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  • in reply to: Lauren’s tumors are shrinking!!!! #55674

    I am happy to hear it is shrinking and i wish you the best of luck :D good news is always good to hear when your going through this she must be so happy!

    in reply to: Celiac and or ibs? #55307

    thank you it went okay i just look like the mummy now with all these bandages haha me and my small veins always takes two times to go through..now i just wait a week! hoping for some good news

    Do they know long long it generally takes bile duct cancer to develop i know the spreading happens fast and is agressive but the actual bile duct it self is this somethign i would have had from young since im 27 now? or is it not known.

    in reply to: Celiac and or ibs? #55304

    thanks everyone for responding.. yes i do have a cat scan tomorrow and chemo it will be a long day for me! In a week i get my results so i am hoping for the best.

    I do follow a wheat free diet. When i was told about my Ceilac a year ago i immediately went on a gluten free diet and then came off dairy. I was still getting sick which is when i found out even after going on a gluten free and dairy free diet you can still have food sensitivites to alot of other foods like tomatoes fruit or high sugar foods corn depends on the person.

    After they put my stent in that endoscopy showed all that my stomach had completely healed itself from a year ago so it wasnt the gluten making me sick!

    But also about a few days to a week later all the inflamation went down and all the stomach problems i was having went away and I was able to eat again.

    I try to be carefull following the diet but sometimes crumbs can get into food or slip ups happen so it could be that and i am really sensitive one little crumb and ill be paying for it later! Or maybe i ate something bad that could happen too. It got a little better so hopefully it goes away. I will take some immodium!

    in reply to: Celiac and or ibs? #55295

    but how long generally does this take to develop? last year on my endoscopy when i found out i had Celiac and my stomach was completly derstroyed from the glutenthey didnt see the cancer at all and now i am in stage 4 and it was spreading very fast apparenntly if they couldnt pick it up and now i have all this crap in me. and when i did my endoscopy this year when they put the stent in my stomach had healed itself cause i stayed away from wheat so well so it wasnt that that was making me sick it was the inflammed liver/cancer/food sensitivites from Ceiliac.

    ive been doing so so i went to Trinidad to see my sister for a week and it was really fun but my brother and her kids were all sick so i got sick from then and the plane we came back Thursday and i have my first cat scan on tuesday! im so nervous but i havent had any issues except my stomach which i cant tell if its from the Celiac or the chemo

    the funny part is for the whole year after i was diagnosed i was feeling sick still no matter what i ate i litterally only ate dry chicken with nothing but salt n black peper on it rice and lettuce cause i was scared of fructose in veggies

    after i was diagnosed with this cancer they put the stent in and i magically could eat everything again all my liver inflamation went away it went down to almost normal. (i looked llike Homer Simpson prior to the stent)

    now i ate out a few times so i dont know if im getting sick again because of wheat or because my stent needs to be changed or because of my Chemo i know the gas is from my chemo

    and when u eat wheat it takes a few weeks to be back to normal again and i was even eating dairy before a little after they put the stent and now i cant again so i dont know whats going on i think im back to my rice and chicken diet cause i keep getting sick :( ahh it was so great to eat yummy food and not get sick i almost cried cause it had been that long since i was able to enjoy food.

    i was even starting to put on weight and now its down again so im a little scared for the results of my cat scan…although that and insomnia which ive always had a bit but is worse now seem to be my only issues.

    im going to try my plain diet for like a month and see if it helps.

    in reply to: ammonia free hair dye? bad idea right? #56046

    do you find the wigs look noticable? and can i wear then even if i still have some hair but its just short does it look more noticable if i have the hair? and what does it mean when my scalp hurts? like when you wear a ponytail too long kind of but certain spots at a time does that mean its gonna fall more?

    in reply to: question about no surgery #55810

    Thats all i needed to know thank you soo much i think my friend was just worried and read all the stuff online thats not accurate thats what i did when i was in the hospital too but after meeting my oncologist she did give me hope i guess my friend just scared me sorry i have my moments where i think about it but i will continue to make my long term goals because it helps. Im not giving up dont worry i just had a moment! it happens sometimes.

    in reply to: gemcitabine/ cisplatin questions #55143

    i am on my 2nd cycle so this is the third time having it cause i am on the two weeks one week rest last week was my rest i do notice it really really itchy did that happen to you before it started to fall in patches? i guess everyone is different one nurse said yes yes it will fall lol one said no its not and then one said i might or might not the one who said yes said the itching and burning is what happens before it falls i wish it would just happen if its gonna happen i think the anticipation of knowing it might or might not fall or you might or might not get really sick is what makes me and probably most people nervous . I guess its not the end of the world as long as this thing is making me better! i can deal with some hair loss and sickness for 6 months or longer if need more just fix me… stupid cancer grrr..*shakes fist* at least it looks llike its working! cant wait for my cat scan in jan!

