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  • in reply to: Tick Saliva could hold cancer cure. #31207

    OMG! That is something. Who could imagine. For once I am at a loss for words!

    in reply to: Pets #31041

    You have an English Springer Spaniel??? I love those. Saw one in a Puppy Store but didn’t want one from them nor to pay what they were asking but he and I fell in love! He was too cute for words and had freckles just like me. I am so glad you are on a track now and as hard as the move will be it will ease up some of your worries.

    in reply to: Missing My Husband #31193

    Hello dear Darla. You are a very strong woman, stronger than you think and what kind of love would it have been if you didn’t feel the loss as you do. Jim knows, I am so sure of that and he was probably right beside you last night smiling at the toasts and what everyone had to say. Always thinking of you.

    in reply to: Swine flu vaccination #31076

    Hee, hee! Is that like which came first the chicken or the egg????? So true, Ron.

    in reply to: Possibly another new stint???? #31086

    I also feel I would get a 2nd opinion. Listen to your gut! Are you totally satisfied? It is your right. Honestly you will have the weight lifted if you get another opinion. “He explained that even if they could get the tumor they would still have to worry about her 2 other lymph nodes” from your post. I always thought lymph nodes can be removed! From the beginning I have wondered why they have so much trouble putting the stint in. It is my impression that metal stints prevent other options. Please consider a 2nd opinion. Also to repeat Marion, has this doctor had much experience with CC?

    in reply to: Swine flu vaccination #31074

    Can’t help as I have not had a flu shot in 3 years. The last one made me so sick, I have not taken the shot nor have I had a flu or cold in that time. Don’t laugh but I attribute it a lot to one little thing I do. I do not use any pens that are not mine when out shopping. Like to sign for anything. I always use my own pen. One day I just started thinking about all the people handling those pens! Also for your info saw a doctor interviewed on CNN and he said the alcohol hand rubs are much better than soap and water. That is my grandmotherly advise for today.

    in reply to: Feeling a little lost #31174

    Hello, Louise. We are so very sorry to hear about your mom. She was fortunate to have you by her side through this terrible journey. At least she is now at peace in a kinder place and will also be watching over you forever. Our prayers and thoughts go out to you and your family.

    in reply to: Questions regarding surgery #31164

    A Whipple does not mean pancreatic. Teddy had a Whipple 4 years ago and they had to cut the head of the pancreas to get to the cancer in his bile duct valve, but there was no cancer in the pancreas. Have you tried our search engine at the top of the page? Where is the cancer located? Why are they talking Whipple and yet the doctor says, no surgery? Guess we need a little more information.

    in reply to: 4 years doing great #20244

    Hi Mindy and welcome to our world of loving and caring people. I am sure you did not realize that Margie has not been on this board for a year but with that said, my husband Teddy had a Whipple 4 years ago at the age of 73. He is doing well, golfing and maybe going back to part time work. I would be happy to talk to you or your Aunt. You can e mail me privately as my e mail is by my name. I look forward to hearing from you.

    in reply to: My Dad gone but never forgotten #31060

    Jolene…I think you should have a Birthday dinner for your dad. Complete with white cake and a shrimp dinner. Everyone could bring their favorite picture and then each one can tell a “funny” story of something that happened between just that person and your dad. Prayers will be said, you can count on that.


    Wonderful story , Sue. When Teddy went for his last PET Scan I met a woman who has CC and in fact has posted a couple of times on our site. I gave her my bracelet. Sure makes one feel good!!!! You will have a blast at Disney and I think that’s a great Anniversary Gift.

    in reply to: Pets #31033

    I know it’s hard when it comes to pets but….priorities. Perhaps some people in a retirement home would love the older pets.

    in reply to: Gastrointestinal Conference Philadelphia, October 1 – 3 #30609

    You are too funny. Love you to bits!

    in reply to: Question about surgery #31125

    OK, thanks, I get it now. I know its very frustrating but even though we want it done now they have to be cautious. Once they decide and begin his treatment, it will really ease up somewhat as part of the frustration is just waiting when you feel they are “wasting” time. Also when the drainage tube does it job your dad will feel so much better. Stay strong and please let us know how he is progressing. Not that its funny but I sometimes react with stupid humor. When the doctor announced to Teddy that he was totally jaundiced I turned to Teddy and said, “you know I don’t like you in yellow”. Funny the inane things you remember. Good luck on Friday!

    in reply to: request for lainey and marions: #30465

    Hi Heather. We have talked a couple of times and I did call your sister as you requested but she never called me back. Please let her know that she can feel free to call me at any time. I will be happy to talk to her. Hope she is recovering nicely!

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