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  • in reply to: Devoncat no more #46202

    Oh, Kris. You will be missed beyond belief. I am so sorry and sad. I have been on this site for 4 1/2 years and I feel like I’ve lost all of my old, original friends here. The new friends are silver but all of the old were gold and Kris was the shiniest gold of all! Kris give Jeff, Peter, Teddy and the dozens of others we miss so dearly a big hug for us!! You will always have a special place in our hearts and on this board. You were a very special person…rest in peace.
    Love, Mary

    in reply to: anniversary gift #45813

    Great news, Bob! Tom had a “thickening” in his duodenum last fall that they thought might be cancer and it just went away. During last stent change Doc said it looked fine , no inflammation or swelling, so maybe yours will too. I think it was probably due to all of the infection going on, maybe yours is too. You are an inspiration to all of us!! Keep up the fight and enjoy the holidays with your family and new grand baby!! Mary

    in reply to: Teddy is at PEACE #45208

    Dear Lainey,
    Tom and I are very sorry to hear of Teddy’s passing. Know that you are in our hearts and prayers as you go through the coming days. We will miss Teddy but it’s good that he is free from pain and at peace.
    Take care of yourself, Mary

    in reply to: Irritable, crabby, grouchy? #44534

    I truly understand what you are going through. We do farming that requires a lot of phsical activity during our busy times and Tom was sick during most of those busy times last year! It really takes a toll on you physically and emotionally to be so tired and stressed. The great part about Tom is he gets well again and is able to take over right about the time I give out! I have to admit that we had a spat last night at 2am because I couldn’t sleep in bed due to my cold. I came down to sleep in the living room on our recliner and he was down here watching TV so I chased him out to bed! He is very possessive of the TV remote and mumbled something about me just wanting it and not acknowledging that I felt terrible and couldn’t sleep. I just told him to grow up and go to bed. I’ve been kind of upset since because like you I take on a lot when he is sick, besides just taking care of his needs and he’s a lousy caregiver when I’m sick.I need knee surgery and my biggest fear is that I won’t be able to depend on him helping me. Having a cold is one thing but being physically incapacitated scares the heck out of me. Anyway just hang in there and start delegating some of those chores out to all those people you have hanging around. Every time I have an able bodied young man around I grab him to do a chore for us, lifting something, whatever. You’ll be amazed at how many fewer visitors you have if you put them to work every time they show up! Ha! Take care and happy Thanksgiving! Mary

    in reply to: Irritable, crabby, grouchy? #44525

    I agree that overnight is too much, ecspecially a whole crew of people. That’s crazy! Day visits are great with the 9 year old- our closest grandson is 6 and it does wear you out. I would limit all visits to day visits and only one grandchild at a time! And no more hunters!!
    Lainey you have a great attitude! You help everyone on here with their problems and grief while you are coping so much with your own. You are very special.
    I tend to look at all of this more like you. Yes there are times that I get really tired but I try to never make Tom think it’s his fault our lives are turned upside down or guilty for making me take care of him when he’s sick. During my brother’s wife’s illness and eventual death last year he made a comment that says it all. Someone asked him how he does it, taking care of her, working, trying to keep it all together when it was all falling apart badly. He said, “I do it because I said I would.” We all need to remember those vows and be compassionate of our loved ones that are suffering. It’s not easy but they won’t be here with us for forever and we need to make things as pleasant as possible while they are. After they’re gone we’ll have plenty of time for ourselves! It’s the same with our kids, enjoy them while they’re little because they’ll be grown up and gone before you know it! Mary

    in reply to: Irritable, crabby, grouchy? #44515

    Heck, I’m irritable, crabby and grouchy today and I just have a bad cold! I can’t imagine how I’d be if I was going through what your Tom, my Tom ,Kathy and others do!! Four weekends in a row may be too much for the grandkids but I can’t think of anything that makes my Tom happier than to have all the kids around. That was the one thing that upset him the most at diagnosis was that he wouldn’t see his grandkids grow up. So I actually wish ours were around more. Try to relax Margaret and just enjoy the time you have together. Everytime I get frustrated with Tom or angry about something I just stop and think, now wait a minute, it’s really not a big deal and try to just bite my tongue. None of us are always happy and cheerful (except maybe Lainey!) but you really don’t want to fight !! I would think you will regret that down the road. I know I would. Take care, Mary

