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  • lainy

    YEAH!!!! A good news day. Keep that good news coming.

    in reply to: Update on Dad #32022

    That is such good news Kay. About the only thing we know for sure when it comes to CC is to ignore Stats. I always use the term, realistically optimistic.
    Keep up the good news!

    in reply to: introduction #31928

    Sorry to be tagging on so late but I was sure I had posted you under a different thread. At any rate a warm welcome to you and your mom. It sounds like you are on a good track and as you have probably found out already, the only thing we know about CC is that we know not much! One thing you can be sure of is getting some really good advise on this Board. I agree with Marion that if your mom tires easily there is no need for big pushes while going through this nightmare. She must do things at her comfort level. Wishing for you and your mom the very best and please keep us all posted.

    in reply to: Pain in tumor area #32006

    Hello Darling Kris. Teddy had some pains while going through radiation last year. And the tumor shrunk, still shrinking, sometimes a little pain yet. So go enjoy your hot chocolate with xtra marshmallows. He usually just took Tylenol.

    in reply to: Update on my Dad #31759

    Hi Gavin and thanks for the update. Certainly good to hear dad is feeling a tad better. His day care group sounds wonderful and as long as he keeps up with that it is a good sign. You are such a wonderful compassionate son, a good person. Millionaire shortbread sound mighty tasty. I have gone with my gut feelings for over 4 years now with Teddy and so far they have not failed me. Guess I have the GUT Medical degree! Love your updates.

    in reply to: My Mother in Law #32004

    Dear Theresa welcome to the site where you will find the most caring and loving and “smartest” people in the world! I agree with all above posts in that your M.I.L. is probably in a sate of shock and also does not want to burden anyone. My husband, Teddy, is going to be 77 this month and as a 4 year survivor we have already decided long ago no more surgery. We will fight in other ways as both ways have been successful. Its just such a personal decision and there is no right or wrong. As for talking about it we talk, talk, talk as it seems to make us feel better, the more we talk the more we understand. I also believe that when something is talked about there is no other “gossip” as its out in the open so no reason for people to speculate on what is happening all the time. Your M.I.L. sounds a like a pretty strong lady and I have a feeling she will not jsut sit idly by….but if she does that’s her call. Please keep us posted.

    in reply to: Nutrition #26414

    That is really great news about mom’s treatment. Gas and bloating is one of the biggest side effects from these treatments. Teddy has it all the time and he is not even in chemo. It was the same for his radiation. We have some really good people on board as far as nutrition so I am sure you will hear from many of them. Just wanted to say how good your news is.

    in reply to: Is surgery always the answer? #21356

    Adam, Ron is so right. This is the biggest surgery of one’s life and yet it is a very personal decision. Teddy was 73 when he had his Whipple and is still with us. The surgery bought him a good 4 years so far. Honestly we had no time to think. We were out of town, he jaundiced and go extremely sick almost over night. We lucked out on the surgeon and our decision. Many good thoughts going your father’s way! What ever he decides will be the right decision.

    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #26427

    Hello Ron, what would we do without a computer to help get us through the night? I have sat here many a night/morning because of CSS (can’t sleep syndrome) worrying about Teddy. About the dry mouth I will make a feeble attempt here. How about lemonade? I think it is so great that one can come on here and “let it out” because when you “type” it all out it really is cathartic and you become ready for a new dawn, a new day. Everyone on this site is already a survivor. Hoping for some better days for you!

    in reply to: troubling symptoms reappearing #20427

    Lisa, this is not exactly the kind of news I wanted to come home to. I always try to be optimistically realistic and that way am prepared to go either way. I will cross everything I have for better news. Its especially easy right now on the Percoset! Sending good vibes your way.

    in reply to: Pardon the game of 20 questions #26974

    That is all just stupendous Katie. Wishing you much success!

    in reply to: Dealing with body image change #31659

    Welcome Betsy and the good news is you are already a survivor! My husband is the one with CC but I am having a tumor removed Thursday which has caused me to look like I am carrying a baby even though I have lost weight. I bought some real loose dresses like “Moo Moos” and I just tell everyone I was in Hawaii!!! Also I found some cute beach cover ups that are “roomier” and longer. One more thought…the Maternity dresses today are really cute and who is to know? I won’t say a word. Perhaps the hip, chic, and trendy ladies on our board may also have some ideas.

    in reply to: Medicare Supplemental Insurance #30363

    Ashley, that is just GREAT! You made my day, we love a good news day and its a splendid way to start off my Sunday. Best wishes to you and your mom.

    in reply to: Sorry I haven’t written in a while #25819

    David I am so glad you are having the PET today!!!! What ever the outcome at least you may get a plan of action. Honestly I would have changed doctors in the beginning or at least gotten a second opinion. Has this doctor had experience with CC? Never would we stay with doctors who talk to a patient like yours has. And to top that the docs have to fight over who is going to take care of you???? Teddy’s CA marker jumped from 11 last month to 56 this month. I knew, I just knew the monster returned. He had a PET Scan last Tuesday and the doctor called Friday and yes there is a new spot, however it is very small, so when my surgery is over next week we will concentrate on Teddy once again. LABS monthly and visits to his Oncologist every 2 months and when needed the Radiologist gets right aboard. Sorry for my negativity on your doctors but I get very frustrated when I read that doctors are treating patients that way. Are you going to a hospital that has treated CC? I am hoping for the best for you but you so need an aggressive but compassionate doctor!

    in reply to: Need some mental help and lots of prayers! #31596

    Pam, someone posted not long ago about taking certain clothes and having a quilt made from them. I thought that was a splendid idea. You can then wrap yourself in everything mom and pass it on for generations. I will be thinking about you today.

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