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  • in reply to: The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen #46471

    We do great with smoothies at our house. We use 4 oz of yogurt, 1 cup of ice, 1 cup of fruit juice, some fresh or frozen fruit and voila. Sometimes we add a packet of store-bought smoothie mix. Good luck with those.

    in reply to: My husband Doug #46109

    Hi Nancy – I think it is Jennifer who has/had family in Revelstoke. Susan

    in reply to: My Husband and Cholangiocarcinoma – Part 2 #42164

    When it rains, it pours. May you have an umbrella of peace over your life and a shower of blessings instead of hardship. I am so sorry you have so much added to your plate. God must think you are very strong. Keep leaning into Him and gain the strength you need for each day. Blessings to you and your family, Susan

    in reply to: Hospice #46648

    Dear Jacque – My heart is with you as you face these very difficult days. I know that I felt more comfort when hospice began coming to care for my husband. They also come twice a week. It is so hard to see our loved ones in pain and feels strange that on the days they peacefully sleep we feel better too. These once active, vibrant people now lie in bed most of the time, but we still have moments and memories to share. May all your moments be precious and your memories be abundant. My prayers are with you. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Linda Z… peace at last #46582

    So sorry to hear that Linda passed away. Hold her memories close and dear in your heart, especially in the long nights ahead. What a blessing to have had her in this life and an even greater blessing to be reunited in Heaven one day. She get the lay of the land in Heaven so when you get there, she can show you all around. Blessings to you and your whole family. Susan

    in reply to: The Cancer-Fighting Kitchen #46466

    What wonderful suggestions. Thank you both. My husband particularly struggles with foods tasting too salty or too bitter. I bet one of these books would be very helpful.

    in reply to: If you have Blue Cross and Blue Shield Please read this. #37174

    So, we struggle with this awful cancer and we can’t get medical exams or tests covered by insurance. It’s really not right. I’d continue to appeal to the state insurance commisioner. Why should you be discriminated against if the doctor feels the test would provide information he needs to make decisions regarding treatment for you? They don’t know much about this cancer, but they DO know that they don’t cover this test for this cancer. What a system. UGH! I get so frustrated. Please keep us updated.

    in reply to: Whipple after Roux En Y for Klatskin’s #46552

    This is the first time I have seen the roux en y mentioned. My husband had the roux en y procedure 7 years ago. The hospice nurses think he hasn’t had some of the issues with needing stents because of the roux en y, but I have not idea if there is a link or not. I’d be interested to learn more also. Good luck with the whipple. As I said, my husband has not had stents or any kind of invasive procedure. The only treatment he had was a little chemo with Gemzar which did not work. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Diagnosed in early August 2010 #46554

    Hi Kathy – It is so nice to hear your good news – clear margins and lymph nodes. Recovery is such a blessing and to be celebrated. So, we celebrate with you. Keep posting so we know how you are doing. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: yesssss good news #42501

    How wonderful that we can share in your good news! Thanks for letting us be a part of your life. Your news has encouraged us. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Treating Cholangiocarcinoma-Mayo Clinic #43215

    When my daughter and I were originally looking for treatment centers for my husband, we specifically tried Mayo in Phoenix and we got a good response from them. Good news!

    in reply to: Linda Z #46454

    My husband went on oxygen at night when he sleeps and it has helped a lot. This is true even though his oxygen levels do not appear low. He is sleeping better. We are so thankful. He also has to take ativan periodically even when he thinks he does not need it. Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you navigate this difficult process. Let’s pray for a rally. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Dad with CC lost his battle #46338

    Dear Askthiru – This is a very difficult time for you. So sorry for your loss. Cherish the precious memories and hold on tight when you have difficult days. This is all normal and the love you have for your dad lives on. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: How much warning #46389

    Dear Rick – Everything about this cancer seems unpredictable so I guess the end is the same. My husband has been declining since his diagnosis in late July, however, I believe that he will push himself until the very end. He overdoes it now and I can’t imagine him changing except that his body continues to limit him. I pray that you have time to take care of everything that is important – sharing your love, taking care of business, etc. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Mom lost her battle… #46376

    Dear codergirl – Such a loss is difficult to comprehend. Thankfully, you had some time with your mom before she passed. When your grief washes over you, as it will, think of it as your mom coming to visit you and just take time to allow the visit. May your memories bring you comfort in the coming days. Blessings, Susan

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