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  • in reply to: Chemo: Maybe maybe not. #55996

    Lainy, You always know just what to say to crack me up!! Thanks for that. I hope you have a great New Years too.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Fulfox – has it worked for you? #49936

    Mike- So happy for you. Awesome news.


    in reply to: Chemo: Maybe maybe not. #55994

    Thanks for the prayers. They worked!! Lauren’s platelets were 137 yesterday. So she got her chemo. (Don’t tell Lauren this and I can only imagine how hard it is but I think they put a grumpy pill in her chemo yesterday!) Sheeeesh. Hopefully, she will be in better spirits tomorrow. Ryan really learned a lot. He went back in the lab with her when they accessed her port, went in with us to see the oncologist, and sat with Lauren most of the six hours she was getting her chemo. He gave her a lot of support. I am really proud of how sweet he was with her. Take care everyone. I love you all.


    in reply to: My Introduction #56006

    Hi Derrin,

    Welcome to this site. I am sorry that you have had to go through so many rough patches, but it is so awesome that they got all of your cancer. So many on here, including my daughter, wish so much that they were able to have surgery. So you are so very lucky in that respect. My daughter is on Gem/Cis and a pump of 5-FU. She does really well with her chemo. She just had her 8th round yesterday and is on her pump until tomorrow evening. She is really tired right now and will be probably until Saturday morning and then she usually bounces right back. You would never know she was sick to look at her except she has lost almost all her hair. Everyone reacts differently to their chemo. She makes sure to keep up on her nausea meds the days right after chemo and she does great. She is lucky that she does not get sick. I hope it will be the same for you. Best of luck to you and I hope you continue to visit this site.


    in reply to: Introduction #56019

    Hi Cheryl,

    Welcome to the family. You sound like such a sweet person with a great attitude. My daughter is 25 and has CC. Her oncologist always tells her to “Do whatever you want and don’t do anything you don’t want to do.” He always ends that with ” Don’t do any dishes” and believe me she listens to that one. He always thinks he is being so funny. We just let him think he is. Anyway, I am happy you are living by those words and doing what you want. It is your life and tell anyone who disagrees just that. I hope you come and visit often. There are a lot of terrific people here that love to listen. Take care.


    in reply to: My Beautiful girlfriend of 7 yrs ! #44211

    Hey Gio! Nice to see you on here. You wrote such a nice post. Thanks for all your kind words. I made Lauren read your post and of course she started crying. We all love you so much. Thank you for taking such good care of her.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: 1st Christmas without Mom though she is still here with us! #55964

    Such sweet stories. I am so happy you have all heard from your dear loved ones.

    Love to all, -Pam

    in reply to: anniversary #55817

    Congratulations Bob. What a miracle you are. Happy Holidays.



    Dear Jeanne,

    I would just like to welcome you to the site. My daughter has CC and has been told if her tumors shrink enough she could be considered for surgery. She has one whopper tumor that has shrunk 2cm. each way from 4 rounds of chemo. She will have scans on Jan.5 to see if they are shrinking more. She doesn’t want to know what stage she is so her doctor just says to say she has advanced CC. I wish you and your husband all the best in fighting this disease.


    in reply to: Radio Show Living with Cancer #54415

    Hi Jim-

    I thought the show was really good. I think I cried through most of it. The little boy was adorable and Cathy was great. It was so awesome to hear Cathy’s voice. I have been talking to her on here for awhile but it was really touching to hear her tell her story. It truly is a miracle. Kim and Denise did a super job too. Take care.


    in reply to: Abnormal heartbeat after gem/cis #55838


    I was looking at Lauren’s itemized bill of her chemo drugs and cost. I looked up Palonsetron which is another name for Aloxi. This is given in the IV as a long acting nausea med. One of the side effects is irregular heartbeat. I’m not sure if your wife gets this drug, but if she does you might want to check it out.


    in reply to: Best Christmas Gift Ever! #55911

    Yippeeeeeeee!! How awesome, Janine. I knew you were one tough cookie and would fight this thing like nobody’s business. I am thrilled for you. Keep up the good work girlie!!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Hello again #55845

    Thanks Dawn. Prayers are being said for both of you. Don’t ever feel like a failure. You are doing all you can for T. Most of all, you are loving her. What more could someone ask for. Take care.

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: Update on me #55878

    Dear Susie,

    I am glad you are getting your strength and energy back. You sure are one tough cookie. I am also very thankful you are here and I have you to chat with! Happy Holidays!

    Love, -Pam

    in reply to: New hepatic or perihepatic cyst #55598

    Dear Kris,

    I’m sorry you have to go through all of this. I wish you a 2012 with a plan of attack to make you feel better. All the best to you.

    Love, -Pam

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