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  • in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42266

    Margaret, They are right; Tom is very lucky to have such a loving caring wife. Don’t forget to take care of yourself too! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Introduction #51901

    Hi Suzanne, All of us on here understand feeling lost and as Gavin said being hit in the head with a bat! My husband was diagnosed last fall at 59 and is now 60 and I am certainly not ready to lose him yet!
    If your dad’s cancer is confined to the liver he may be a good candidate for a liver transplant. There are only a few places that do them and only for a select few. I believe that is what Cathy (above) had done. It is cutting edge technology but it can be a cure.
    Also if he responds well to chemo it may put him in the position to have a resection.
    Sorry, can’t help as well about doctors in Indiana for I am in British Columbia, Canada but Gavin has directed you to a good site and you may find other Indianians (if that is how you say it) speaking up.
    Take care and keep in touch. Positive thoughts being sent to you, your dad, and family. Nancy

    in reply to: What To Do, What To Do? #51885

    Hello, Yes, these life decisions are tough! Your mom might be a good judge of how much support friends and neighbours might give. Have you talked to your brother about it? Maybe he will take a more active roll if his mom was in the same town. What do your children and husband say? Are they supportive of you moving away for awhile? Oh my, not giving you much help here just more questions – lol. I know you will come up with the right decision. You have already been such a loving, caring daughter for your mom; she is very lucky. Nancy

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42261

    Margaret, So glad you are seeing some improvement. You two are awesome! We got Doug’s weight back up by making whey protein shakes and we have been able to maintain his weight. Even days he does not feel like eating he enjoys his shakes. Some days Doug sits in the car while I grocery shop too! Like you said one day at a time and enjoy each one.
    Lots of positve vibes sending your way. Nancy

    in reply to: 5 years post diagnosis… but bad news… #51093

    Mary, I am so sorry to hear of what you and Tom are going through. I can not add to the suggestions but I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you two a lot and praying Tom is feeling better soon. Hang in there girl. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Gemzar/Cisplatin chemo suspension question… #51837

    Hello Captain, Sorry to hear you are in the hospital with an infection. There has been a lot of patients that have had to suspend chemo for a variety of reasons. I don’t think it will make a lot of difference with your treatment but don’t be afraid to ask your doctor. Meanwhile kick that infection in the butt! It can certainly be a roller coaster with this disease, hang on and get better soon! Nancy
    P.S. My husband takes supplements from a naturopath to build his immunity and offset chemo effects; which have helped him tremendously.

    in reply to: Looking for advice #51750

    Hi Catherine, My husband was diagnosed with stage 4 cholangiocarcinoma with mets to his liver and bones last December after 2 months of testing to find out what type of cancer he had. Like your uncle months prior he was seeing doctors who told him he was fine and one also suggested it might be in his head! It is frustrating and disappointing. Like you we are in Canada but at the other end! We live in a small town and Doug went to the BC cancer clinic in Kelowna to be under the care of an oncologist. Though Doug was told the cancer is incurable he was told he may achieve better quality of life and lengthening of life with chemo. ( He received radiation to the worst spine mets). We opted for the chemo treatments and we also see a naturopath for naturopathic support. He started chemo in December and finished the 8 cycles of gemcitabine/ cisplatin the end of May. We have been very fortunate with his response to chemo and he has been stable (no progression) since February. His quality of life has improved greatly.
    Doug turned 60 in May, so is in the same age bracket as your uncle.
    Also, the chemo did help Doug with the pain tremendously.
    I would suggest seeing another oncologist that would support trying chemo, if that is what your husband wishes. Postive thoughts being sent your way.

    in reply to: My first chemo gemzar/cisplatin #51623

    Hi Susie, My husband took Dex and Zofran while on chemo and tolerated the chemo well. He took the Dex on chemo day and post 3 days as well, never experienced side effects from it. It is normally a well tolerated drug to combat the effects of chemo. Glad to hear your first chemo session went well. Take care. Nancy

    in reply to: MY DAD 2ND ROUND OF GEMZAR, CAN ANYONE HELP? #51490

    Hi Mark, Yes people have healed from this! Your dad’s chances are better because of resection. Many are not canditates for resection. Gemzar is often used after resection for prevention. Cortisone is used for inflammation or allergic reactions. Motilium is used to suppress naseau and vomiting.
    Do you ever go with your dad for appointments? Don’t be afraid to ask about the different drugs and their intent and side effects. Sounds like your dad is in good hands but also don’t be afraid to get a second opinion if you are not happy with the responses you are getting. All the best to you and your dad. Nancy

    in reply to: Gem/Cispaltin problems #51585

    Trevor, So glad you are feeling better. My husband lost 25-30 pounds in the beginning as well, but as mentioned put it back on with whey protein powder shakes. He finished chemo in May so thankfully his appetite is coming back and things taste better! The TPN treatments will get weight back on you!
    Part of this is trial and error to find foods that you tolerate better than others.
    The seas may be a little rough right now but I see calmer days ahead Captain!
    Take care and I will be sending postive thoughts on friday.

    in reply to: Dad left today #51255

    What a beautiful message.
    So glad to hear you are sleeping better and allowing your wonderful memories of your dad to soothe you. Take care. Nancy

    in reply to: Gem/Cispaltin problems #51581

    Hi Trevor, Sorry to hear you are in the hospital but glad you are in very good hands at the Mayo Clinic. Even us up here in Canada have heard of the good results at Mayo Clinics. As Marion asked can you hold down liquids? I make my husband protein shakes with whey powder, fruits, juices and milk. When he is naseous he still seems to be able to take these well. These have helped him gain weight over the last several months. Also, he drinks “mom’s” old remedy – Ginger ale – when he’s not feeling well. Hope you are feeling better soon. Nancy

    in reply to: Nearly four years survivorship #51605

    Kathy, Another inspiration! Love it! You gals give me a lot of hope for my wonderful husband Doug who is courageously fighting stage 4 with you; and so many others as well. Keep kicking butt! Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Nearly four years survivorship #51604

    Great to hear from you Lisa! You are a true inspiration with how you attacked this disease and not let it take your spirit! Boy you have been busy with all those wonderful milestones! My husband Doug, like you, pushes himself with projects and activities then collapses from exhaustion too. He feels better about himself when he accomplishes things, though. I too pray for a cure and hope it comes soon enough for all you courageous patients out there. Take care Lisa. Hugs. Nancy

    in reply to: Clean Scan #51590

    Nancy, So happy to hear of your wonderful news. Success stories are always uplifting and we appreciate knowing how you are doing! Thanks for passing on hope. Relax and enjoy the summer; you deserve it!

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