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  • in reply to: Hello #22565

    I think that you just had a fantastic idea that would help raise awareness for our disease. The theory that Vietnam Vets like your husband are coming down with cc from liver flukes that could have been picked up in the war should be publicized. These men should be screened regularly as you suggested.

    in reply to: In hospital with blood infection #22551

    I’m feeling much better now and chomping at the bit to get out of the hospital. Unfortunately, it seems that I can’t be released until they identify the exact strain of bacteria that attacked me. When they find out, then they can prescribe the correct oral antibiotic.

    Thank you for your prayers and good wishes!

    in reply to: YOUR PERMISSION IS NEEDED #22326

    You have my permission to use my information. And thanks for your great efforts.

    Raising awareness is a crucial element to finding a cure. That’s what the whole advocacy/awareness/political campaign about breast cancer is all about. Twenty years ago people got busy about breast cancer awareness, and lo and behold, research dollars started pouring in.

    Of course, the fact that breast cancer is one of the most common cancers really helps the awareness factor… that is why it is so important to raise awareness of rare and deadly cancers like cholangiocarcinoma. We tend to get ignorned.

    in reply to: Hello #22556

    Darla, I’m so sorry for your loss. Please feel free to come here anytime and share. There are wonderful people here who really care and understand what you are going through.
    I often think that this disease is harder on the loved ones than on the patients. I have cc, and can’t imagine what it is like to watch a loved one suffer with this disease as you did with your beloved husband.

    God bless you,

    in reply to: I had a liver resection in 2007. #22528

    Hi Gale,
    Thanks for stopping by! I’m wondering about the IVC thing, too. My tumor is wrapped around the IVC, and for that reason they stopped trying to resect the tumor. How were they able to do a resection on you with the IVC involved? And like Jeff asked, where was your surgery done and who was your surgeon? I’d like to contact him or her to get a 2nd opinion on my case.



    Also, we don’t know what causes cc.

    in reply to: Things that may help financially #22421

    Thank you for the information, Carol.

    I’m going to ask my son and daughter to ask about reduced tuition at our local community college.

    The information about the hospital fees is invaluable. I wasn’t aware of that program until I had paid out a bunch of money. Later, our cancer care center’s social worker told me about it.

    in reply to: Recent News #22455

    Dear Irene,
    I’m so sorry to hear of your mother’s passing. I am also very close to my mother and am also single. I can’t imagine how difficult it is to face your grief and your health problems without your strongest supporter.

    Please go through with your surgery. Your mom would want you to take any opportunity possible to regain your health and beat this cancer.

    You always have your cc community here to talk to.

    God bless,

    in reply to: I am recently diagnosed #22357

    Your doctor’s recommendations sound like a good plan. You may be one of the lucky ones that have an immediate, positive response to the tumors. Just expect to be tired all the time as a result of the treatment. You’re moving into a place where you have to redefine “normal”.

    “Normal” is not what you used to be able to do before you were sick. “Normal” is now dealing with cancer, and still living your life to it’s fullest, realizing that you have challenges you never thought or dreamed you’d have before.

    in reply to: HELLO I AM BACK! #22378

    I’m 30 years younger than Teddy, and the radiation knocked my socks off, too, with the same symptoms. It took about a month to fully recover from it.

    After treatments, I pray that he will quickly regain his strength.

    God bless,

    in reply to: Is surgery always the answer? #21334

    All the literature says that for now, surgery is the only cure for cc.

    Many, if not most of us on this board have not been able to have surgery, or have had unsuccessful attempts at resection.

    However, some of us have had a good response to chemo/radiation therapy.

    This type of cancer really attacks people in different ways. Some people succumb within months of diagnosis, while others of us last years. You just don’t know. I am one of the fortunate ones. My Gemzar/Xeloda regimen has been successful at shrinking the tumor and preventing metanasties. We will continue with this until it is no longer effective, then try something new.

    I hope and pray that I, and the others with this terrible disease, can hang in there until a cure or more effective treatments can conquer this disease.

    in reply to: Introduction #22359

    Welcome, Jenn.
    But DARNIT, Why did you get this cancer?! You’re too young!

    I hope and pray the treament is effective.

    in reply to: Introduction #22216

    Kris, let me know what she says as well. I’m curious as to who she would recommend.

    in reply to: Mom just diagnosed #21141

    I’m so sorry that you lost your mom.

    As Joyce said, you’re always welcome here.

    in reply to: question about feeling itchy etc. #22295

    When I was in the hospital, we found out that I had an allergic reaction to the anti-biotics sulfa and something else. I was covered with hives, also.

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