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  • in reply to: my dad’s cholangiocarcinoma.. #80792

    Hi Andrea and welcome to the site. It sounds like he had completed about 4 treatements (or cycles?) of chemo? You mentioned that the 2cm on the lung look like it had disappeared, did they mention anything about the one in the liver? I too had a 17cm tumor in my liver as well and was on gem/cis for about 8 cycles. My ICC was contained in my liver and had not spread to any other areas of my body. I am sorry you and your family have to go thorough this. Please keep us posted. Is he going to continue the chemo?

    in reply to: Gemcitabine question #80951

    I am not familiar with gem alone…but similar to kris’s husband I have been offered the gem/ox post resection as well in case of any microscopic cells.

    in reply to: My husband passed #80927

    Michele I am so sorry for your loss. Heaven has received another beautiful angel. May he be at peace and rest and no longer suffering. Lots of hugs, love, and blessings to you and your family.

    in reply to: My heart is breaking for a family I never met #80873

    Hi all, I don’t know how many of you have a facebook. But the family is on there, and on the Bile duct cancer awareness group on Fb as well. They also have a caringbridge site too.

    in reply to: New Member seeking advise #80857

    Hi Lorna another warm welcome to the site. Yes, awesome news that he was able to have a resection and get the tumor removed. I too had a resection back in January and the surgeon was able to achieve clear margins and there was no lymph node involvement. I am starting chemo in 2 weeks. I am familiar with Gemzar and not Xeloda. The chemo regimen I will be on is Gem/Ox. Prior to resection I was on Gem/Cis and keep in mind everyone is different and everyone tolerates these drugs different the Gem/Cis is generally well tolerated. I had very few side effects with that combo. Good luck on your journey ahead and keep us posted. :)

    in reply to: Update on my husband #80841

    Hi Michele, I am sorry for all that you and your husband are going through. He sure does sound like a fighter. Sending you guys much love and many blessings.

    in reply to: Wedding bliss? #80829

    Hi and welcome to the site. I am sorry for all the pain you and your husband have and are going through. Hopefully this site can bring you some peace and support. Hugs and blessings.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80173

    Matt congrats on having low numbers, that is wonderful news. 12 is a great number!

    in reply to: Visit with Oncologist #80825

    As always, thanks for the input everyone. I am feeling quite anxious about it and knowing as much as I can about this particular regimen helps alleviate some of the anxiety. They also mentioned that the infusion is quite longer than the cisplatin and told me to be prepared for that. As far as drinking water do you suggest buying bottled and just not refrigerating it? I also have a Brita, and was thinking when I fill it just leave it out rather than putting in the fridge. I hydrate well and want to make sure I am able to keep myself hydrated. I see a lot of drinking hot tea in my future. :)

    in reply to: Visit with Oncologist #80821

    She did. And please feel free anyone to chime in on thoughts. After my resection they found that the gem/cis combo killed off about 20% of my tumor. I know there is very little stastic about adjuvant chemo and its effectiveness but with what she and the board felt was with this being our last chance at nipping everything in the bud if there were cells to kill off they thought this was the better option. She said we can still do gem cis if that’s what I opted for but so far I’ve been in great hands and trust their recommendations. ;)


    in reply to: My Introduction #80168

    Matt I completely understand what you are going through and how you are feeling. Emotions all over the place! I go to a psychiatrist for talk therapy and medication management, mainly anxiety. I have also tried massage, acupuncture, and will soon begin an exercise regimen and I find all these helpful and are great distractions to keep you and your mind busy.Good luck.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80163

    Thanks Marion.

    in reply to: My Introduction #80161

    Hi Matt. I am curious if a certain amount of time has passed if it’s considered “too”long. Marion, do you have any idea about that in regards to adjuvant chemo and how much time has passed since resection? My doc said at least 6 weeks to allow for healing process. When I saw her last week I know she mentioned that she wanted me to start soon and I see my onc tom. I will ask her that. I wish you well on your continued recovery! :)

    in reply to: My Introduction #80159

    Kathy, I am curious about the MRI versus CT and anyone please feel free to chime in. I don’t like how I react to the dye with CT so my onc always sticks with MRI’s. She says she prefers them over CT’s. Is there one that is more proficient than the others, or mainly Dr’s preference?
    Matt have you had any more thoughts on whether “to chemo or not chemo?” :)

    in reply to: Our story #80631

    Hi Roxanne here is another warm welcome heading your way. Sounds like you guys have been through quite a lot the last few months. I wish you and your husband the best of luck! Many hugs and blessings to you both.

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