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  • in reply to: Help…depressing news #65242

    Dear Suzy,

    Sorry you didn’t get the news you were hoping for. Did your Dad start seeing Dr. Zalupski yet? Lauren was taken off the clinical trial as well when it didn’t work anymore for her. But if tumors in the liver were shrinking, why did they take him off? Were the outside ones growing? I don’t know who your Dad’s doctor was before, but Dr. Zalupski is wonderful and we think he is doing everything in his power to help Lauren. I was hoping you would feel the same. I wish you all the best in searching out all of your options. I wish you, your Dad, and the rest of your family all the best.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Reducing chemo and adding a few things. #64901

    I reposted under the side effect section too, Marion.

    Her doctor lowered her dose of Xeloda by one pill and added the Calcium and Magnesium last time we were at U of M, which was last chemo, three weeks ago. She had chemo and then took Xeloda for 14 days. This last week since Wed. has been her rest week. We go back tomorrow. So it only took one time for the difference. Her feet usually didn’t get really red and sore until the second week of Xeloda and then once she was off it a week she would get better, only to have it happen again the next round. This time it didn’t happen at all!!! I love her doctor so much. He really knows what he is doing.

    No snow yet, Lainy. It does get really cold at night though. Whoa, 102, I could not even stand that for five minutes outside!!

    in reply to: Prayers needed for CAT scan on October 5th #65112

    Hi Lisa,

    You don’t even have to ask. I pray for you all the time. I hope so much that your tumors are gone. Try not to get too worked up before the scan. I know that is nearly impossible. Take care, dear friend.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Husband recently diagnosed with cc #63795

    Hi Nancy. My daughter, Lauren is also on Oxaliplatin. For a few days after receiving her infusion, her fingers lock up. So it might be from that chemo. Has he tried exercising since? Hers always goes away after a few days.

    in reply to: A Welcome Visit #65075


    I do think that was Susan sending a sign. The bird would go along with the feathers you always used to find. I love your stories.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Lost my Mom/BFF 1 year today #65051

    Hi Pam,

    Just wanted to say that I am sorry you are still so sad and missing your Mom. Take comfort in knowing you had a special relationship. That is why it is so hard. I wish you all the best on this difficult anniversary.

    Love and hugs, -Pam

    in reply to: need more advice #65042

    Hi Lindsy,

    My daughter, Lauren is on the same chemo as your mother-in-law. She takes the oral form of 5-FU though, which is called Xeloda. The Xeloda is way worse on her than the 5-FU was. She was on 5-FU with her first chemo which was with Gemzar and Cisplatin. She has to take the Xeloda for two weeks and then gets a week off. She usually gets scans every 3 months. Sometimes MRI and sometime CT. Her doctor will remove her from a certain chemo if he sees it is not working. Sometimes the dosage needs to be regulated if it cannot be tolerated. Xeloda is infamous for making feet really sore and red, so her doctor lowered her dosage from 3500 mgs. a day to 3000 and she is much better with that side effect this time. My daughter used to have a lot of side and back pain, but since being on this chemo, she has had only back pain once in awhile. She has not been as hungry on this chemo regime and she sleeps quite a bit. She says she feels better than she has since being diagnosed, so I guess that is good. I think everyone reacts differently to chemo. I think Lauren can tolerate a lot since she is really young. She is only 26. I hope your mother-in-law starts feeling better and can tolerate her chemo. If not, she may have to switch to something else. She really needs to eat something like soup, mashed potatoes, instant breakfast, or even Ensure. Goodness sakes, three weeks of not eating is worrisome. I would definitely talk to the doctor about that. I hope things turn around for her. Take care and God bless.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Widow also, joung … i don’t know #65005

    Dear Liliana,

    I am very sorry to hear of Guy’s passing. Thank you for offering to continue to help everyone on this site. I am sending my heartfelt condolences to you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Positive Update! #64952

    Hi Suzy,

    I wrote you a message on my post that you commented on.

    in reply to: It was a good day today! #64405

    Hi Formydad!!

    Nice to hear from you again. Thanks for your kind words. I am happy your Dad is doing well and how nice that you will be moving back to be near him. I am happy to hear your Dad’s doctor will be Dr. Zalupski. That is Lauren’s doctor! It took us awhile to warm up to him, probably because he had the difficult task of telling us things we really didn’t want to hear. But, we absolutely adore him now and we can tell he cares so much for Lauren and is doing everything in his power to help her. I think sometimes he takes a deep breath before coming in to the exam room because he knows Lauren and I are going to bombard him with questions. Haha. He always takes the time and answers every one. I hope you all like him too. We go there every three weeks while Lauren is on this chemo and it is always Wed. afternoon. Hope to see you sometime. Take care and God bless all of you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: It was a good day today! #64403

    Thanks so much Maria, Nancy, and Chrissy.

    in reply to: Painful Port #64906

    I’m glad you are having it checked out, Lisa. It just doesn’t seem right that it should hurt that long. I hope everything is ok and they can figure out what is causing your pain. Love you, my friend.


    in reply to: My mother passed yesterday #64887

    Dear Melissa,

    Words cannot really express how sorry I am. You did everything you could for your dear Mother and take comfort in that. I’m sure your children will remember her fondly and carry her in their hearts as will you. Please accept my condolences.

    Love and hugs, -Pam

    in reply to: Sort of diagnosed?!? #64851

    Hi Randyswife,

    I wanted to welcome you to this site, one Ohioan to another! My daughter, Lauren is the one with CC. We are in Uniontown, Ohio near Canton. I know we have some cancer centers in Ohio, but we choose to go to University of Michigan Hospital for Lauren’s treatment. I would be happy to answer any questions you may have and I write a blog you may be interested in. We met our dear friend, Lisa through this site and meet for lunch every so often. I am hoping for a good outcome for your husband and hope to hear from you again. All the best.


    in reply to: Update on Ben #53474

    Great to hear from you, Tom. You know you are forgiven for not writing sooner. I was wondering how you and Ben were doing. I am happy to hear he is managing as well as he is. That is great news. I know little set backs happen from time to time. I think we all face that. I am so happy Ben is still able to travel. Sounds like a wonderful cruise to some great places. Don’t be strangers and it was really nice to hear from you. Take care.

    Love and hugs, -Pam

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