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  • in reply to: Ginger’s Services. #69229

    I think heaven must be a place where one day you will meet again all those who made your world … with love xxxx

    in reply to: Lauren’s Surgery News #56105

    Brilliant news … I will tread with Lauren every step and remember laughing is an amazing tonic xx

    in reply to: New Member #59033

    Dearest Kirstie
    My heart goes out to you and I shed tears for you. Please understand this disease has no rhyme nor any reason. May I suggest you use your time to create a loving memory book of your mum, write down everything you think of about your special mum, try not to spend your time asking why … there is no answer.
    Thinking of you

    in reply to: New Member #68945

    Hello Jim and welcome to an amazing site.
    I too am in the UK although I was diagnosed and treated in France. I love your newfound lessons, but please remember to laugh every day, I found it to be a wonderful tonic.
    I wish you all the luck in the world and if you ever want a buddy to chat please contact me.
    Take good care of you.

    in reply to: Survival #60273

    Dearest dearest Friends
    Today I received the wonderful news that following my end of first year scan … I am clear. Wow, I am the happiest lady alive. I have so many people to thank for helping me to get to this wonderful milestone … my so precious family and friends, my incredible medical team … thank you especially to Professor Paineau, his amazing team, Charmayne and her amazing gang of nurses at the Rene Gaudechau in France … my teddy bear who absorbed so many tears and also to my worldwide cyber support group … YOU, each and everyone of you who read this. This site is amazing … tears, joy, sadness, happiness, but above all you give hope, support and love. If there is one thing I can give anyone who goes through this horrendous CC journey from hell, it is this, please, please find something to laugh and giggle about every day … it’s not a cure but the best tonic every invented. Thank you, I love living. xxx

    in reply to: 3-year scan results!! #67838

    I am so very pleased for you and your family. Your wonderful news gives so much hope to others. Take care Sandie xx

    in reply to: Hello! #67887

    Every time I see a new member, I shed tears. Please Letslive, smile and laugh every day, no matter what, you are loved and supported by this amazing group of people. xxx

    in reply to: Hello #67348

    I was so very sad to read your post. Please don’t give up, keep researching and asking questions and no matter how hard try and bring laughter and smiles to your sister every day, it is a wonderful medicine. Take care of you too.

    in reply to: Hello #67326

    I too had an embolisation and my surgeon told me it was nearly always successful an I’m sure you sister will be fine. My liver grew 25% in three weeks and I ate spinach, broccoli, red peppers and chocolate every day in abundance. I wish your sister the best. X

    in reply to: December 13 th luncheon #67469

    Sooo wish I could join you … long way for me …. but, who knows, maybe one day. Have fun xxxx

    in reply to: Survival…Please tell us your latest milestone #64645

    I had my resection on January 23rd 2012 and clear so far, next scan is January 25th. My year from hell is coming to an end and am getting stronger everyday. Will be trekking to raise money for UK cholangiocarcinoma foundation (AMMF) in February 2012, so excited and have started training. This site and AMMF are awesome and so inspirational. Thank you to each and every one of you. Keep smiling no matter what. xx

    in reply to: My First Post… #66843

    Thank you Andie, AMMF looks excellent and I will enjoy reading their news.
    Many thanks

    in reply to: My First Post… #66841

    I was living in France when I was diagnosed and treated.
    Sandie x

    in reply to: My First Post… #66837

    I read your post with interest. I too am in the uk (I was in France and had all my treatment in France). As yet I haven’t met anyone in the uk that has cc, I cannot find any forums, discussion groups or support groups specifically for cc in the uk. This site is amazing and I feel without it I would have felt so alone and lacking in information. I was diagnosed a year ago and also had a resection and had complications but I am now doing really well. I wish you all the luck in the world Helen. Thinking of you, Sandie x

    in reply to: mandy #66256

    Dear Mandy
    It is exactly one year ago I was told I had cc. Like you, I had agressive surgrery including removal of a large tumour, liver resection and that was followed by chemo and radio. A year on, I feel amazing and so many people say I look ten years younger. After completion of all the treatment, I had a period of depression and still take antidepressants. I laugh every day and do something special every day … stay positive and you will get through. You are young (I am 52) and otherwise healthy … you can win this battle. Good luck Mandy, I wil be thinking of you. X

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