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  • in reply to: Introduction #88843

    Dear Papawadsicle,

    Welcome, and congratulations on shrinkage of tumors!!! It sounds like you have done your homework looking into targeted therapies. Please keep us informed as to what therapy you will be using and for what it will target. Hoping there will be surgery in your near future! Take care and please keep in touch…..hugs and prayers.

    in reply to: Newby in Richmond VA, travels to MSKCC #88457

    Dear Susan,

    I would also like to welcome you here. Congratulations on 40% reduction! That is so inspiring! Please keep us posted of your results and details of your trial. I too have been in a trial for the past 3 years and always get so excited to hear of others doing well in other trials, because that just means more hope for the future of this disease!

    I also hope you get a chance to meet up with the others in your area. There is such strength in numbers, and when you meet face to face it is such a strong connection that I feel it just adds so much power to your fight!

    Keep in touch and take care…..hugs and prayers coming your way.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80365


    Hang in there, it is hard, I know, but you got this!! Take your nap, eat your protein and keep winning the war on this cc…..we are all here for you, cheering you on! Hugs, prayers and tons of good thoughts coming your way!

    in reply to: new to the disease and to this link #88815


    Welcome to the boards, we are so glad you are here. Thank you for posting you information and thank you for your participation in a clinical trial. Looking forward to seeing your progress! Praying for success, and little side effects for you! Positive thoughts, hugs and prayers headed your way!

    in reply to: Update on NIH Trial #78761

    Dear CC Family,

    I have just returned from my 20 month post treatment check up at NIH. Things were great. Still seeing some slight shrinkage and when you compare scans from pretreatment to now, some tumors have even disappeared. I was also told that what is remaining is likely to be scar tissue. I will take that and run with it!!! Again, the best news is that this has all happened without any treatment for the past 20 months….only my immune system doing the work!

    The best news this past week was that Lori, a fellow Cholangio patient, who had read my story last year and contacted me about trial information (actually her friend Ellen did) has just finished treatment…..and was also there for her fist checkup and scans. She received amazing news. Her tumors shrank up to 50% in just the first month!!!! This is absolutely HUGE news! I am posting with Lori’s permission. I want you all to know that it was NOT an easy process for her. She had a difficult time with treatment and ended up in the ICU for 15 days. I am so happy to say it was not in vain. It was great to get to meet her face to face and share in her good news!

    Some bits of important information that I learned back at NIH is that they are trying to speed up the process of being treated for this trial for patients who are currently being treated by “standard of care” chemotherapy and are interested in this clinical trial. Right now the treatment is typically at current 3-4 months past the stopping of current chemotherapy, they would like to start screening ahead of time. They said this would look more like a “consult”…..not necessarily taking over patient care but consulting with current physician and preparing for when chemo stops working. Since my second treatment, and the discovery of the mutation reactive t-cells, I believe there have been 6 or 7 patients counting me and Lori, and about 16 patients in the process of being treated. This trial is opened up to many cancers and the link is found here

    This is the information that is requested and needs to be sent for them to evaluate:

    – Recent History and Physical Exam / most recent doctors progress notes and consult note

    – Recent Laboratory Results

    – Recent CT, MRI or PET scan report
    Please indicate if the checked information is included or is being sent separately

    -Recent CT, MRI, or PET scan CD (disk)

    -Ten UNSTAINED Pathology slides (or tumor block in paraffin)
    Please send a tumor block or 10 unstained slides with tumor on them.

    -Chemotherapy Records

    -Radiation Therapy Records

    I hope this helps for anyone interested. Attached are some pictures of my scans, Lori, myself, and Charmin (another cholangio patient who just had her tumors removed and her cells are growing, she should get her cells in about 10 weeks) and Lori and I consuming our oral contrast before CT scans! Thanks so much for all your support, all my hugs and prayers to everyone!!






    Awesome news!! 25% shrinkage is huge!! I am so happy for you both. Please continue to keep us informed as to his progress, so hoping to see more trials available for others. Thank Mike for his participation in this trial. Looking forward to more good news!

    in reply to: 5.5 year scan #88367

    Awesome news Randi!! Keep up the good work and I agree with Kris … are a HERO!

    in reply to: Can I say CURED?? Yes I can!!! #88514

    I am so happy for you!!!! I love your beautiful attitude and the gracious way you share your story! Thank you for being a beacon of hope to others!

    in reply to: It’s the one year mark !!!!!!! #88503

    Awesome, wonderful, amazing news! Happy One Year!!! Live life and enjoy!

    in reply to: Introducing my husband & his cc diagnosis #88348

    Hi Mary,

    I am sorry to hear of your husband’s struggle with drains, stents, infections, and mostly this diagnosis. I am glad you found this site and I hope you will continue to share your experiences as well as gather as much information as you need from here. Please know that I am sending good thoughts and prayers your way for both you and your husband. Take care.

    in reply to: My Intro #88320

    Hi Christine,
    Sorry, I am slow on my welcome, but I really do want to extend a big welcome to you. I know that you will find lots of good information and great support from this site. Please keep us updated as to how your second opinion turned out. Sending lots of good thoughts and prayers your way.


    Thanks Gavin! I have been attending as many immunology sessions as possible! I heard at one session they will be opening more cohorts for the PD1 study in the next couple of months which will include cc patients.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80357

    Hi Matt,

    Thanks for documenting your progress so well. Your experiences are so beneficial to so many. Glad you have your wound healing under control, and am even happier that you are making plans for blasting that tumor. Keep us posted with the results of your trip to Mayo….as always you and your family are in my prayers. Sending hugs.

    in reply to: My sister #88284

    Dear Krassi,

    I am so very sorry to hear about your sister. I am sending prayers for strength to get through this tough time. We are all here to support and help in anyway we can. Please know that we are here for you always. Hugs to you.

    in reply to: Great news on my husband #88273


    What amazing news!! I am so happy for you and your husband!! I believe in miracles……Everyday holds a possibility of a miracle…..and you just showed proof of that!!

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