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  • in reply to: Bile Duct Cancer stages #20433

    This cancer has shown to be quite unpredictable when progressing. Some people seem to have intermittent days with vomiting and extreme nausea often times accompanied by pain, to some degree. I would say to be prepared for anything coming your way. With your parents being elderly it might help to discuss these issues with all and to put in place a plan should the situation warrant outside help. Would you take your sister to a hospital or are you considering Hospice care? Hospice has been invaluable for most however, occasionally the nurses are not familiar with CC. You might want to ask some questions beforehand. I believe for comfort care to be of the utmost importance: no nausea, no pain and the control of vomiting.
    My heart goes out to you and your family in this trying time.

    in reply to: My father, my friend, my hero #20503

    Dear Lana,
    I had followed your journey with this cancer from the beginning of your postings while hoping and wishing for you father’s surgery to be successful. My heart goes out to you. Many times I have heard the comment: why does cancer take only the good people? I don’t believe that it does as I believe for cancer to take people – good or bad -. I do believe however, that it is those people who are good that leave behind the the greates void in the life’s of others.
    So sorry for your father having to join our loved ones.
    Hoping for your heart to be healing…one day at a time…

    in reply to: Family support for CC patient #20485

    Barbara Ann,
    So nice of you to be joining us while sharing your story.
    It sounds as if your father has been tolerating his treatments well. While he is staying in control of his illness you seem to be doing your homework by gathering information to which he might not have access to. Possibly, someone physically closer can nudge him to step up his food intake by enticing him with some special snacks in order to keep up your father

    in reply to: New to site, my brother was recently diagosised #20475

    Hello Patti,
    So sorry to hear about your brother however, so happy for you to have found us as each one of us has a story to share with you.
    Until others have a chance to respond to you it might want to take advantage of this site by perusing

    in reply to: Hi everyone from the Netherlands #20470

    Dear Jay,
    You might want to contact Prof. Lodge in the UK. By entering his name in the

    in reply to: New member diagnosed 1/18/208 #20439

    Hello and welcome to our site and congratulations on your successful surgery.
    It is my opinion although, the application of chemotherapy and/or radiation has shown an increase in longevity for CC patients however, it has not been clarified as to whether some patients, post resection, have benefitted from adjuvant chemotherapy specifically, those patients who are not demonstrating any visible metastases including, the patients without cancer invasion of other organs. Again, this is my opinion, only. As far as I know and I am sure to be corrected should I be wrong in expressing that Jeff has been treated with a variety of chemotherapy agents only, within the last three years following the initial CC diagnoses, which occured nine years ago. Also, Peter whom I believe to be five years post resection also, did not receive chemotherapy excluding, a short stint with Xeloda, one year ago. It would be beneficial for you to be reading their posts as you may notice the different approaches taken by either including, learning about the integration of significant dietary changes in to their daily life. As you have experienced already, the opinions vary greatly within the medical community. This site will expose you to a wealth of information shared by patients and caretakers alike many, of whom have chosen to follow up with a chemo agent whereas others have not. Presently, information in re: to CC is limited however, I believe it to be of importance for you to be gaining as much knowledge as possible in order to make informed decisions regarding any further treatment, at this time. Besides, the most wonderful people in the world have gathered on this site.
    Wishing for the absolute best,

    in reply to: Miracle Man Results Are In! #20382

    Lainy….so happy to be hearing of this outcome. Crossing my fingers for a positive pet scan result. This cancer is so unpredictable and knowing for it to occur in an easily accessible location in order for cyberknife treatment to be effective

    in reply to: Tammy Neumann – Wonderful Wife & Mother #20376

    Dear Ron…. You and your family are in my thoughts, and I am sending my love you. Tammy will never be forgotten.

    in reply to: Update on John #20097

    You and John are in my thoughts and I am sending all my love to you.

    in reply to: Any feedback are greatly appreciated. #20288

    Hello John,
    I welcome you to our site although, I am so sorry for the circumstances leading you here.
    The news you have received is devastating to anyone, no matter what age we are. My heart goes out to you and to your family.
    Generally, I believe in gathering several opinions from varied sources before accepting a diagnoses especially, as it is in your Dad

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20318

    I am hoping for Barb to be reading the wonderful postings and well wishes from all of you, soon.

    in reply to: Barb (thecdr) #20315

    Hi All,
    spoke with Barb.
    Barb stopped all treatments and is feeling quite comfortable, and she will read your postings as soon as she can get to her computer.
    Looking forward to her posting as I am sure, you are, also.

    in reply to: new scan clean #20359

    want to echo everyone else’s comments. Wonderful news.

    in reply to: Wondering in New Jersey #20280

    Sara, my husband (and many others on this site) have experienced these shakes. It was explained to us that the deadened nerve endings are responsible for this occurrence. Wrapping up in warm blankets, and letting it take its course seemed to be most effective. You might also want to use the search function by entering “chills” or “shakes” in order to find more explanations for this occurence. Others may also have some answers.

    in reply to: Worried in Wisconsin #20267

    Under “Patient Support” scroll down. He is wonderful.

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