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  • in reply to: A Grief Observed: C.S. Lewis #52344

    Chrissy, Thanks for sharing this. I am glad this book has given you some comfort. I will look for it. Think of you often. Take one day at a time. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Mom’s diagnosis #52315

    Hi Amanda, You will find many on here that far outlive their prognosis. My husband’s cc was extensive when they found it nearly a year ago. It was all through his liver and skeletal system. He was treated with and responded to chemo and he also sees a naturopath and takes naturopathic supplements to boost his immune system. This has enabled him to be stable for 6 months now. As Marion said, never give up hope because hope is what keeps us going and enjoying life. It is so hard at first to not have the cancer all encompassing so my advice to you and your mom is to enjoy life as much as you can outside of the realm of cancer. Take care. Nancy

    in reply to: Going in for surgery next week #52019

    Ike, I am so glad everything is going so well for you. Cancer free – what wonderful words! Sending you well wishes for a speedy recovery. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Nancy

    in reply to: Stage IV CC diagnosed March 18th #49225

    Connie, So sorry to hear about the passing of your husband Jerry. He sounds like a wonderful man. I don’t blame you for being mad; this disease takes so much from us. We will keep fighting this evil until a cure is found. May the wonderful memories of your dear husband help you through this most difficult time of your life. Sending healing thoughts to you and your children. Hold onto each other. Nancy

    in reply to: Clean so far (sort of …) #47932

    Jim, Great news on the clear scans! Whew! Yes, you and Janis enjoy your celebration. You both deserve it!
    Jim and Lainy, Hope you get your thyroid problems under control ASAP! Seems to be a common problem these days and as Jim said generally easy to control but not fun while you are trying to figure out what’s happening!
    Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Billirubin levels #52243

    Hi Val, I would keep tabs on the bilirubin. Slightly elevated could be because your liver is working harder and not clearing the bilirubin fast enough but that is understandable after major surgery. It could also mean blocked ducts, but Mayo would be on top of that. Some medications can cause a rise in bilirubin; you could check with your doctor about any meds you are on. I am sure some others will come on board to give more suggestions. Take care. Nancy

    in reply to: Posting my husbands battle with CC as there is HOPE! #52234

    Hi Deanna, Thanks for sharing your story! I am so glad you guys fell into the hands of a wonderful surgeon! Sending lots of healing thoughts and wishes for a speedy recovery. Keep in touch. My husband Doug is fighting cc and we are in Revelstoke BC. Nancy

    in reply to: My husband’s CC #52167

    Hi Peggy, I agree with Lainy that you should get your scan results right away after a scan! Can you go to your GP to get the results? Everything is on computer now, so he/she should be able to look it up. On a plus note they are going ahead with chemo so must feel it will be beneficial for him. Fighting alongside with you two up here in Revelstoke B.C. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Hello Everyone, New Diagnosis #52125

    Hi Jillybean, I understand the total shock. My husband was 59 (now 60) last October when he was found to have cancer throughout his liver and bones. It was his back that was causing him grief when he was biking and skiing (avid biker and skier). Needless to say to find out he had stage 4 cancer was shocking and heartbreaking. It took 2 months to figure out it was cc. He had radiation to the worst bone mets and did six months of palliative chemo. I wanted to tell you our story because Doug did respond to chemo. His ascites cleared up and the cancer has been stable since February. Doug took naturopathic support through his chemo and continues today. It is a personal, tough choice to do chemo with late stage cancer but the anti nausea drugs they have today really help a lot more than in the past. Doug is now enjoying a chemo free and pain free summer. He is not “well” but he is a lot better and enjoying life more.
    Greg will probably feel better once they get the pneomonia cleared up. It can really zap your strength. Let your husband know there are a lot of people out here fighting with him and rooting for him. Best wishes to both of you. Nancy

    in reply to: Another Beautiful Angel #52221

    Dear Ashley, So sorry to hear of your mom’s passing but glad to hear how peaceful it was. Reminded me of my own mom’s passing and so I understand the feeling of comfort with the pain. Somehow it makes it feel okay even though your heart is breaking. I think it reminds us that death is not an end but a beginning. You will cherish all the times with your loving mom and she will never be far, just right there in your heart and will live on forever in you and your daughter. Take care. Nancy

    in reply to: A Little Lost but Trying to Find Our Way. #39638

    Christine, I am so saddened to hear of your mom’s passing. She has been through so much and was so strong throughout. I hope your wonderful memories will help you through these most difficult days. I am also sending positive healing thoughts for you dad (physically and mentally) as he continues to recover from his heart attack and the loss of his wife. Your family has been through so much. Hold on to each other tight, you need one another. You have been such a wonderful daughter and caretaker for your parents. Your commitment and your upbeat personality shines through your posts. Our loved ones abide within us forever and their presence is felt for the rest of our days. Take care Christine. Nancy

    in reply to: Mother with CC #52181

    Hi Charlie, Welcome aboard. The jury still seems to be out on whether chemo helps stage 4 but you will find people on here that it has helped, my husband being one. Doug is 60 and was very fit and active before cancer. He was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma last October, then cc in December. He was offered palliative chemo and was told only 10 – 20% respond and it was not a cure just an extension of life. We chose the chemo and Doug had 8 rounds (16 sessions ) from December until the end of May. The chemo combination was gemcitabine (Gemzar) and cisplatin (very common choice for cc). He also had radiation to the worst bone mets last October. He has been progression free since February, so we are regarding this a success. He also takes naturopathic support. Just telling you all this to let you know there are people with success at stage 4 and not sure why they are not offering you a choice for treatment. And as you said she responded well to the Gemzar. So, yes I would say a second opinion is in order.
    Oh, just wanted to say that mental confusion is often caused by high ammonia levels. This can be tested by a blood test and lactulose is often prescribed to help bring the levels down. Doug has also suffered from mental confusion on and off. Right now it is good :).
    How does your mom feel about all this? Is she willing to get more treatment?
    Let us know how you make out. Sending best wishes to you and your mom. Nancy

    in reply to: My husband’s CC #52159

    Hi Peggy, Your husband is a fighter, you both are! He sounds like my husband, very active and fit before cc and now still tries to do as much as he can too (Doug is 60). Our men are brave! As Lainy said, there have been patients with mets to their lungs. What type of chemo has he had so far? At one point, at the beginning of Doug’s treatment he had spots on the lungs consistent to mets that disappeared with chemo. His chemo was cisplatin/ gemcitabine. He also takes naturopathic support. I hope you get your answers soon and they come up with a good plan. As Percy mentioned, don’t be afraid of a second opinion. Take care. Nancy

    in reply to: Hard dealing with Sisters Cholangiocarcinoma diagnosis #51213

    Dear Sunshine, So sorry to hear of your sister’s passing. You have been through so much losing your brother in law and then your sister. Both sound like such wonderful people; your brother in law being sick for so long but keeping such a positive outlook and your sister sacrificing so much to care for the man she loved. I hope you can find some comfort in knowing that they are together again. I also hope you have found someone you can talk to about this. I know how hard it is to talk about it but in the long run it is harder on you to hold it in.
    Thank you for asking for donations for research. As you can see there is a long way to go to find a cure for all and there are many fighting. Take care of yourself and don’t be afraid to keep looking for support from this board. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Nearly four years survivorship #51615

    Lisa you exude hope! Keep kicking butt girl! Hugs. Nancy

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