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  • in reply to: Death of a spouse or divorce which is worse #48850

    Oh ladies, I don’t feel we should cross the conversation of who’s loss it more tragic. We are here for each other for whatever we should need. When I’m having a really crappy day, I do something nice for myself or someone else. We each have our own pain and it is real to each of us.

    in reply to: My beloved Barry passed away. #47146

    Deat Melanie, I am so sorry for the loss of your husband. His passing was so sudden. I pray for you and your children to have comfort. Take care of yourself and come back to this site to help you heal in the future. Best Wishes, Pam

    in reply to: Oncologist at Ochsner in New Orleans? #48741

    My dad had an attempt resection at Ochsners. Dr. John Bolton was his surgeon. He had chemo in Biloxi with Dr. Lydia LaTour. I don’t know if this helps at all.

    in reply to: My husband went through the Mayo transplant protocol… #48758

    Jenny, I have been following Josh’s Caring Bridge site for some time and am amazed at your courage and patience! It is such good news for Josh. I know the both of you are over the moon with his progress. Best Wishes, Pam

    in reply to: Mom’s now resting #48650

    Lanne, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. Your mom is at peace now with your dad. I, too, have lost both parents now. Take care of yourself and rest when you can. It will become easier to deal with in the future but for now, I know it hurts. I am truly sorry you lost your mom, your best friend.

    in reply to: My husband’s treatment was discontinued today. #48542

    Dear Melanie, I am so sorry your husband’s treatment has been disconnected. When my dad’s treatment was disconnected, his oncologist said he would probably get better for a while and he did. For a few months he had more energy and was able to get out and do things. I hope that will happen with your husband. My dad was under Hospice care, but they only came to check his vitals and see if we needed any medication ordered. Hospice wanted him to have as much time as he could without my dad feeling like he was sick, so to speak. He had a Fentanyl patch and morphine pills for breakthrough pain. That was all he needed until he passed away. As time went on, Hospice continued to see him once or twice a week. Our Hospice nurse was not familiar with cc, but her dad died of liver cancer, so she really told us what to look for in taking care of him. The biggest concern when my dad became weak was his risk of falling. My dad did have blockage and in the end we did not go for an external drain for comfort sake. I hope this information helps and your journey is a peaceful one were you can have some memories to hold onto. Best wishes to you, Pam

    in reply to: Dads Celebration of Life #48511

    Andie, so glad the sun was out and you felt your dad’s presence. What an honor for your dad’s workplace to give him that send off. I’m so happy the day went well. Take care of each other in the days to come. Love, Pam

    in reply to: Update on our rockstar! #48448

    We were told the same thing by Hospice. Small amounts of food and drink…basically anything my dad wanted he got. He loved cold peaches and ice cream in the end. We’d bring little bowls and if he wanted more we got it for him. He didn’t eat much either and were told not to overwhelm him with big amounts. I love your attitude about your mom being a rock star! You are doing a great job!

    in reply to: Dad’s first birthday without him… #48419

    Dear GracefulMeadow, what a terrific tribute to your Dad! You should be so proud to honor him with his name and picture in space. He would have loved that! My dad passed away from cc Nov. 2010. I have been spending time going through his things. I sent Russian hats and huge sunglasses my dad wore to my nieces. Last night I received picture mail with the whole family having a ball with the hats and sunglasses. I laughed and tears were coming out of my eyes! Today would have been my Mom’s 73rd birthday. She passed three years ago. I’m going to spend the day happy and hopefully have a few more good laughs. We found a note my mom had written after she passed and told us to do just that. Live, love, and laugh!
    I know your lose is still so fresh. Take your time grieving. Take care.

    in reply to: Dad is now at peace #48197

    Andie, I am so sorry for your family’s loss. I know it is comforting to you that your dad went peacefully with you and your mom by his side. What a beautiful gift the both of you gave him. He was a brave man. I know you are proud he was your dad. God bless to you and your Mom. Take care. Pam

    in reply to: Sensitive: End stage #48071

    Andie, it is nothing short of amazing how you, your mom, and dad are working together. I am so glad your dad has excepted help from everyone. While we did have someone help with my dad’s showers, it took a few of us to ensure my dad’s safety. Slippery when wet! As said, I hope bathroom will not become an issue for you, but it was for my dad. My dad was in a coma for 8 days before he passed and my sister and I had to take care of his needs up until the end. I’m telling you this because it really wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be. I became so protective of him and I just knew I had to make him comfortable anyway I could. My thoughts and prayers go out to you In these upcoming days. Try to rest when you can. Pam

    in reply to: My husband moved on #48108

    Thoughts and prayers for you and Hannah. Ben will rest in peace now.

    in reply to: Sensitive: End stage #48059

    Andie, my heart breaks for your dad, mom, and you. I was where you are at in November. The risk of your dad falling is a huge concern. My dad became so weak he would spill things too. He had bathroom issues too. He used a urinal in the bedroom, but became so weak we had to stand him up. We gave him as much dignity as we could. My dad became angry several times in the end too. It would be something easy like his radio wouldn’t work right. He also didn’t want extra help in the house. We called the social worker to have a chat with him. He knew he was losing what little he had left. He said at one point he was afraid helpers would say he wasn’t trustworthy. He would
    apologize when he got mad. We just loved and hugged him. Does your dad take medication for anixety? It sounds like you do a good job calming him
    down,but your mom and you need help. I am thinking of you in these upcoming days. God will give you the strength for a peaceful ending.

    in reply to: Kicked Out??? #48088

    Awe, that breaks my heart. You are not ranting and raving. I’m sure when others see your post there will be a firestorm of responses. I don’t know which state you are in, but it may boil down to funding. My dad was in Mississippi and there was an inpatient care faculty in our area, but we could only use it for reprise care (5 days or less). The only way someone could stay there was if there were no family at all. Almost impossible to get in. Take care and I’ll be thinking of you and your mom.

    in reply to: Kicked Out??? #48086

    I can’t believe a nurse would tell you this off the cuff! You certainly don’t need a casual surprise stress moment! I’m sure that nurse wasn’t suppose to do that! Lanne, if your mom is comfortable there, I’d schedule a meeting with her doctor and the faculty manager to discuss her medical condition and opitions for staying. I’d certainly review their policy beforehand. I’d be afraid, however, that if she is allowed to stay, your mom would not receive the same care. I hope that wouldnt happen! I’d discuss her continued good care with the faculty manager, too. I’m sorry this has happened to your mom and your family.


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