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  • in reply to: question about feeling itchy etc. #22289

    The itching was the first sign for me that something was wrong. Tell the doctor asap.

    in reply to: So depressed #22202

    I admire the courage and strength of the caregivers. They have to suffer as much, if not more psychologically, then the patients do. God bless you all for your love and care. Charlene, you will have my prayers for you and John tonight.

    God bless,

    Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary afflictions are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

    1 Corinthians 4:16-18

    in reply to: CC Letters to Oprah #21599

    Everyone on this site is so special and wondeful and inspirational in his or her own way. I check in every day to see how everyone is doing. I hope that our little campaign to Oprah works. You never know. Look what the campaign for breast cancer awareness and research has done to increase the odds of survival for that disease.

    And maybe we can get our own goodies in bile duct green! LOL


    Many of us have had radiation therapy. I did last year, and together with chemotherapy, my tumor shrunk 50% and my health improved drastically.

    My chemo is Gemzar and Xeloda on a three week cycle.

    Hang in there. A year ago I was told I had three weeks to live, and I’m still alive and kicking.

    in reply to: IMRT Radiation #22217

    Yes, Lainy, I had the same symtoms that Teddy has. I was so very weak, and couldn’t eat anything. My gastroenterologist believes that the radiation irritated my stomach so much that it was creating extra acid and stuff. I can’t remember all the details.

    Teddy might start by trying Prilosec or some other antacid to help him feel better. I also used Mylanta, which really helped for quick relief.

    in reply to: Introduction #22214

    Well, since you are up in Alaska, you may want to think about going to Seattle for treatment. I’m in Washington state, and being treated with doctors affiliated with the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance. One of my oncology doctors, Dr. Philip Gold at Swedish Hospital, was recently honored in “Seattle Magazine” as one of the top oncologists in the state.

    in reply to: Introduction #20781

    Hi Sheryl,
    I’m 45, and also still have to work full time, but I’m also a single parent supporting three kids who are still at home. Thank your lucky stars that you have a supportive husband to help you!

    I do like my job, and feel fortunate to have it, but I also feel trapped. There is no way I can quite my job and look for one that pays more because of the insurance issues.

    I had been looking forward to the time when my three children were out of the house and in college, so I could finally have some “me” time and start my life over. Now I’m just hoping to see 50.

    God bless,


    I think we should try to raise awareness of cc. Maybe that will get more research done into the causes and treatments of this disease. After all, who ever heard of mesothelioma before activists and lawyers publicized the illness?

    in reply to: DAILY REMINDER FOR OPRAH LETTERS #21401

    I just sent mine into Sophie today.

    in reply to: Good thoughts please #21049

    We do understand where you’re coming from. My horrible ex-husband was an alcoholic and smoked three packs a day. His goal was to live till age 50.

    I want to live till I’m old and gray and 85! I’m only 45 years old! Why do I have cancer and he doesn’t? I never smoked because I didn’t want to get cancer :)

    I drank moderately but never got drunk.

    I excercised and took care of my body.

    Sometimes life just aint fair.

    Kris – DEMAND to see your doctor ASAP!

    in reply to: HELLO OPRAH #21560

    Will do. Thank you so much for taking the time to get involved like this!


    Nice letter, Sophie. I’ll write one myself. I have stayed fairly healthy throughout this thing, but I haven’t had any investigational treatment options presented to me. I feel like a red-headed step-child. Its hard to advocate for myself, because I’m still working and trying to keep up with the kids and the house and the job. I have little time and less energy to research treatments or diets or anything that could help prolong my life. It’s so hard when I think of what will happen to my kids when I’m gone. I still have my parents. They live close and have been very involved with the children their whole lives. But they won’t last forever.
    God bless,
    ~ Lisa

    in reply to: Hello my dears! #21510

    I’m glad you are doing well, Sophie. I really need to pay more attention to my diet. Your smoothies sound good. I’m going to email you for the recipies.

    Good news on the grandbaby – how exciting!

    in reply to: To Irene #21514

    Me too!

    in reply to: Dumb Questions For Ladies Only #21541

    Giant T-shirts and loose pyjama bottoms. Didn’t wear a bra for a couple of weeks until the area around the incision had healed nicely.

    Don’t have my “monthly friend” anymore. Yea!

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