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  • in reply to: Gift from my dad :) #48587

    How absolutely wonderful. You have a gift from your dad even after he is gone. What a blessing. Susan

    in reply to: Happy Birthday to my Dad #48590

    Happy birthday to your dad even though he is in Heaven. Each month is a milestone and each holiday a reminder that it is the first you have celebrated without him. May God bring you blessings and peace on this birthdate as you remember all your wonderful memories of him. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: New and Late to the Coversation #48605

    Welcome, we are so sorry that you had to find us and sorry that you haven’t had our support for all the time you have had CC in your life. Glad that you finally found us. I thin k you will get a lot of support on this site. I am sorry that your mom is so close, but my prayer is that she goes peacefully. Hearing is the last thing to go, so continue to tell her how much you love you and what she has meant to you in your life. My husband just passed 5 weeks ago. He went into a coma and passed very peacefully. He also declined very rapidly at the end. Please continue to come here and post often. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: having to deal with people #48536

    My Dearest Lainy –

    You are so right. Most days I do PUSH myself and each time I think of you and the club we are in – the PUSH club. Somedays, I indulge myself a little and I stay in bed longer. I am back to work and that forces me out 3 times a week.

    I also agree with you that I can’t say that I am lonely because somehow it seems like I’m not really alone. I carry my beloved in my heart and so that part isn’t lonely. Empty and 1/2 -everything feels like 1/2 – 1/2 the joy, 1/2 the fun, 1/2 of me. I don’t know where to find the other 1l2, but I must give time some time to do it’s work.

    I always love talking with you because you REALLY GET IT! You understand and KNOW what I’m going through. Maybe we are both really strong, determined people who were lucky enough to have a true love and for that I am truly thankful.

    I have a lot of thankfulness in my life – 28 years of a faithful husband. 42 years knowing he would do anything for me. What kind of gift and blessing is that? A wonderful one that left me with a solid foundation.

    I listen to the song, “When You Say You Love Me” by Josh Groban over and over and over. It brings me comfort. We played it at Randy’s memorial when we had pictures of my life with Randy. I don’t get tired of it – I rarely cry when it’s on, but I love it and how solid I feel when I hear it.

    Thanks for the encouragement.


    in reply to: Counseling starts next week… #48569

    Dear Kim –

    As a therapist, who is also grieving, I think counseling will be wonderful for you. It is one place that you can let down your feelings with someone who will help carry the load. I am actually journaling, talking to my friends and colleagues, and practicing feeling my pain (for short periods of time). I also have trouble sleeping and concentrating – and it’s ALL so NORMAL. Hard, but normal.

    Here’s a virtual hug for you. Grief is a road you are on and I haven’t ever found a short cut. Allow yourself to feel your pain, but don’t let yourself stay in it.

    I think Dr. Giles is also a great suggestion.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you.




    Dear Kelly

    While I do not have any information or know of any research, I have a similar question. Initially, it was thought that my husband had colon cancer at the site of the transverse colon. I don’t think that was ever ruled out, but the CC was the bigger issue and got all the attention. My husband had tenderness at the site of the transverse colon for about 2 years prior to his diagnosis.

    I’d be interested in what you find out.l


    in reply to: Dad’s Memorial Bench #48520

    Dear Jen –

    What wonderful pictures. Thank you so much for sharing. Even with this horrible CC in our lives, we have reason to celebrate and that reason is the love we have for our families and for one another.

    Thanks again for sharing. I was uplifted.


    in reply to: My husband’s treatment was discontinued today. #48546

    Dear Melanie – At home hospice care was a godsend for us. They were completely on top of pain and nausea management. My heart goes out to you as you consider this next step. Blessings to you and your family. Susan

    in reply to: having to deal with people #48532

    My heart goes out to you. Grief does not have a timetable and you are seeing a counselor to help you deal with your grief. I am so sorry that it hurts so much for so long. I am only one month out from losing my husband of 28 years, but when do you stop feeling like you are only 1/2. I am a member of the PUSH Club, but I find I must make myself PUSH to go out and do things. Please accept this virtual hug. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Dads Celebration of Life #48512

    Dear Andie –

    Memorial celebrations are wonderful expressions of our love for our families. I am so glad that your celebration was all you hoped for. I have such wonderful memories of my husbands’ service on 2/12/11. Blessings to you and your family as you adjust to your dad’s physical presence being absent, but his memories and he will stay alive in your heart.


    in reply to: Heartbroken #48280

    Dearest Ashley –

    I am so sorry that you and your family have to go through this experience. You have been blessed to be so close, but that makes this time even harder. I can only offer you words of comfort – Hold each other close, say all the loving things that are in your heart, thank her for all that she has given you in your life. I’m sure you have done these things, but you can do them again and again.

    It is so hard to accept that we are all here for just a short while, but your mom is young and there was no way to see this coming or to prepare for it.

    My heart is with you. Please wrap your arms around yourself and accept a big hug from your CC family.

    Let us know how it goes and know that our hearts are with you. You are not alone. We have felt and feel your pain.



    Dear Kamnbelle

    Bless you for caring so much for your dad and arming yourself with knowledge. That is the best way to fight and be an advocate for your dad. Look over our site and glean all the information you can. Come often, post, ask questions, vent, cry, and get up to continue the fight with us standing with you. Our hearts go out to you. In some way, we have all been involved with CC. Keep us posted.

    Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: My precious brother #48273

    Dear Loving Sister – How wonderful that you have had this great fishing partner and your brother to boot. I am also a Christian and this disease can test your faith, but as you already know, draw close to the Giver of Life. My husband had CC and as a family, we came to view the months of illness as a blessing to allow us time to take a family vacation, have the best Christmas of our lives, say all the things we wanted to say about our love and appreciation for my husband, and then we released him into the arms of God. We grieve for the man we loved so much, but we have such a sense of gratitude for all God allowed us to experience. My prayer is that the doctors find treatment for your brother that allow him more time, more health, more fishing trips. My prayer for you and his family is that you find the faith and the comfort that will carry you through this experience. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Hi, good to find you #48459

    Dear Wisdom – I’d love to hear more about whatever support you might have. We are here for you, as Lainy said. I don’t think I would have survived without this site and Lainy. Many of us have felt so alone, but have found comfort here where others really know what living with CC is like. Please come often, post, vent, share, ask, we are your family and will go through this with you. Blessings, Susan

    in reply to: Update on dad #48328

    I can only echo what Lainy and Andrea have shared. My husband also passed peacefully and we had prayed for specific things and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM happened exactly as we had prayed. My husband had no pain in the end, his breathing had been labored, but calmed down when my son, my daughter and I told him of our love for him and that he was free to go. He passed so peacefully and with his loved ones with him. I am so glad that at this time, you have found this new found peace that is promised if we ask. Of course you will miss this wonderful woman, but when all is said and done, my prayer is that you will have a deep sense of joy at how great God is even when the grief is great. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your amazing family. Hold each other so close and say all the words you want to say and express the appreciation for the life you have had together. There is a strength and peace in that too. Blessings to all of you, Susan

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