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  • in reply to: Medicare Supplemental Insurance #30361

    That’s interesting to know. I have always felt transplant could be an option for my husband down the road if necessary but we obviously would have to do something different re: insurance. I hope you hear soon and wish your mother the best. Mary

    in reply to: Medicare Supplemental Insurance #30359

    Sorry for the late response. Medicare has covered all of my husband’s expenses related to CC so far(since Dec.08). The reason he is on Medicare at 61 is because of CC otherwise he would not be on disability and qualify at this age. I really don’t know what they are talking about when saying it won’t cover CC-obviously just more misinformation that is floating about these days. My husband and both sets of parents have had serious medical issues under Medicare and have never been denied or had delayed treatments for any reason. We have had much more success with Gov’t based coverage than private through the years. The idea of rationing or”death panels” is ridiculous. I hope things have worked out for you in the past few weeks. Mary

    in reply to: Neulasta concerns Please Help! #29645

    My husband has had MRIs every three months up until March with Gov’t sponsored healthcare. He has never been denied anything and I don’t expect that to change if we get a new health care program in place. I actually expect things to get worse if something isn’t done as insurance companies are struggling like everyone in business. Mary

    in reply to: Neulasta concerns Please Help! #29643

    My husband was uninsured when diagnosed and because he was given permanent disability status immediately was able to be covered by Ohio’s Medicaid disability program. He is now on Medicare. He has never been denied or had to fight for a single treatment. In fact his treatment was much different than most indiviuals on this board and probably would have been denied as not being proven effective by a private insurer.I feel he may not be alive tody if he had private insurance rather than Medicaid. I have personally had nothing but trouble dealing with claims from private insurance companies. The few times I have had medical issues have resulted in my having to file three complaints to my state insurance commission to get the companies to pay the bills they were responsible for. I think people are being fed a lot of propaganda as far as the ineffectiveness of gov’t programs. My son has had Tricare through the Army and both sets of parents have had Medicare with absolutely no complaints or problems. Don’t be afraid. I actually believe more money will be available because right now healthcare is being run as a for profit business and that is not right. Mary

    in reply to: Medicare Supplemental Insurance #30358

    It is sad, that is why I wonder if it’s possible. I’m glad you two have had good luck with your companies so far. My experience with private insurance is very negative. I have had to file complaints to our state’s insurance commission three seperate times in order to get various bills paid and I have been lucky to never have very many bills in the first place! I will try both of those you mentioned and check out some others. Thanks, Mary

    in reply to: Tumor Marker Elevated #30395

    Hi Kay,
    My husband has had the same thing happen. He has been cancer “free” for 2 1/2 years after being diagnosed three years ago. His marker has risen the past six months but they feel it has to do with his radiation stricture causing blockage and inflammation from procedures he has had done. He had four tissue biopsies from the area of the original klatskin tumor done in Feb and they came back negative. Just another puzzling aspect of this cancer!! It scares the heck out of you though, but I’m glad to see your Dad’s Drs. are very proactive and keep close tabs on him. My husband’s are the same!! Best wishes, Mary

    in reply to: melatonin #29647

    I’m actually buying the capsules, 900 mg per capsule, 95% curcuminoids. They do put pepper in the capsules,which I can attest to. Nothing like burping up peppery turmeric capsules and fish oil first thing in the morning!! I have been purchasing my supplements from This is the NSI brand of Turmeric Extract with BioPerine. I take two capsules a day but just give Tom one since they are 900 mg. It really has helped my aches and pains. I used to get shooting nerve pains in my feet and legs at night and I don’t at all since taking turmeric. Hopefully it’s helping on the cancer front too! Mary

    in reply to: melatonin #29651

    Wow, another one to add to Tom’s regiment. I just started giving him Turmeric which I have been taking and having good luck with. It really helps with arthritis pain and fighting liver tumors. I have occasionally taken melatonin and it does help me sleep so I’m going to give it to Tom too. I don’t think I’ll do the 20mg though. Kristen, I am also a great believer in the power of these supplements. Tom says he feels better than he has for years. I just have to keep the diet in line. We get off track sometimes and we both need to do better. It’s hard to not grill and eat ice cream in the summer! Ha! He loves watermelon thogh and that is really good for you so we eat a lot of that. Take care all and thanks for the info. Mary

    in reply to: Good thoughts please #29196

    Good luck and keep up the positive attitude. If anyone can beat this, you can. My husband had several different Drs. tell him he was terminal and once one of them told him that 99 % of the people with this disease die from it and my Tom immediately pointed out to him that that meant 1% live and he just had to be one of them. The Dr really didn’t know what to say. So it sounds like you and Tom have the same attitude and I pray you will continue to have the same good results from your treatments as he has. Just keep that tumor in line!!! Take care, Mary

    in reply to: Message to you from Jeff #28881

    Yes, thankyou Stacie and Rachael. It just makes me so sad to come on here and know he is gone along with so many others that were here when I first started. Lainy and Teddy are the only others left that were here three years ago and that is unbelievable to me. What a cruel monster this cancer is but what valiant , kind, wonderful people I have come to know and admire because of it. It’s mind boggling to know how strong Jeff was and how deep is love for life was. I really miss his presence here but we will all work at keeping his spirit alive by continuing to help others through their struggles. God bless you Jeff. Mary

    in reply to: Jeff G Has Gone to A More Peaceful Place #28624

    We are all so saddened by this news. Jeff’s passing has left a huge hole in the heart of this community. I can only imagine the void it will leave for his family. You were such a great guy Jeff!! A true friend. You took it to the limit-I’m just glad you are no longer suffering. You have lots of new friends in heaven and we have a new, very special angel
    To Valerie and family, I am so very sorry for your loss. It has been very hard to come on here and face the loss of friends but this is ecspecially hard. We loved Jeff and will miss him dearly. Please let us help you in any way we can.
    With tears and love,

    in reply to: Stents Replaced #28361

    My husbands Drs talked about metal stents but we always said no. He actually is stent free at the moment so I think we were right to stick with the plastic. “Permanent” bothered me too. It really limits your options!


    Dear Carol and family,
    I’m very sorry for your loss but you are right, he is in a better place and no longer suffering, He fought long and hard and you did too. Take care of yourself and family. You all will be in our thoughts and prayers. The band sounds great!! Mary

    in reply to: Maybe jumped the gun a little…. #28061

    Thanks Marion. We’ve gotten complacent because of all the good news we usually receive so this is kind of a reality check. You can never let your guard down with this monster. Weve lapsed a little on the diet so back to daily carrot juice and bowls of spinach! HA!

    in reply to: Anthony died on 30th July in a London Hospice #21916

    Prayers and hugs to all of you grieving this Easter. I hope the sun shines bright Easter morning in what ever part of the world you live and that your memories of Easters past give you comfort. I haven’t been through what all of you have been but I honestly can imagine it. I think I do every single day. You are very lucky to have each other. I hope you can get together to meet sometime. God bless, Mary

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