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  • in reply to: Newly diagnosed, had whipple, awaiting chemo #34755

    Hi Randi. Cyber Knife was originally for brain cancer only and slowly it has been introduced to more various types of cancer. The tumor must be under 7cm and there can only be a few tumors in the area. Teddy had to first have 25 days of radiation to shrink his tumor as it was 7cn and they shrunk it to 6cn.
    The total treatment takes only 3 – 5 consecutive days and you are done. The only after effect Teddy had was some tiredness. It works for up to a year on the tumor. First it “kills” it then it slowly “burns” up and is gone. Its is an amazing form of Laser. A true Miracle.
    Randi, you have done marvelous, another true Miracle. I just want to say if you have any questions at all in your is your right to seek another opinion. All doctors do not use the same protocol.
    I am elated about your recovery so far. Keep up the splendid work!!

    in reply to: My father #34776

    Hi Mshopeful: Wish I could help more but the only thing I can answer to is the “team” of doctors. Teddy is a 4 1/2 year survivor of a Whipple and I just had surgery October 1st for a GIST tumor, another “rare” cancer. We both have what we call our “teams”. Oncologist, GP, Gastro, and Radiologist. Luckily they all work together by keeping each other informed. I have found out recently that the Radiologist does not recommend treatment or do anything but what he does. They do not overstep one another so we feel the team approach is best. Good luck and hope dad is feeling lots better very soon.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed, had whipple, awaiting chemo #34750

    Hi Randi and welcome to our “Family”. My husband is a 4 1/2 year survivor of a Whipple. His CC returned a year ago with a tumor where his duodenum used to be. After radiation to shrink it to under 7cm he had cyber knife which really killed that sucker! Now he has two small tumors one outside the liver and 1 near a kidney. They are so small and for no apparent reason seem to be shrinking! Wild!
    His pancreas was not involved. 5 different doctors (ONC & Radiologist) said no chemo! It would not work on this type of CC. Radiation yes, cyber knife yes, chemo no. Again it may be different for the Pancreas involvement. Now at 77 he is looking to return to work part time and golfs. We don’t question why or why not, we don’t listen to statistics, they are wrong anyway, and there is no expiration date on the bottom of his feet. You will find that the more you learn about this, that actually the stronger you become and once the fight begins the fear subsides.
    May I ask where you are located? I would ask the ONC, “If I was your mother what would you suggest?”. No matter what decision you make you do have to have an on going routine. Teddy sees the ONC every other month and has LAB work monthly. He also has a PET Scan 3 times a year. I hope this helps a little and please feel free to ask question. You are not alone at all as you have come to the right place. Remember, ATTITUDE is everything.

    in reply to: My mom was just diagnosed with CC #34006

    Hi Scraggles. Is it the needles themselves that is bothering your mom? Perhaps if someone could tell her it is not bad? We have had many people on our site had their ascetis drained and no one has ever said it was horrible. Some people go in weekly.Perhaps if someone could explain just how the procedure goes it would give mom more comfort. I know I like everything explained to me then I can face what I have to do. Just a thought.

    in reply to: remembrance #34779

    We are so very sorry on the passing of your Mother. She must have been a very brave woman and fought a good battle. You know that Mother’s never really leave their children and someday soon you will see signs that she is still around watching over you. I am sure she was proud of you and ever grateful for your just being there. Our prayers and thoughts go out to you and you family.

    in reply to: Mayo Clinic transplant info for Cholangiocarcinoma #34739

    Oh, Gavin that was the funniest!!! Bingo on-line. I play Scrabble on line with my brother-in-law. You would think I would be well versed in Computers having working on them for 30 years. I am not! I am computer illiterate!

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34392

    Hello my dear Gavin….how are you and Mum doing? I sincerely hope you are now being kind to yourself. It’s been a pretty cool winter in the States this year. I feel so very bad about Haiti. (Speaking of weather) I was there about 35 years ago! It truly is such a poor country but a pretty country. The one thing that sticks in my mind is watching all the children walking to their schools in the morning. As poverty stricken as it has always been the children wore uniforms to school and I have never seen such starched and bright looking clothes, ever. It was amazing. Prayers go out to Haiti.
    So, what are you doing to relax now? We too hope one day you can come visit!!!

    in reply to: One year ago today, I said “Goodbye Daddy” #34731

    Dearest Patsy, while I cannot put myself in your shoes, I do believe that your daddy is all around you and you just need to look for the signs. Others have found this little piece of prose to be helpful:

    You will grieve my loss, but I have not gone. My body is beyond your reach, but my soul is touching yours. I am the one who enters your dreams. Caresses your face Hugs you. Misses you. I have not left, my spirit is with yours. I am all around you when you call. I am the gentle breeze when there is no wind. I am in the photo on the wall when you blink in disbelief. I am the song that enters your head for no reason, yet it reminds you. Don’t grieve that I am gone. I am with you, beside you, in you. I will be forever.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34389

    Margaret, it goes without saying that huge prayers are coming your way.
    By the way I took Cipro a month ago for a UTI and it did nothing to help. I am going to try Levaquin next. Boy this is some kind of roller coaster ride, yes? And this too shall pass, and soon we hope.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma #34380

    Dear Margaret & Tom, that is such wonderful news as it sounds like they are doing the job!! Everything is moving in the right direction. Looking for good news from the CT Scan. Just the fact that Tom is returning to normalcy in all ways is fantastic! I can hear all of Milwaukee cheering right along with us.

    in reply to: Need help finding a doctor in California #34300

    Very good, Rowena. You did well. I can hear the change in your “voice”. I would imagine its so much harder to be the patient and the patient’s advocate at the same time but you did an amazing job in a short time. We will be anxiously awaiting news from your visit. You are FAR from giving up. You may have a plan and that is the important thing. We know you are going to keep us posted! Darn good work!

    in reply to: remembering the last days #34703

    They played a heck of a game after the first 5 minutes! They are young and by next year could take it all! Now we switch to the Cardinals as that is our home now. They are equally good but they sure exhibited some bad behavior.

    in reply to: remembering the last days #34701

    Hi Darla, funny. I keep repeating some of my favorites but why fix it if it ain’t broken? Sometimes there are just no words, I can’t dig down deep enough to find them, so I use these poems/prose instead. Is it a Wisconsin thing???? Hope you are not freezing too much.

    in reply to: ERCP Monday #34323

    Lisa that is great news, about the stent not the bloat. You should have tied a string on then you could have floated over to see us. All kidding aside, its these little miracles we look for. Great news!

    in reply to: My mom is not doing well #33553

    Dear Sharon…I know this is the toughest time for you but for your Mom it is truly wonderful that she is so serene. That is all we can ask and hope for. A peaceful journey. I have said it before but you sound like a wonderful person and we can see you are the daughter every mother hopes for. Stay strong and know we are thinking of you.

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