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  • in reply to: Very low WBC??? #22834

    I think there is a medication that you can take that raises the WBC count. You might want to ask about that.

    God bless,

    in reply to: “I’m sure there’s lots of things they never tell you…” #22839

    I have a small node in my lungs, too, and like you I’ve never smoked. I see my doctor Tuesday, so I’ll ask him about it for both our sakes.

    in reply to: Why am I so tired? #22781

    Thanks for all the encouraging words!

    Has anyone else experienced foot or knee soreness? My feet are starting to feel funny, like I’ve been standing on them all day. It’s kind of a cross between tingling and swelling sensations. My knees hurt when I go up the stairs. I’m guessing that they’re chemo side effects.

    in reply to: Teddy Update #22787

    Why wait so long? I would make noise and demand a PET scan next week! You can’t let them shove you and Teddy around like that. That is totally ridiculous to make you wait so long.

    in reply to: New findings on CT scan #22741

    Hang in there, Jean! There may not be anything there… and if there is then there will be time to deal with it then.

    Meanwhile, you always have us to lean on!

    in reply to: Too Many Sweets!! #15692

    I hate to admit that I’m eating anything I want and gaining weight.

    I’m TRYING to eat healthier, though.

    in reply to: Recent News #22473

    Prayers and best wishes for you. You all are such heroes in my eyes and I wish you all could know how much each and every one of you mean to me.

    in reply to: Introduction #22582

    Hi Becky,
    I can sympathize with your situation. It is so hard to decide what to do when you don’t know what the future will hold. This illness disrupts all our lives and we just have to carry on as best as we can with the uncertainty.

    This disease really strikes people differently. Your mom may have months or years left to live. It’s something out of our control, of course. I would recommend to your mom that she fight. Use chemo and radiation to shrink the tumor. As for you, as you said, you can stay positive and don’t well on the “what ifs”. Be happy with your new life and your husband and your mom will be happy. I just wouldn’t make any big decisions right now if I were you.

    Although your mom would probably love a grandbaby :)

    God bless you,

    in reply to: Anyone have info about IVC and tumor involvement? #22685

    Thanks, Kristin!

    Your comment is certainly reassuring. I’m trying to get back into bike riding, and was concerned about the IVC involvement with excercise.

    in reply to: Genetics – The elephant in the room??? #22484

    As far as genetics go, I’m the only one in my extended family to have any GI cancer. There is breast cancer in the maternal side of my family, so I always figured I’d be fighting that eventually.

    in reply to: On A Sad Note #22603

    Oh, that is so sad.
    My belief is that he will see them from Heaven, and his future grandchildren will have their own special saint to love them and pray for them their whole lives.

    in reply to: I had a liver resection in 2007. #22525

    Hi Gale,
    I’m so glad to hear you are doing well and are getting stronger.
    I was told to take Advil because it metabolizes in the kidneys rather than the liver.

    in reply to: Teddy Update and Letter Reminder #22616

    God bless you and Teddy. I can’t imagine how difficult it is for you. I’m thinking about you and loving you both.

    in reply to: Husband diagnosed with CC #22576

    You’re the second person to mention liver flukes that were possibly picked up in Vietnam.

    I’m so sorry that your husband is suffering from cancer. But I do welcome you to our site.

    in reply to: YOUR PERMISSION IS NEEDED #22342

    Darla, just mentioning as you did the part about Vietnam Vets possibly picking up liver flukes in the war which now may lead to cc is a very important point.
    If we can screen these men for cc, it might save lives.

Viewing 15 posts - 526 through 540 (of 656 total)