    in reply to: gemcitabine/ cisplatin questions #55141

    Thank you for your input i had a doctors appointment yesterday with her and my first round of the second cycle today so i asked her yesterday. The nusrse said that since my head has been very ithcy that means that it might be getting ready to fall :( and that it might fall in patches or bald. its itching soooo much i notice quite a bit of sheding in the shower now too i try not to wash my hair too soon im scared its all gonna drop when i go in i guess im ready for that! yay for scarves!

    I asked about the immodium she said its okay but not to take too much of it i wasnt planning on it only if its really bad. I will follow that bananas and rice plain foods diet that seems to help and yes i do follow a gluten free diet i try to stay away from dairy and too much sugar when i can too i think it bothers me more now with the chemo :( which sucks because i loveeeee cheese but you gotta do what you gotta do!

    Good news though im always hungry hungry hungry and my jaundice is almost gone which she said means my inflammation is almost all gone so the chemo could be working! :) im happy with the results from my first cycle of chemo i hope it stays like this. one down 5 more to go.

    in reply to: gemcitabine/ cisplatin questions #55136

    Thank you! Yup thats what im on next week is my forth week and 3rd iv i still have a while to go. My scan is on january the 11th! i am hoping for good news. Thanks for the link i have an appointment with her on tuesday and my next chemo on wednesday it doesnt seem to be too bad so far. Some dyas worse than others.

    in reply to: 27 and advanced inoperable spread to liver lungs :s #54770

    Thank you all so muc for our kind words it means alot to me really to go from not knowing anyone with this to hearing all your stories it helps. Im trying to stay strong for my family and friends. Hate to see them upset. It just makes it hard when planning school and stuff now. I can’t go back into hairdessing you don’t realize how bad all the chemicals we use on a daily basis are untill you go through something like this. I guess i know deep down that nothing i did caused it just probably added on to it i guess the inital reaction is what could i have done to avoid this. It helps havng the support of family friends and you guys. I just want to get better and go back to school get my masters and all of that so i have to be strong and fight :) Hopefuly this chemo keeps going well. I had so much discomfort before this i can’t tell which is fom the chemo or not but it seems to be okay unless i eat something really greassy or unhealthy need to look for more healthy recepies :). Was expecting so much worse for chemo you keep hearing how awful chemo is but this combo does not seem to be too bad. It still is my second week next week is my rest and visit with the oncologist. Thank you all again i will keep you update wish you all the best and if you ever need anyone to talk to you can email me since i have alot of free time on my hand when im not knitting and reading haha. Knitting passes the time away you should all try it.

    in reply to: 27 and advanced inoperable spread to liver lungs :s #54763

    thank you for responding. Yes i did ultrasound ercp endoscopy brushings and a liver biopsy i was in hte hosptial for 18 days! They found multiple pulmonary nodules scatterd throughout both lungs the largest being 8mm in the right middle lobe.
    My gallbladder is contracted.
    Multiple calcfied foci in the pancreas not sure what that is?
    14mm lymph node in my infeerior vena cava and abdominal. an several more enlarged lymph nodes.
    multiple lesions in my liver at least 7 largest 2cm in segment 4 anterior and superior to my duct.
    my uterus is anterverted cervix slightly prominent
    isoechoiclesion in my spleen not sure wha that is either
    confirmed klatskin tumor from mymid common bile duct to my bifurcation or the confluenceof the ight and left bile duct and dilated biliary tree

    you should see the picture he drew! im not sure what half my results mean but the picture showed everything i needed to know :/

    my oncologist and princess margert is a bile duct specialist for anyone in Toronto her name is Jennifer Knox. She seems very knowledgeable. She put me on chemo right away im on cisplatain and gemitabine which seems to be going okay i can put up with some sickness as long as it reduces all that! I hope its enough because i hear that this combination is mild and i wil not lose my hair or anything like that but they found so much stuff im wondering if it is enough? I know its not gonna shrink the tumor in the bile down alot because it is rather large but i guess the first step is shrinking down the spreading tumors. I know this is the standard treatment and im happy to be getting any treatment at all. Apparently statistics show that it has been sucsessfull in stopping the tumor from spreading.

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