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  • in reply to: More aggressive options for recurrence? #53791

    Andrew, I don’t know much, but I do know this………..keep pushing. Hopefully, the P.E.T. will show no more involvement other than the lymph node as mentioned. My little bit of common sense tells me that being to target 1 place is much better than trying to target several.

    Sending prayers to you and your sister.

    in reply to: Treatment at MD Anderson Orlando #53903


    Prayers and best wishes are sent your way, for sure. Make sure your mom knows there are people all over the world pulling for her.

    in reply to: Catheter installed but bilirubin keeps rising #53685

    Michael, you are one tough dude. I’ve no doubt you could come on out here and ride a mustang, no problem. Typing from your hospital bed….now that is special. Keep up the good fight. Sounds more like you are at least “jogging the path”. :0)

    Hope you get back to some degree of stability soon.

    in reply to: Abuela (grandma) just diagnosed! #52540


    I, as well, wish to send my best to you and your abuela. Lainy is very very right. You seem to have and will have all the strength you need to take you through this journey. Encourage other cousins to spend some quality time as well. I am praying for you and your abuela…….cousins too.

    in reply to: mom is in ICU #53846

    Me too. Prayers on the way. I wish there was a way for us all to just “be there” in the flesh, but perhaps this is next best thing.



    Welcome to this board. The folks here have volumes and volumes of experiences with this disease. Spend some time browing through all the links and info on this website.

    Do you know and more details about your relative? How long did they fight the cancer? Where were they treated? What kinds of treatment? etc etc

    Again, welcome to this site. Wonderful people here.

    in reply to: Chemo aftereffects #53896


    I’m pretty new to chemo, but everything I have read would lead me to believe that the chemo would not be causing the nausea this far out. I could be wrong and I do understand that every “body” reacts in it’s own special way to these chemicals that are put into us. For how long was he on chemo?

    in reply to: My Husband – Richard #53769

    Debbie, indeed words cannot express the rush of feelings you have had the last 2 weeks. But I know as well as you he is in a better place, happy, pain free, and best of all, not far away.

    I appreciate your story and know my love and support is with you and your children. Hugs all around.

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42309

    Wow, Margaret. I don’t need to tell you to “cowgirl up”. :0) Sometimes news can hit us pretty hard but I admire your attitude so much. Trying to pattern mine after yours.

    Hugs to you and heck, give one to Tom too.

    Lots of Love.

    in reply to: Well, it’s finally time to get started #53381

    Thought I would update the board (my friends) on how I did my first week following my first treatment with Gem/Cis.

    Everything went well with the infusion. They actually put 2 IV’s in me, and extra for all the extra magnesium/calcium/potassium they were pumping me with. I got a lot more than most people do because I don’t have a colon and they wanted to be sure my tank was full for the cisplatin, and they said if I just use the 1 iv, it would take a lot lot longer. (it was plenty long anyway). That was Friday. Saturday/Sunday I was just really tired. I got lots of football watching done on tv ’cause I was too tired to attend in person. Then, Sunday night, the flu-like symptoms hit….ferocious headache and aching body. I stayed home from work Monday, but that condition only lasted about 12 hrs, been moving uphill ever since. During the week there were 5 or 6 times when my stomach started to feel “weird”, so I quickily popped a pill and it went away. All in all, a lot better than I expected. Now, it’s infusion number 2 tomorrow. Not nearly as nervous this time.

    in reply to: Update on me #53757


    I don’t know how I would react in your situation unless I was in it, but I always believe in our body and mind’s ability to heal us. Keep the positive “waves” flowing. (I relate it to one of my favorite 1970’s movies, Kelly’s Heroes, where Oddball, played by Donald Sutherland, keeps chastising his crew members for having “negative waves”.) I also believe in the adage that God will step in and help us “after everything WE can do”. In other words, put forth our best effort, then he’ll step in.

    My prayers and best wishes are with you.

    in reply to: life is unfair and frustrating #53750


    I just can’t do justice by adding to what has already been said. I love the saying, “Hope springs Eternal”. Hope is what gives us strength to overcome anything, endeavor to do anything, etc etc etc. Just be the best person you can be and take one day at a time, never giving up that hope. In the end, regardless of how many years your mom continues, you will build a relationship that will be priceless and eternally lasting.

    God bless you, your mom, and your family.

    in reply to: Decisions. new to this cancer and site #53316

    “More encouraging” is always great news. If you are willing to fight, fight with all you’ve got. Gee, wish I had said that. :0)

    Best wishes to you and your husband, Sandy

    in reply to: Looking for Help #53398

    Joe, bless your heart, my love and prayers go out to you and your mom. Everyone above has just about said it all. I just wanted to add my sincerest regards to your family as you start this experience.
    God bless you all.

    in reply to: Going in for surgery next week #52038


    I may be new to CC problems, but I’m an expert with digestive problems. I’m 56 and have had major digestive problems since I was 19. Ulcerative Colitis for 20 yrs, had colon removed in 1994, recently diagnosed with ulcerations in my small intestine. Good grief…….anything else? :0) Anyway, good advice given above. You just have to fine tune things. I was born/raised in New Mexico and I’ll swear, I have thought you may as well cut my throat as not let me have spicy food…..chile sauce on everything. It’s just the way it is. But, I discovered that the stuff makes my “guts” react badly. Just have to find the balance that the old pipeline will put up with.

    Take care and keep on getting better.

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