Racing for Hope Journal Entry 1
Hello! I don’t really know how to start this, but here we go! If you are reading this, I’m assuming you know why I’m running 12 marathons in 12 months.
Well, I just finished the Chicago marathon! It was my second ever marathon. I had the privilege to run it with teamCCF! It was such an incredible experience! Hearing everyone’s stories and meeting people that understand what we have been through was amazing. The marathon didn’t go as I was hoping, but I got to finish and that’s all that matters! I was more focused on money and awareness we have raised for cholangiocarcinoma during that race.
Now that I am back home, I had a travel day and a rest day. Today is my first day of training for Racing for Hope! It’s only 3 miles, but it will be good to get these heavy legs going again! So, let’s getting racing on hope and spreading hope like fire!