Five for Friday - 5 ways you can share your gratitude

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Grateful Patient Day is coming up on September 7th, 2020 and we want you to share your story of gratitude!

Each year, Grateful Patient Day spotlights stories of gratitude for doctors, nurses, researchers, medicines, and procedures that help patients. National Grateful Patient Day is the perfect opportunity to show appreciation to those in the medical industry. The Grateful Patient Project was created to find the good in the world and promote it!

In preparation for Grateful Patient Day, we’d like to share 5 ways you can share your gratitude for those that have helped in your cholangiocarcinoma journey – whether it be doctors, nurses, researchers, therapists, or technicians.

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Share your story

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Send an E-card


Serve someone


Use #GratefulPatient to Share the Gratitude

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Write a hand-written note

If you find a good resource that would help others in this trying time please send it to us . We will share relevant information with our community. The cancer community knows more than most about social distancing and self-quarantining, help us educate the wider community about how to stay safe and how to make others safer. 

Please remember, we are here for you.

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