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  • in reply to: Budwig diet – any success? #74654

    the thing with me (personally) and the “magic cure” diets is this:

    if they really really work, why hasn’t cancer been cured yet?

    i DO think that eating well is FOR SURE a bonus, but i have a hard
    time swallowing it’s a cure all for ANY cancer.

    IF ONLY it were that simple….we would be jumping for joy!

    in reply to: Still stable #74640

    good good news!

    in reply to: Roller Coaster Ride – No kidding #74666

    Best line award goes to this:

    “How are you doing with all this?” I fight the urge to scream and say “HOW THE …… DO YOU THINK I AM DOING?”

    went to breakfast with some friends…not ONE asked how my husband or
    i was doing…so elephant in the room that NO ONE talked about.

    on the way home one lady i went with asked “um so how are you doing?”

    I asked “Do you want a real answer, or one that will make you feel ok?”

    seriously WHY is cancer such a hard thing to talk about?

    Sorry for your troubles… you definitely have a double whammy…
    no no no fun!

    in reply to: Is CC FAST growing or SLOW growing?? #74183

    and as i sit here…

    i wonder WHY that is?

    what is it about this cancer??

    things i think about …

    in reply to: Is CC FAST growing or SLOW growing?? #74182

    very interesting….thanks for all the input so far and for your answers.

    this cancer seems like SUCH a strange beast to me compared to so
    many other cancers that are much more “predictable”.

    we’ve known breast cancer, prostate cancer, testicular cancer and pancreatic
    cancer people -up close and personal- and those kinds of cancer seem
    to follow more along the lines of doing “A B and C” kinda thing
    (as far as predictability and treatment, etc)
    …as opposed to this cancer which seems to skip and jump all over and be about as predictable as well, NOTHING.

    EVERY single person with the exact same cancer here seems to have
    so many reactions and differences ….it sometimes blows my mind
    (just a little)

    in reply to: Husband newly diganosed #74138

    I agree with a 2nd opinion always.

    My husband is Stage 4 (with mets to lungs and lymph nodes–he is 44 yr old)

    He has tolerated VERY WELL (so far) 5 months of gem/cis (chemo) and is feeling pretty darn good!

    He is not (ever) a candidate for surgery, both drs had the same opinion, same treatment and same “you should have XXX time left”

    BUT, both drs looked at him in the eye and said “YOU Kyle (my husband are
    the only Kyle that has ever had this disease…so regardless of statistics,
    YOU (kyle) will MAKE YOUR OWN NUMBERS” (in regards to “time left”).

    hang in there, its a hard thing to hear, and some very up and down days.
    being a caregiver is also very hard and we (caregivers) often get
    overlooked at what WE are dealing with as well!.

    Best wishes to you and your husband!

    in reply to: Gem/Cis Cycles #74135

    ok so my husband will have *9* rounds of this by the time he’s done.
    (of 2 weeks on/one recovery week)–

    in reply to: Gem/Cis Cycles #74132

    fist can we define 8 rounds (i always get so confused)

    are you counting a “round” as the 2 weeks on and 1 week off?

    If so, my husband is done with Round 7 of gem/cis and will do TWO
    more (so 9 total)…

    at which point they are suggesting radioembolizion or chemoembolization.

    When we asked they said the following:

    * it’s neither because he’s doing good or bad on the current treatment.
    he doing just fine. BUT at some point EVERY CC patient builds up a resistance to this chemo and it quits being effective and does not work anymore.

    *so they want to throw something else into the mix so that they can
    GO BACK TO gem/cis if they need to in the future.

    if it quits working, many times insurance will not cover the cost of it anymore
    (at least that’s how it was explained to us).

    obviously if it’s not working–we have bigger fish to fry. right?

    FTR, my husband is stage 4 ICC–one large tumor in the liver with mets
    to lungs and regional lymph nodes.

    he has seen a 60% decrease in liver tumor size and then another 20%
    decrease after two pets scans and almost 5 full months of this stuff.

    hope that helps~ Dorien

    in reply to: Transarterial chemoembolization – any thoughts? #74119

    interesting…they (the drs) are talking about trying something like
    this next on my husband (who is not a candidate for surgery…well,
    ever because of mets to lymph nodes and lungs.)

    thanks for sharing this….wrong section and all! :)

    in reply to: Anxiety!!!! Help!!! #74039

    Yes heather lets keep in touch for sure! My personal email is: if you need to contact me :)

    in reply to: Anxiety!!!! Help!!! #74033


    i am a caregiver as well (44 yr old husband–stage 4 with mets to lymph
    and lungs–he will never be a surgical candidate)

    and I HEAR YOU!!! it is SO stressful to be the caregiver/worrier/hoper of
    good things.

    NO ONE else, but someone standing in our shoes, “gets it”.

    I dont have any GREAT advice but here is what i find helps (somedays)
    keep me sane.

    *talking to a good friend who WILL LISTEN (not talk just listen and let me vent)

    * exercise

    *doing something “fun” with Kyle (my hubby)

    * doing something fun with my family

    *being with a group of friends (dinner or BBQ or whatnot)

    and lastly when all else fails?

    going out back, taking a deep breath and SCREAMING!


    oh, and something chocolate!

    seriously…those are the things that help me forget for 5 seconds
    at a time!

    best wishes…it’s hard. both as the patient AND the caregiver!
    sending a hug from Utah~

    in reply to: First scan #74002

    good luck…we have had TWO “scan days”…i lost 5 pounds before the last
    scan (and have since gained it back! ha ha)

    they are pretty intense days!



    Thanks for the update Kris!

    I appreciate hearing the “short version” of your story…
    again…it is a story that fills me with HOPE!

    HOPE is a good thing! :)


    seriously thank you everyone for being so honest.

    I am taking GREAT comfort in the fact that several of you are YEARS out
    with stage 4. (my husbands CC is in lungs lymphs and one main liver tumor–
    did i mention that?)

    I really appreciate hearing that there IS hope …even possibly YEARS
    of hope.

    To me? That is a great comfort.

    I know that nothing is a guarantee or a certainty…but HOPE is a
    beautiful thing.

    Fighting onward… :)



    that is GREAT to hear!!!!

    so did you have the option of resection and/or surgery?

    that’s seems to be a huge deciding factor.

    and has it “left the house” aka liver?

    just curious how well people do once it has left the liver.
    (as one of the factors)

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