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  • in reply to: Doug Jensen #52923

    Dear Nancy, there are no words to express how deeply sorry I am for your loss. My prayers and thougts are with you and your family. You have been so strong and so brave during this battle. I wish you continued strength throughout this period of mourning.


    in reply to: Update on my dear husband #52371

    Dear Nancy,

    To make the choice of continuing treatment or choosing palliative care has to be one of the most difficult decisions we face. I know Dan and I have discussed stopping chemo several times because it has been very rough for him.

    I believe you and I started this journey together and our husbands situations were very similar (stage IV inoperable) so we have probably experienced the same roller coaster ride. I want you to know that I’m with you in spirit and feeling your heartbreak. I’m sending hugs, and strength and prayers your way.

    Stay strong Nancy. And as Lainy so beautifully put it keep telling Doug you’ll be OK.
    I think that is what they worry about the most – our incredible men.

    in reply to: Update on my dear husband #52380

    Hi Nancy, Sorry to hear this latest development. I hope the scan is good and that Doug will start to feel better soon. Sending warm wishes your way.

    in reply to: Stage IV CC diagnosed March 18th #49227

    Oh Connie, my heart is breaking for you. I tried to reach you a few times and when I didn’t hear back I suspected things where not going well. You have every right to be angry, I know I am. I will pray that you have the strength to get through this incredibly difficult time. I’m crying along with you. email me if you want. L.

    in reply to: My Brother Passed Away This Morning #52303

    Dave, I’m deeply sorry for your loss and will pray for you and your family.

    in reply to: Allergic reaction after 6 months! #52249

    Hi Patty,

    My husband had a very similar reaction but to the gemzar a few treatments in.
    He turned bright purple and had difficulty breating. They gave him massive doses of benedryl and steroids. He has continued on the gemzar but they give him 25mg 2 times 20 minutes apart prior to treatment and lots of hydration after. The Onc wanted to push thru it and he was right since there has not been another occurance.

    It’s scary to have a bad reaction and my husband seems to react strangely to all of the medication. You should ask the doc if he feels strongly that it will happen again and maybe try to go more slowly

    good luck

    in reply to: Gem/Cispaltin problems #51578

    Hi Trevor,

    My husband has been on Gemzar/Cisplatin for 6 months and has had terrible nausea as a result. No medications seemed to work for him including marinol so now he will just be getting the Gemzar. As PLC mentioned cisplatin has a high rate of side effects.
    Best of luck with your treatment.


    in reply to: David has passed away #51197

    Dear Chrissy,

    There are no words. My heart breaks for you and your daughter. I pray for you to have strength to get through this terrible time.


    in reply to: Severe Nausea #50808

    Thank you all for your answers. The nausea is from the chemo and we have spoken to the doctor about alternate meds. He thinks his body just can’t handle the cysplatin any longer and is going to take him off of it for now as he desperately needs a break.
    Nancy, we did seek a 3rd opionion and he is not a canditate for surgery. So we’ll just keep moving along and trying different things.
    I’m going to forward your suggestions on the meds to the doctor and see what he says. Kathy, thanks for the tip on the ulcer I will ask him about that as well.
    Again, thanks everyone. Coming to this site and reading these entries really helps to keep me strong (along with the lexapro :)).


    in reply to: Diagnosed with CC #49588

    Hi Jukka,

    Welcome to this wonderfull sight. I laughed when I saw your post about the Jaquar and Toms post about Ben getting a Porsche. My husband bought himself a truck he has been researching and dreaming about owning for years. I say good for you and every minute of pleasure it brings you.
    My grandmother was from Helsinki but left when she was very young.

    I wish you all the best in your treatment. If it is similar to gemzar and cisplatin that seems to be the protocol here in U.S.
    My husband has done very well with it. I’m sure others will comment on their experiences soon.


    in reply to: Ben’s “amazing” scans… #50024


    in reply to: My dad has passed on… #49884

    Stacey, so sad to hear this news. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. P

    in reply to: Some questions and update #50008

    Lourdes, my husband is on gem/cis. Although I believe everyone responds differently I’ll be happy to share his experience with you. He receives both chemos the same day which usually lasts from 8:00 am – 6:00 PM. He is usually very tired the first day because he gets large doses of benydryl. The following 2 days he goes in for several hours a day for fluids. He is usually under the weather for the enitre week.
    Experiencing nauseu, constipation and body aches.
    Luckily he is off chem for 2 weeks after that and has an opportunity to regain his strength and enjoy life.

    Good luck to your dad. Prayers coming your way.


    in reply to: TIREDNESS #49942

    hi Maryjo, My husband has been going to the smoothy stores and getting wheat grass. He says it helps him regain his energy. However he is still more tired on chemo then when hes not going for chemo. In fact you would never know he was sick during off chemo weeks , except for some weight loss .

    Hang in there.


    in reply to: Rick Kamp has gone home #49805

    Ken, my most sincere and deepest sympathy to you and your family.

    Rick was a good man and will be remembered with kindness.


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