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  • in reply to: Recap of My Dad’s Journey #56616

    Dear Laura,

    I am very sorry to hear of your Dad’s decline in health. My prayers are with all of you at this difficult time. Please come back and visit with us when you feel up to it. We can always use input from experiences you have had. Hoping for peace for your Dad.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: What Chemo should be used for me? #56245


    Good luck with your chemo. Everyone reacts differently to it. My daughter is on three different ones and does remarkably well. Only a bit tired for a few days and then it’s go, go, go. Hoping the same outcome for you. Take care.


    in reply to: Therasphere update #56466

    Dear Michael,

    I am sorry that you have had to face so much. I wish you all the best and hope you find a treatment plan that will make you feel better and stronger. I will pray for your pain to subside. Keep up the fight. We are all rooting for you!! Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Part 2: Clean so far (sort of …) #56495

    Hi Jim,

    Lauren’s CA-19-9 went up every month. Now it is going down. I was quite concerned because people on this site seem to freak out about them so much. I asked the PA that works with Lauren’s oncologist about this and she said it is just one of the tools they use along with scans and other tests. It causes them to be aware but really as long as scans are looking good and the patient is feeling well they don’t worry. So I am not going to anymore either!!
    Take care.


    in reply to: Update on my story…… #54914

    Dear Byron,

    I am really sorry for all the hard times you have suffered lately. I think you will have a wonderful time in Hawaii. You deserve a lovely trip with your wife. I hope you come back all rested and refreshed. I also hope the doctors can come up with a new game plan that will kick your cancer’s butt! Much love to you and your family. Safe travels my friend.


    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54424

    Hey Everyone,

    If you missed the show you really need to listen. Lauren’s boyfriend, Giovanni, called in and talked to Kim and Denise. It was so awesome hearing them talk about Lauren. I am so proud of him and so honored to have Kim as a friend. She is one super lady and so is Denise. What a great thing they are doing in spreading awareness and stories about people affected by cancer. Slowly but surely, the word is getting out about CC. Love to all,


    in reply to: In retrospect #56421

    I asked Lauren these questions and she said she would have gone to the doctor as soon as she felt pain the first time and would have bugged him until he found out what it was. She says she feels best about her outlook on life now. She doesn’t get upset as much over things, is more happy and grateful just to be alive. Life is just too short to get upset anymore. She is very thankful that her treatments are making her feel better and she doesn’t get sick from chemo.

    I would have made Lauren go to the doctor a lot sooner than she did. I thought she was having gall bladder attacks and they would go away or she would have to have it out. I would have definitely called her doctor and bugged him every single day to know the results of her ultrasound instead of thinking nothing was wrong since he never called us back. I don’t know if it really would have made any difference but if I was able to find out that if it was caught a few months earlier it would have made a huge difference, I would never forgive myself for not being more pushy about things. I feel best about knowing I am doing everything I can to help Lauren through all of this. I have quit my job to be her constant companion and full time caregiver. I try to find any information I can to help her. I know all my kids know that I love them more than anything because I tell them I love them every single day. I am so happy to have found this website and all of you. It was so difficult to read things on here at first but I pushed myself to get through it and now I can handle reading things. It feels good to give and seek advice. It is such a special bond to talk with people who have CC or take care of someone who has CC.

    Lauren and I both have unwavering hope and will NEVER give up that hope that one day she will be well and cured and no one else will die from this terrible disease.


    in reply to: Lauren’s tumors are shrinking!!!! #55673

    No Maria, it has not. I will ask the doctor what he thinks about it. Thank you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Introduction #56362

    OMG Lisa,

    I just saw that you were from Akron, Ohio. We live in Uniontown. You are the first person on here that is close to us. I hope all goes well with the CAT scan. Maybe we can get to know each other better. My daughter would love to have a friend that has CC to talk to. All the best to you.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Lost my Daddy #56373

    Dear ANP,

    I am so sorry to hear of your Dad’s passing. He seemed like a special man. I understand the bond you had with your father. My Lauren has that same special bond with her Dad. They were both born on the same day, March 6. Mark always says she was the best present he has ever received. I know your Dad will be watching over you and your little girls from heaven. That’s what great Dad’s do, watch over their children. Your Dad sounds like he was one of the best. Take care and I hope your pain eases each day.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Introduction #56359


    I just wanted to say welcome to the family. You are such a fighter and I am sorry you have been through so much already. There is always hope and we are all here to help in whatever way we can. Take care and hope to hear more from you in the future.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: What we have learned so far… #50612


    That is awesome news. Bruce must be such a fighter! All the best for a bright future.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Who do I e-mail? #56330

    Thanks Marion. I know you are so busy. I thought my post probably got lost in the shuffle and I really wanted to make sure I got some brochures before it was too late. Thanks for getting back to me and thanks for working so tirelessly to help people with CC.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Who do I e-mail? #56328


    Lainy, Marion, Gavin, Percy, …………………………..Anyone…………………

    Can you hear me now??????????????????????????????????

    No, really can anyone answer my question please. Thanks.


    in reply to: Lauren’s tumors are shrinking!!!! #55666

    Thank you one and all from the bottom of my heart. I would not be able to be so strong for Lauren if I didn’t have my wonderful CC family. I love you all more than words can express.


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