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  • in reply to: Scan today #28135

    YEA! I am dancing in my cheer leading outfit. Dancing yes, cheer leading outfit….no. We LOVE it!!!!


    Welcome, Danielle to a world no one wants to visit. We too are in Phoenix. Teddy had a Whipple Surgery 3 1/2 years ago and has been doing very well. What doctors are you using here? On wellness programs our daughter’s fiance was diagnosed with Lymphoma almost 2 years ago, has been going to a Naturopathic doctor as well as having chemo. He is in total remission. You can look up our history on this site. If you like you can e mail me and I will get more information for you. We live 5 miles South of Chandler. Teddy’s Oncologist is Jack Cavalcant. Radiologist is John Kresl. He also sees a Urologist James Bigelow, another problem from the cancer that returned last year. You have come to the right place. Please keep us informed.

    in reply to: Mom Newly Diagnosed #28120

    Hello and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. Sounds like you have everything going the right way and that the doctors are wasting no time getting to what needs to be done. I have suggested before, an over the counter cream that my husband used for itching called Sarna and can be bought at Walgreen’s or CVS. It is very strong and should not be used more than 2 weeks. Before he had his bile stent put in we also used ice bags on his arms and legs. The itching is just horrible. Is your mom jaundiced? Good luck on Planning Day and please keep us posted.

    in reply to: please give me your experience #28103

    Ana…do it yesterday!

    in reply to: Update Jeff G. Juandice/Scan #28087

    Hello Mr. Jeff!!! Good to see your name posted no matter if you are unbalanced or not. Man, I could not be without my socks. That’s awful. Must be like Linus’s blanket for me. I wear them all day and sleep in them at night. Glad to see the Eagle is still flying. Perhaps not soaring the way he wants but still flying. I know you will find the answer for the potassium level…you always find the answers.
    Lover to Valerie too. Have a good Easter and may the yolk not be on you!

    in reply to: newly diagnosed with cc #24651

    Dearest Vincent, I am so very, very sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. She was very fortunate to have a loving son like you to help her with this tormented journey. She must have been so very proud of all her children and just from your posts, she was a wonderful mom to have raised 7 wonderful children. Yes, I agree that she will always be with you as mom’s never really leave their children. She will be guiding you through life one way or another…that’s what mom’s do. We are very honored to have had you in our club and we hope that you will keep us posted as you travel life’s road. Our prayers are for you and your family.

    in reply to: Successful surgery #28019

    Hi Phoebe and welcome to the best little club in the world that no one wishes to join. Sounds like you are on the right track. I know reading all about this is very upsetting but read all you can. Its invaluable. This site is full of the most wonderful people in the world and feel free to come here to ask, advise or rant.
    Please keep us posted on what is happening and our thoughts are with you.

    in reply to: Hello! Hubby Newly diagnosed had successful surgery! #28037

    Hello Ladybug and welcome to a place no one wishes to be. That is such monumental news about Dave. This CC is unbelievable and you were so lucky to catch it so quickly. Bravo also to Dave’s doctors. This is a good site with a ton of caring people so don’t be a stranger. Wishing for a really speedy recovery for Dave.

    in reply to: Help, My mum has nonresectable CC #18688

    Dear Andy, we are so very sorry to read about your Mum. She was fortunate to have you with her on this terrible journey and now she is at peace with no pain. She must have been a wonderful mother all the way and to say what she did at the end showed that the mother in her came before anything else. She will forever be in your hearts and memories. Our prayers to you and your family.

    in reply to: Finally heard about Avastin #28000

    OMG, Sophie. Every time I think really hard about you there you are with your smiling face! What good news that is and hope it helps you big time! Good to hear from you and especially good to hear you got the big approval. Much luck and hugs to you.

    in reply to: Another 3 month check-up….another good report. #27988

    WOW! Ours is maybe not to reason why, we will take the good news!!!

    in reply to: Never heard of CC until March, 2009 #27980

    Hello Laker and a warm welcome to a place you never wanted to be. We are so sorry about your mother. It is unbelievable that someone would live to the ripe age of 87 and then contract this horrible disease. Everyone is different with CC
    so it is hard to say what you can expect. It does sound like you have done all the best and right things you can do. Our thoughts and prayers are with you on this unfortunate journey.

    in reply to: New Little Addition is Drying Some Tears #27716

    Dear Quanyinprayer, I am so very sorry that your mom and family is having to go through this terrible journey. I know its scary. I remember when Teddy was on the Ventilator after his Whipple surgery and I don’t think anything ever upset me as much as seeing that tube in him. I remember thinking, thank god they are keeping him asleep. Above all else is hurts us so to see our loved ones suffering. Our prayers are going out to your mom and family and our thoughts are going straight to you to give you the strength to carry on. Please keep us posted when you can.

    in reply to: I got chemo and good news #27948

    Oh Happy Days, Kris! What good news from our Munchkin! Now you can really enjoy your sister’s visit and look forward to that romantic little cottage. I hope everything continues to look upwards for you as you are certainly a fierce tiger!!! Good for you. YIPEE!!!

    in reply to: Headaches #27877

    Not sure,Lisa. We have been having a lot of wind storms like the Monsoon weather we get in the summer. I chalk mine up to the change in pressure out side or sinus. Any excuse , right? It could be so many minor things like sinus or allergy. If they persist I would call the doc though. Good to see your smiling face!

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