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  • in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #26466

    How are you today, Ron? I’m so sorry to hear you had such a hard time at the weekend. I hope you’re suitably intimidated by Kris’ threats of physical violence ;) & are continuing to feel better.


    in reply to: My very embarrassing emotional break down. #31952

    I’m fascinated by the “farts” talk. That’s one of the things which my sister just can’t get used to (although please don’t tell her I told you ;) ;)). It’ll definitely reassure her to hear she’s not the only one suffering this additional side-effect!!

    in reply to: My Mom #32146

    Hello Sharon!! I’d like to welcome you, too – although I’m chipping in rather late. You all seem to be coping very well indeed with this rollercoaster you’ve been catapulted onto. I’m sending lots of good wishes for your mum & for the rest of Team-Marian.

    All the very best

    in reply to: My mom #31646

    What a lovely, lovely poem, Lainy. I’m so glad you’re going to keep it for Maddy, Amy. I have some wonderful memories of my grandparents & it’s lovely to think that some things don’t necessarily change in these rapidly changing times.

    I’m thinking of you, Amy, & am so sorry for your loss.

    in reply to: Greetings #32150

    Hello Scarman – & a big welcome from me, too. I’m glad things are going well & am pleased the Gemzar’s tolerable (my sister’s due to start on it next week, too, so thanks for the tips to combat any queasiness.)

    All the best for your continued good progress.


    in reply to: Cholangiocarcinoma Awareness Month #31975

    That’s great, Rick!! I see you’ve linked it to Facebook, too – I’ll poll my mates as well.


    p.s. I’ve linked the poll to my Blog. I hope no one objects. (I’m not sure why anyone would but my sis & I suddenly got the jitters about treading on anyone’s toes.) If anyone wants me to remove the link – please say!!

    in reply to: Dad is coming home #19956

    I’m so sorry to hear your dad’s news, Michelle. My sister was in hospital a long, long time, too & is currently waiting to see her Oncologist to talk about starting chemo. I know what a terrible blow it would be if we were to be given the same news you have been – it must have knocked you all sideways. Kris is so right – we are here for you.

    I’m sending all good, loving & positive thoughts & wishes to you, your dad & your whole family.


    in reply to: CC, Gallbladder or BLT? #32045

    Welcome, Kathleen!! I’m sorry I can’t answer your question but I wanted to send my best wishes to you & your mum.

    Please keep coming back with any questions & I’m sure someone on this wonderful board will be able to shed some light on them. Please let us know how you & your mum get on, too.

    I’m the sister of a cc patient & I know how much of a shock the diagnosis is for the family, too. You’re in my thoughts.



    That’s great news, Rick!! :)

    in reply to: Update on Dad #32023

    This sounds excellent, Kay!! Good Luck with the rest of your Dad’s course!!


    in reply to: Pain in tumor area #32013

    That’s really good news, Kris. Let’s hope Leroy gets the message quickly & GETS OUT OF THERE.


    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #26441

    I wish I could answer your question, Wendy. but I’m sure there are others who can help you & they’ll be on here before long. I hope you get reassurance from your oncologist very soon.

    Love Julia x

    in reply to: Pain in tumor area #32007

    Hot chocolate & hugs coming your way!! xx

    in reply to: Update from Ron Smith #26434

    Sleeping, eating & drinking??? Fan-tas-tic news!!!

    I hope you feel betterer & betterer … Jx

    in reply to: My Mother in Law #32001

    I’m so sorry to hear of your mother-in-law’s diagnosis, Theresa. If she was only diagnosed on Monday, you must all still be in SHOCK &, having heard the diagnosis of my sister’s cc a few short weeks ago, I know how massive that shock is.

    My sister’s initial reaction was “tell no one unless you absolutely have to!!” whereas I was incapable of seeing anyone without feeling a desperate need to blurt it out; her reaction has since come round to “any one who asks what’s wrong, has the right to know” whereas mine has shifted to “why should anyone need to know except your close loved ones?”

    I know our views & attitudes towards her cc will continue to shift (I feel I’m on shifting sand all the time with this disease) but we’ve got to a stage where we talk it through so she can get what she basically wants & I can find a way of being comfortable with it. ;). Hopefully, in time, your mother-in-law will be able to explain her wishes (or even shift towards your way of thinking) & you will all feel able to deal with this together.

    I send my very, very best wishes to you & your whole family.

    Julia x

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