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Ask Dr. Giles: I was involved in the beginning, but now I feel like a spectator

Courtney asks: My Father has survived one year so far after surgery for Klatskins CC. He has had non stop…

Ask Dr. Giles: My cancer is gone, but I don't know how to regain my joie de vie.

Donna asks: In late 2007 I was diagnosed with cancer. Originally it was described as adenocarcinoma, stage 4, terminal. I…

Ask Dr. Giles: I worry that I may be pushing my grandmother too far

Courtney asks: My grandmother has cc! I was raised by my grandparents, I just recently lost my mother of a…

Ask Dr. Giles: I'm determined to get help with my grief, but I'm just so tired and confused.

Michael asks: My name is Michael and on September 28 of this year I lost my grandmother and best friend…

Webinar: Dealing with the Emotions of Diagnosis

" . . . the test results are back and there are tumors on your liver . . ." With…

Branching Out: How To Establish a Local Cholangiocarcinoma Support Group

The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation is pleased to introduce an informational series focused on helping you get involved in with developing…

Spotlight on Young Investigator Award and 2010 Review

Back in September 2010, The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation announced that it was partnering with the American Society of Clinical Oncology…

The Cholangiocarcinoma Foundation Sponsors Conquer Cancer Foundation of ASCO Young Investigator Award

Read the full press release by clicking here.

Ask Dr. Giles: I worry I'm not showing friends and family appreciation.

Lina asks: Even though I have the most amazing awesome support of friends and family who are giving me all…

Ask Dr. Giles: How do we make the most of the time we have left?

Mary Anne asks: My 79yo dad was just dx with cholangiocarcinoma. Except for the past 2 weeks where he became…

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