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  • in reply to: starting chemo again #59543


    Good luck with your chemo and might I just say, your boyfriend is a JERK. You deserve so much better. You are one special person, and don’t you forget it. Take care and best of luck to you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Hello everyone! #59565

    Hi Karen,

    Thank you so much for taking on such a difficult job. I really appreciate everything you have done and will do for CC patients and their families. What a generous and caring person you are. All the best to you.


    in reply to: introductions #59527

    Dear Janet,

    Welcome to our family. I am so sorry that you had to join. I wish you the best of luck as you make your journey. I will be here to offer you a kind word, advice if I can, and just an ear to listen. Feel free to visit any time. Take care.


    in reply to: Marion Schwartz #59538

    I will second that motion, Lainy. Marion sure is one awesome lady. I for one, am glad she is in our corner. Tom, I am so happy that you got a chance to meet her.

    in reply to: Surgery for stage 4 intrahepatic CC #59496

    I would not put up with an oncologist that wouldn’t answer my questions and neither should you. I think in a nice way you could say that you have some questions that you don’t feel have been answered and ask him again about where the tumors are, and I would say when he is busily typing to him that you would prefer he look at you when he is speaking to you and to please listen. Boy, that would make me furious. You have to remember that you are your Dad’s advocate and if you don’t fight for him, nobody else will. Sometimes I think doctors just need a little slap upside the head (figuratively speaking) to be made aware that they are acting like a jerk. I’m sure if you pointed out to him that you weren’t happy with him that he would change his tune. If not, change doctors!! Before Lauren had cancer, I might not have said anything. Not any more. I ask questions whenever I have them and don’t back down until I am satisfied. I didn’t really care for Lauren’s oncologist at first, but after a while I realized the reason I didn’t like him was because some of the things he was saying was not what I wanted to hear. I now have come to really like him and I also have a deep respect for him. Best of luck for your Dad to be able to have surgery.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54455

    God bless Kim. She is such an awesome person. I sure hope the growth turns out to be nothing serious. I’m sure even with a crazy hairdo, Kim is just as beautiful as always.

    in reply to: Part 2: Clean so far (sort of …) #56539


    I vote for you to keep the thread. You have great doctors that are watching you like a hawk. They removed the bad spot in your lung. I’m wishing you all the best. By the way, I saw your puppy on Facebook and she is a beauty. Loved the pics on the beach. Take care.


    in reply to: itching #59448


    I am glad you have found some relief!! All the best to you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Intro #59160

    Dear Les,

    I am so sorry to hear of Sarah’s passing. God bless you both and I hope you can take comfort in knowing she has found peace.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: I’m lost… #59397

    Dear Deb,

    I definitely understand when you hear the words, “Call me if you need anything, that it really annoys you. I really don’t like hearing that either.
    It’s a polite easy way out. I just wish people would do things instead of saying that. I would never dream of calling someone to cook dinner or do anything for us. I have had two friends that have done stuff for Lauren. One Mom and daughter we are good friends with brought over a huge pot of broccoli cheese soup. We all ate together and had a great time. Just this week, our next door neighbor brought over a big pot of broccoli cheese soup too. If you haven’t guessed, that is Lauren’s favorite soup. I thought that was the nicest thing. They just did it out of the goodness of their hearts. They didn’t say “Call me if you need me.” I wish more people were like that. I will give your sister- in- law the benefit of the doubt and say maybe she just doesn’t know what to do or say to make you feel better. You will be in my prayers, Deb. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: update on dad (SIR-spheres done!) #59476

    Yay to both of you. This is what I like to hear. My Lauren has a consultation for this procedure on April 11. We are very hopeful. All the best to all of you!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: I’m lost… #59394

    Dear Deb,

    I know sometimes it feels like everyone has forgotten about you and is more interested in their own lives, but that is not the case here. Come and visit any time and we will be here to listen and support you. Take care, Deb and remember we all care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Scanxiety #59460

    Stay positive and hope for the best. I know it is easier said than done, but worrying does nothing but make you feel sick. I will pray for great results.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Front row tickets to hell #58460


    I am very sorry for your loss. A Father and Daughter’s love is very special. I hope your pain becomes fond memories soon.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Update on Ben #53466

    Dear Tom and Ben,

    Great news on Ben and how exciting to meet Marion!! She is such an awesome lady. You are lucky to get to meet her! Let us know all about it. Take care you two.

    Love, -Pam

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