    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41152

    Hi Betsy,
    Great news!! Maybe you’ll be completely tubeless too by Christmas! Have a happy Thanksgiving! Take care, Mary

    in reply to: the good, the bad, and the ugly #44469

    I’m glad things are going well in some respects, it sounds like you are getting lots of attention anyway! I don’t understand why they are goofy about hydrating you? I know Tom and I drink tons of water and whenever he is in the hospital they don’t push fluids either, actually he is npo much of the time for testing etc and he gets that dehydrated feeling. You need fluids to flush out all the bad stuff in your system and it might actually help lower your bilirubin. I know that it’s not a priority to healthcare people and it really should be! It’s good that you are able to rest comfortably with your kitties around you. Is your mother or sister there now? Take care Kris and know that we are all sendind our love your way! Mary

    in reply to: CC biopsy via brushing and results #44419

    I was always told that if a brushing came back negative it wasn’t necesarily negative, if it came back positive then it was positive. A tissue biopsy is the best, most reliable method. Mary

    in reply to: CA19-9 blood test #44205

    The only time I am concerned about anything other than liver enzymes is when Tom is sick with an infection. In Feb he became septic after an ERCP and his platelets dropped to 28. He had to have a transfusion. Since then I always take a look at those numbers whenever he gets an infection, which has been way too often this year! They do seem to drop drastically when he is having problems. An elevated ca19 and alkaline phosphatase can be due to bile duct obstruction. Tom has a biliary stricture from radiation so this has always been an issue. I know you are just beginning this journey and all of these irregularities cause you to panic. I was the same way, but we’ve been dealing with this for almost 4 1/2 years now and I hate to say it but it has almost become routine. For us and many others here cc is a chronic condition that is just part of our lives. We’re the lucky ones and hopefully your Dad will be too. I am a great believer in diet and supplements vs. chemo. A healthy immune system will help fight cancer and infections.
    Keep in touch and let us know what his liver enzymes are. If his bilirubin and enzymes are elevated there may be a little obstruction. It would probably just be scar tissue from the surgery. That’s very common.
    Take care and try not to worry too much! Mary

    in reply to: CA19-9 blood test #44201

    I wouldn’t worry too much. It could be a number of different things causing it to rise. My husband’s jumped clear up to 3500 this year after bouts of infection and dealing with abcesses. It is now down to 2200 and we’re actually happy about that and not even really worried about cancer being the cause. They have biopsied and scanned with cat scans and MRIs and don’t see any changes. The scans are what they will rely on not the ca19 when diagnosing a recurrence. Are his other liver enzymes normal? Mary

    in reply to: I am home…for good! #44112

    I second every thing above! Being home just makes everything better! Take care and enjoy all the love and attention from Hans , the kitties and everyone else! Sweden sounds like a great place to live!!! Mary

    in reply to: Guess What Time It Is? Teddy Time #44013

    Isn’t it wonderful that Teddy is going to be able to enjoy another Thanksgiving? He’s always been a miracle man and he keeps showing us how strong he is. I am very grateful that my family is still intact for another holiday season. We’ll be missing my baby, my 24 year old son has been in China for 7 months and won’t be home until next year , hopefully!! Your menu sounds great-my daughter does Thanksgiving and does a better job than I ever did. I just have to do some pies and homemade rolls so it’s kind of nice. Best wishes to all, Mary

    in reply to: tubeless in seattle? #41145

    Yes we are done for now. We do alternative farming-we rent our land, all but 10 acres to “real” farmers. We used to be real farmers then started growing flowers(for drying) now produce and pumpkins and we have greenhouses for plants. I start getting busy again in Feb. I love the time off but miss the income! I’m really glad you’re feeling well. That is what is really important. Tom always said he could take a lot as long as he wasn’t feeling sick or in pain. Let us know how things go on the 19th. I hope things go great for you too. Mary

    in reply to: Uncomfortable/fullness in stomach #44058

    My husband has had that feeling at times the past few years after being sick or a procedure being done. He had it a lot while undergoing radiation. We found that giving him antacid pills took it away. It was actually gas build-up. I have no idea why gas is such a problem with liver disease but it really is. I just buy over the counter pills, usually generic, but something like prevacid. If he’s not constipated then maybe that’s the problem. Mary

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