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  • lisa

    Sophie, dittoes what everyone else had to say. I know it’s hard and frustrating to go through what you are going through, especially when you have to do it alone. I don’t know if you have a church group in your community that may be able to help and encourage you or not. I know my church has been extremely helpful in very practical ways, like giving money to help with my financial obligations. Sophie, people really do want to help, and are compassionate when you honestly express your needs and fears to them.
    Plus, you always have us. We’re just a click away.
    God bless you,

    in reply to: Hi, I’m Patty from Chicago #20421

    I’m so glad that your mother was able to see her 7th grandchild. Children are certainly a gift from God, and a grandchild is especially precious. Thank you for the update.

    in reply to: Introduction #20960

    Hi Marian,
    Welcome aboard. I hope that you will find this site encouraging and informative.

    in reply to: Feedback and Silly Question #20940

    Irene – no question is a silly question. This cancer works itself out so differently in so many different cases.

    Like you, I’m in situation #2.

    Yesterday I had a CT scan which shows my tumor continues to respond to Gemzar/Xeloda combination and is shrinking slightly.

    There is hope!

    in reply to: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) #20842

    There is definitely a link between our minds and our bodies. The Catholic Church has known this for years :)
    When I was in Lourdes, I went to the healing baths, then immediately went to confession. All the accumulated junk and emotions of the past few years came out, and I felt reborn. Sometimes all you need is a good confessor. My fears are put to rest and I am at peace. I feel better physcially and emotionally. Am I physcially healed? I don’t know. Am I emotionally and spiritually healed? Yes – and that is what is important. Our bodies will eventually die and decay, but our souls are eternal.

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20341

    Thank you for the update. She is in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you, Barb!

    in reply to: Drs bedside manner #20790

    I think that some doctors don’t think of the patient as a person, they think of them as a “case”.

    Maybe doctors have to depersonalize people so they won’t care so much and be hurt if there is a bad outcome.

    in reply to: Liver Resection a “No Go” – Feeling pretty down #20815

    I had a similar thing happen to me. We were all positive about a liver resection, but after they opened me up they found out that the tumor had grown into the IVC, so they closed me back up again.
    I know it is very disappointing.
    Hang in there and don’t give up hope.

    in reply to: Drs bedside manner #20788

    When I was first diagnosed, I was so toxic the doc said I had three weeks to live. That was nearly a year ago, and I’m doing just fine. I just got back from an overseas trip to Lourdes, France.

    Doctors aren’t God – they don’t know when a person’s going to die, or how a patient is going to react to future treatment. Hang in there and get a new GI.

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20338

    Has anyone heard any updates on Barb’s condition?

    in reply to: Bile Duct Cancer stages #20431

    Belle, you know you have friends here who sympathize and understand your situation.

    in reply to: Mother With Cholangiocarcinoma #20512

    You don’t have to accept one doctor’s opinion as gospel when it comes to this cancer. Every person is different and responds differently to treatment. For some, radiation and chemo work really well. For others, it doesn’t. I pray that your mother will respond well to treatment and that you have alot more time with her. I wish I could give you advice on the doctors and hospitals you mentioned, but I’m out here in the Seattle area, so I don’t have any opinions on the matter.

    (dx 08/15/07)

    in reply to: New member diagnosed 1/18/208 #20442

    Jeff, if you hear who is doing research on the West Coast, please let me know. I’m in the Seattle area and I’d like to do what I can to help him out.

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20321

    All – please keep Barb in your prayers. It’s been determined that her liver has shut down, and she is in need of all the prayers, good thoughts, and love that we can send her way. Also please keep her son Louis and her sister and caretaker Peggy in your prayers.

    in reply to: Hi, I’m Patty from Chicago #20415

    Patty, welcome, although I’m sorry to hear about your mother’s condition. This is truly a devatating disease. I pray that your mom will see her grandchild born. God bless you.

    ~ Lisa (dx 08/15/07)

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