Our objective is finding a cure.

This gives us a different perspective and informs our philosophy. We believe a cure relies on:

  • Research that provides essential resources and knowledge for the field (e.g. model systems, understanding genetic underpinnings, annotated patient specimens)
  • Innovative research that opens new pathways for diagnosis and drug discovery

We want our research dollars to make a difference

  • We support promising projects that are less likely to get traditional funding such as:
  • Seed funding that could yield breakthrough benefits for patients
  • High quality projects proposed by young investigators with demonstrated commitment to cholangiocarcinoma research
  • Foundational projects with an important but long-term payoff
  • Our research dollars should never substitute for or displace other funding (i.e. preference for new projects over existing well-funded efforts)
  • We prioritize proposals that aim on finding a cure

We believe we can find a cure together

  • We value research that involves and catalyzes collaboration
  • We value open-access research (rapid sharing of reagents and models with the research community)

Our goal is a rigorous, yet efficient, process to find and fund high quality projects

  • For rigor, all proposals must undergo a comprehensive peer-review
  • For efficiency, proposals need only provide sufficient detail to facilitate a peer-review