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  • in reply to: results from petscan #46038

    Dear Moontje – We are hoping and praying for good results for you. May 2011 bring good news and many blessings. Susan

    in reply to: Hi #40795

    Dear Roni – It is always so good to read good news. Keep up the good work with your Dad and we’ll keep up the prayers. May the new year bring continued restoration of body and spirit. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Treatment Options #45954

    Kathy – I’m sure you haven’t always been like that and chemo brain is frustrating. But, look at you – 17 months! Keep fighting! You inspire me. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Oh the Rollercoaster! #45992

    I’m on one of those downs right now and all I can say is HOLD ON. What keeps you grounded? For me, it is my relationship with God and my family and friends. They have all been faithful, but it doesn’t make the roller coaster ride any better. It just gets you through it. There is an old saying, Stay cool and calm on the surface, but paddle like the devil underneath. I understand that you stay strong for her on the surface and underneath you are a wreck. It’s ok. Take time to be a wreck on the outside too when you are away from her. I also get in the car, put on my favorite music and sing at the top of my lungs. Apparently, it is good therapy for many of us. Sometimes I cry through the singing, but I go on singing. I listen to worship music.Come here often to vent and share with us. We know what you are going through and we care. Blessings to you and mom in the new year. Susan

    in reply to: diet #45983

    D517 – I know of someone with CC who has adopted a vegan diet and is doing very well on it. Good advice. My husband refuses that and eats whatever sounds good or will stay down. To each his own. At this point, he does best with smoothies. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Leo Langheim #45968

    Rick – Thanks for paying tribute to Leo. Our prayers for his family in their loss. Susan

    in reply to: Hello all…Need your thoughts… #45943

    Dear Beth – My husband has significant edema at times with no explanation of why or how it comes and goes. Overall, it gets worse with occasional relief. I wish I had answers for you. My prayers are with you. blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Mom Recently Diagnosed #45869

    It is amazing to me that my husband has done well with whatever sounds good to him to eat. Now, he gets sick on everything but for some months, he was able to eat cottage cheese with fruit and soups and smoothies. BLessings, Susan

    in reply to: Alternatives to Ensure and Boost #45932

    I don’t know if she would be able to tolerate it, but we use greek yogurt, fruit, milk and ice to make homemade smoothies. It is one of the only things Randy can keep down these days. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Antibiotics #15461

    I feel so blessed that we have not had any infections or sepsis, but my husband also does not have a stent. For that we are thankful. I am not sure if he is reaching a place where he might need one. He is not jaundiced much, his bowels are working fine, but his abdomen continues to increase in size. I am sure it is a combination of ascites and tumor growth. We have been advised, so far, not to have the fluid drained unless it becomes difficult for him to breathe. He appears to me to become short of breath easily now. He won’t agree to go to the doctor yet, but we have an appointment on January 10 at Loma Linda with an oncologist. Maybe we’ll see what happens then. My husband is growing weaker and weaker and has increased nausea and vomiting despite taking medications to control that. I think we are on a downhill slide, but I am reluctant to give in. We still do the best we can day-to-day and he insists on going out for a couple hours at a time on his mobie-cart. Any suggestions? Susan

    in reply to: Bowels, is this normal #45874

    Dear Frances – So sorry you and your mom have to experience this. I do not have any suggestions except to agree with Marion to have the doctors make sure she is comfortable. May you and she experience peace as you travel this difficult road. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Blessings, Susan.

    in reply to: Uncomfortable Discussion #45864

    Dear Nancy – These uncomfortable moments will always come up, but Lainy and Margaret had some good suggestions. I would always want to include John in discussing my children too. He means so much to you and he is your son. Embrace his memories and maybe when asked, don’t worry that it is not the time or place, he is in heaven, and you will see him again one day. May you have peace and blessings in the New Year. Susan

    in reply to: no treatment, what happens now? #42802

    Dear Roni – You are experiencing very difficult days. On those days, hold on tight, count the blessings you do have. This is so hard to go through and being separated from your parents must be so hard on you. Do the best you can every day – that’s all you can do. Don’t apologize for venting – this is the place. It is overwhelming to think of potentially losing both your parents. I hold you close in prayer for your strength and your parents health. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Merry Christmas #45859

    Lisa – May 2011 bring you more good news and your blessings be multiplied. Susan

    in reply to: Good news- I guess #45851

    Dear Julie – So happy that you have arrived at stable. Great news. What a wonderful way to start the new year. I have a friend who has had some success with diet (no spread of tumors); they do not eat meat and have started juicing. Keep up the positive attitude. Blessings to you and your family this holy season. Susan

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