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  • in reply to: Update on John #23774

    Dear Charlene,

    We are very sorry to hear about John. With you at peace and at his side, I am sure that will help to ease the rest of his journey. What a wonderful decision by him to aid in the research of this terrible disease, you never know he could be the one that helps us all turn the corner. Our prayers go out to you both.

    in reply to: Jeff’s Update #23728

    Hi Jeff! We just feel so bad that you have to go through all of this KRAP! But as usual you are something else! We love you and will be praying that the Tarceva works. If you go through puberty again with the acne..I tried Lisa’s remedy as did my grandkids of washing your face with baking soda and it really works! If you don’t have acne it makes your face as soft as a baby’s you know what. Take care of yourself and know that we think about you every day!!!

    in reply to: Gerson Therapy #22213

    While I have not heard that all the doctors left, I do know that if you can find a good naturalpathic doctor they do charge like 1/2 the price to do the same thing. But the Envita web site is a good place to read up on it.

    in reply to: GERD? #23758

    Sue, add to that sugar substitutes. I have IBS and a touch of diverticulitis. A couple of years ago I started using the “Pink” substitute. That started throwing my system off. Then my brother-in-law said oh no! You must use the “yellow” substitute. For another year I thought I would have to go in to diapers. About 3 months ago I decided to go back to just plain old sugar. After 3 days my system was more normal than it had been for 3 years!!! Just a thought!

    in reply to: Help, need some options. #23751

    Hi Luluu and welcome to the best club in the world that no one wants to join!
    My husband had a Whipple 3 years ago and the doctor said if the cancer had spread he would abort the surgery. The reason he gave was that this is the largest surgery to the human body, not life threatening but huge! If he saw that the cancer had spread he would not put Teddy through this massive surgery and that is the thinking of most of the surgeons. He did abort due to a destruction of the pancreas caused by the dye leaking from the endoscopy. He gave the pancreas 3 weeks to heal as he had to cut the head of the pancreas off to get to the bile duct valve where the cancer was. He then went in and fortunately the cancer was contained and the surgery was successful. It came back this last April where the duodenum used to be. As far as his “remark” he certainly had no tact. I would definitely get a second opinion. And no, I believe most Oncologists are not like that. We have worked with 4 here in Phoenix and I have found each one to be very compassionate. Stay strong!

    in reply to: TEDDY’S HOME #23401

    Hi Jolene! You get an A for effort. It’s Mazel Tov. I always say, we are all going to the same place, we are just taking different paths to get there!

    in reply to: Drained and feeling guilty… #23713

    I honestly believe your grandmother and you are making the correct and kind decisions. Stay strong!

    in reply to: Drained and feeling guilty… #23707

    Welcome and sorry you had to come here! These are my own personal feelings but at this time your Grandmother’s wishes should be honored. If she states she is ready to go then she should at least be allowed to do that with dignity, peace and hopefully a little more quality time. Perhaps if you told the family just the way you told us, it might sink in. Maybe you could have a religious leader intervene at a family meeting? I believe that when people make others linger it is for their own selfishness. Yes, I believe your feelings are totally normal. If it was my grandmother, and with the prognosis the doctors have given, stay strong and let the others know that what they need to do now is show love and family caring. Please feel free to vent to us at any time, it helps to write it out!

    in reply to: I am new to this site #23697

    As I have been saying, welcome to the best club in the world that no one wants to join! Glad you found us! So sorry to hear about your sister and what a strong, wonderful person you must be. Your sister is lucky to have you in her corner. You are right this is an awful disease but we have all found each other and that is helpful for our patients as well as care takers. Hope your sister is feeling better after the stent is put in. Keep us posted!

    in reply to: Scan showed good results #23626

    NICE! We love to have good news on a Monday morning!!! Lets hope it sets the tone for this whole week! Way to go!

    in reply to: just need some words of encouragement #23600

    Hello Marlene and welcome to the best club in the world that no one really wants to join! While a Whipple is part of the bile duct (cholangio carcinoma) family it is more rare than having the CC start in the liver. My husband Teddy who will soon be 76 had a double Whipple (1st one was aborted) exactly 3 years ago. His was contained in the bile duct valve. We were visiting our kids in Milwaukee and our 2 week vacation turned in to 3 months! He did absolutely wonderful until this last April when the CC returned to where his duodenum used to be. I found this site when it all began (the site was new then) and I don’t know where I would be without my wonderful family on this site! T just finished 5 weeks of radiation and will have a PET Scan Oct 17th on his 76th birthday and if all is clean except for the present mass then he will proceed we hope, with cyber knife. Read all you can and read the past posts on here and you will learn more than you want to know but you will also be very informed.
    I have learned we have to be our own advocates and be very strong and soon that fighting spirit will take away some of the pain. Feel free to e mail me if you wish, I know this is a real tough road. What state do you live in?

    in reply to: Miracle Man does it again! #22950

    EEWW! Day after Thanksgiving sales?? Thats something I stay away from.
    I hope you come in before that as we have 3 guests coming from Milwaukee for
    Thanksgiving and then Thanksgiving Day we spend the whole day decorating outside. Would really love to meet you and then that would show our CC family that we can meet and get to know each other! I think that would be very exciting. Even if you came in on a Saturday or Sunday as I know you work in school. Like I said before we could meet 1/2 way also. If you like you could come here for the day as we have a clubhouse with a great pool. Being grandparents we are kid specialists!

    in reply to: Miracle Man does it again! #22948

    Heather, we love it! That is why we live here!!! Will you be coming in, in the near future?? By the way, please have friends put your lights up for Em. If you lived here I would over to help! I believe life goes on and Em needs to see that in the worst of times there are also good times. Stay strong.

    in reply to: EFT Session 6 #23305

    Glad Violarob that you are doing well and Jeff too. Very good with the “circling the drain” comment. Why don’t we say “we are being flushed down the drain but will come up with a gold chain?”

    in reply to: TEDDY’S HOME #23397

    Hi Jeff, the scene had a downtown, river (iced over) with skaters and boats, churches and 1 Temple, drive in restaurant and hotels. Also an area with a bakery, candy store, toy shop and produce company. Most of the figurines represented things to us. It was a small town. And a train circling the town. It was set up on a huge piece of wood 5 x 8 and the town was also in layers. The background was styrafoam mountains and the blue paper on the back of the styrafoam sheets was the sky. There was also a Santa flying overhead, a skating rink that played carols and a Merry go round. Oh and a ballroom with dancers. We have had an Open House every December for about 80 people. T would make calamari marinara and italian sausage and I would do the rest. But that is over too. We gave the whole village to T daughter in Calif. who will distribute parts to the grand kids. So, now we start all over micro-mini style. Glad to see you on-line!!!

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