    I asked for courage. God gave me dangers to overcome.
    I asked for patience. God placed me in situations where I
    was forced to wait.
    I asked for love. God gave me troubled people to help.
    I asked for favors. God gave me opportunities.
    I received nothing I wanted. I received everything I needed.

Viewing 15 posts - 526 through 540 (of 10,019 total)