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  • in reply to: Update on my dad #71662

    Dear CrownSunshine,

    I am so happy that your Dad was able to have surgery and is doing well. What a blessing for you and your family. I will keep him in my prayers. Please keep us updated on his progress.


    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71400

    Dear Mary,

    I am so sorry for the latest change of events. I know you don’t want an external drain, but I that is what will make you well, it might be for the best. I have been to lunch with our Betsy who has an external drain, and you can’t tell she has one. She is very active and a joy to be with. So, like with everything, you learn to adapt. I am hoping this won’t have to be the case for you, but if it is, it will probably take time to get used to, but you will be able to do most things you are used to doing. Hoping for the best for you.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Update on my dad! #67937

    Hi Nikki,

    I am so happy to hear the great news. It sounds as though your Dad is doing great!! Lauren’s incision from her surgery the end of March did not get infected, but hers opened right at the bottom of the breastbone. Her surgeon wasn’t too worried about it and said it would heal eventually. Plus, she has a second surgery next week, so it would be silly to fix something that is going to be opened again. Eating has been the big challenge for Lauren as well. I hope your dad gets stronger and stronger each day and has an easy time if he has chemo. I am definitely on the same page as you when you say there is hope and never take no for an answer. Amen to that!!

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: New Member – Dad not getting any treatment #71643

    Dear turtle kid,

    Welcome to this site, but sorry you had to find us. I feel bad for you because you want to help your Dad so much but he wants to do things his way. I hope he comes around for his sake as well as yours. There are things that can make him feel better and keep him from being in pain. Much luck and prayers for your Dad.


    in reply to: Question about PORTS #71653

    Hi Dorien,

    Lauren has had her port since before her first chemo, which will be two years in August. It is wonderful for chemo. The only problem we have ever had is with nurses that are not in the cancer center trying to access it. They really have a difficult time accessing it and end up poking Lauren numerous times, which upsets her. You would think nurses in pre-op and nurses that work in CT an MRI areas would be great at accessing, but we have found that is not the case. So, anytime we can, we high tail it to the cancer center where we know it will be done correctly. Lauren was on a chemo that I disconnected at home and flushed myself and we had no problem at all. For us, it’s two thumbs up!!!!

    in reply to: Mom is now in Hospice care #71622


    I don’t have any experiences with this but I’m sure many others will be along soon to offer their advice. I am sending prayers for you and your dear Mom.


    in reply to: My Past, Present, and Future (I hope!). #71594

    Hi Tiff,

    Praying that you get the call. I’m so happy you are doing well. You should check out U of M about getting on their transplant list. Dr. S does tons of them.


    in reply to: surgery on May 13th #71605

    Dear lturpin,

    What wonderful news!! I will be praying for a terrific outcome and good health for you on May 13th. I’m sure you are scared, excited, and hopeful all at the same time. Please let us know how you are doing.


    in reply to: My beautiful mother has passed away #71609

    Dear Lisa,

    I am very sorry to of your Mom’s passing. She was a strikingly beautiful woman. She sounds as if she were as beautiful on the inside as well. I’m sure this is such a difficult time for you and your family. I am sending prayers and hoping all of you find peace and can remember your Mom with fond, happy memories.

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Starting SBRT Thursday, 5/2 #71383

    I’m sorry you are not feeling well, Mary. Prayers for you to feel better.



    Hi Jason! I wanted to welcome you to this site and let you know I am very sorry to hear about your diagnosis. My daughter, Lauren, has CC and was diagnosed at the age of 25. She is now 27 and about to go for her 2nd surgery of a two part resection. She was inoperable at the beginning but sometimes thing change. We were lucky to know we were at the right place and had the right doctors. But, if you are not sure of what to do, then definitely go for a 2nd opinion, if for nothing else but peace of mind. It seems almost everyone starts out on Gem/Cis and goes from there. It hurts my heart to see someone new with CC, especially so young and with small children. If you would like to know anything specific about Lauren’s care, feel free to ask. We are an open book. I wish you much success in finding the place that makes you feel comfortable and well taken care of.


    in reply to: need help –advice please!!! #71449

    So nice to hear from you, Jen. I am wishing you all the best as you get ready for the arrival of Alyssa Breh. Please let us know how everything goes!!

    Love and hugs,

    in reply to: Good News #71495

    Lauren and I couldn’t be happier about the great news. What did you find out about the hives? We love you!!!

    in reply to: New member #71458

    Hi Martha,

    I would like to welcome you to this site and tell you that I am sorry to hear about your husband. It is quite overwhelming to hear the news when you are not expecting it at all. Things do get better once you find the right cancer center and doctor. You begin to focus on the fight and making the most of each day. I wish you and your husband all the best. Please let us know more about you and your husband because we really do care.



    Great news, Chris. It is crazy how fast they want the patient up and moving. It is the best thing for them, though. I wish your dad all the best with his recovery.

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