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  • in reply to: My Dad passed #43905

    Dear Pam,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. You were such a wonderful daughter and I’m so glad your Dad went peacefully and with you by his side.

    Take care of yourself and please keep in contact with your cc family. We are always here for you.

    Love and hugs


    in reply to: So frustrated – need to vent!! #43765

    Thank you all,

    I do feel better after my vent, things just got to me yesterday.

    Deep down I know that nothing else can be done and we are going to lose Dad within the next few months. I still hope and pray I am wrong. He has been amazing through all of this but you do hang on to the only thing you’ve got, hope.

    Gavin, Thank you for your kind words. I think it will be hard for my Dad just to supervise! I think we are going to have to be strict with him. He is not up to digging gardens and I don’t want him to do too much. In his mind he still thinks he’s up to it but his body tells a different story. He is still eating little and often but the meals are becoming smaller as he says he feels full most of the time. The soup is now eaten with no bread and he is no longer having fruit and ice cream after his meals. But at least for the moment he is still eating, and he is drinking at least 3 litres a day.

    Lainy, I will be keeping out the way whilst they are doing the garden. My Dad, my husband and son, all together, well it would be fun to watch. I will probably take Mom out and then do my mountain of ironing, not so fun.
    I hope Teddy is still loving his new bed and his pain is under control. I think of you both often.

    Patty, thank you for your comment, I totally agree.

    Best wishes to all.

    in reply to: Teddy Boy —not doing well #43708


    Just to say I’m so glad Teddy is loving his new bed and his pain relief has been sorted out.

    Take care of yourself too.

    Love to you both


    in reply to: Update on my dad #43744

    Dear Pam,

    Just to say my thoughts and prayers are with you and your Dad.

    Much love


    in reply to: Teddy Boy —not doing well #43698

    Dear Lainy,

    Just to let you know that as always I am thinking about you and Teddy.

    Sending lots of love, prayers and hugs.


    in reply to: things so far #43583


    Thinking of you and sending hugs, prayers and love.


    in reply to: TO Kate & Margaret When Journey Ends at Home #43604

    I would just like to comment on Janets post. My friends brother is currently in Hospice care and she said they have been wonderful. They can stay with him 24/7 and know he has full nursing care if needed.

    My other friend lost her Dad last week and he had home hospice, and this too she said was a big help. Her Dad wanted to stay at home and with th help of the macmillan nurses his wish was granted.

    Each story is different and it is such a personal choice, and one that the family must make together.

    My Dad has said he will do what ever my Mom is happy with as she is the one that will be caring for him. As long as we can be with him he is happy. I would like him to stay at home but if at the time the pain cannot be controlled and it becomes to much for my Mom then I am more at ease with him going into hospice now my friend as told me how wonderful it is. One thing I do know is he won’t be going to our local hospital.

    Love and prayers to all.

    in reply to: Jaundice-how do you treat it? #43568

    Dear Sunshinecaregiver,

    From past experience with my Dad this has been due to stent blockage. Dad has then been in for a stent clean out (he has metal stents) and also had an extra stent added. This was probably due to Dads tumor location that extra stents were added though. (extrahepatic)

    My Dad is also on a permanent dose of low antibiotics to help keep infections at bay, perhaps you could ask about this. They are Ciproflaxin (sp).

    My Dad never had any other symptoms only more yellowness and raised bilirubin in blood test. No fevers etc.

    He did have a infection after one of his stent changes though that was soon sorted out with IV antibiotics.

    Good luck and best wishes

    in reply to: Question for Jen and Andrea? #43416

    Dear DD,

    My son is older, he’s 9. He is extremely close to my Dad. He knows Grandad is not well but not how serious. My Dad can no longer play football with my son but they do play cards, make lego and watch DVDs.

    He is used to my Dads colour being yellow as he has been like this since Febuary and at the moment that really is my Dads only sign he is ill. He looked after my son yesterday whilst I worked (I had offered to book the day off but Dad insisted) and Mom said he didn’t even take a nap. What did upset me though was a sadness in Dads eyes when I went to collect my son. Mom later told me that it had suddenly hit Dad that he wouldn’t be around to see him grow up.

    Could you perhaps find a book that deals with staying in hospital, especially for young children and read it to him and explain that we have to look after his nan, perhaps he could become your moms doctor and he is in charge of making sure she rests. My son loved to dress up and had a doctors kit when he was younger.

    Does your son have a favourite DVD, perhaps they could watch this together. You could make this special tv time with nan.

    Perhaps you could put a photo of your mom in his room and tell him that his nan is always with him.

    I know at 19 months it’s a very difficult age for them to understand, so I hope the above suggestions help. I am dreading it when my Dad starts to change more in appearance and personality, as I think it will really effect my son. Since starting school he only really sees my Dad holidays and weekends as my Dad worked up until March this year. I’m dreading Christmas as we have always spent it with my parents and Nan, and my Dad and son have been like two peas in a pod on Christmas day playoing with his new toys and gadgets.

    Thinking of you and sending much love.

    in reply to: I HATE CC!!!!!!! #43340

    Dear DevastatedDaughter,

    My heart goes out to you and I wish I could give you a big hug right now.

    Since my Dad was diagnosed in April after 5 weeks in hospital with Jaundice, we have spent all this year in and out of hospital. having our hopes raised only to be dashed again. It’s physically and emotionally draining, and the worst rollercoaster I have ever been on! We have been told my Dad only has a few months as no treatment is available now. They say to take one day at a time but it’s hard. I too feel angry, frustrated and keep asking myself why? I too feel like I can’t handle this anymore but we have to stay strong for our loved ones. It’s the hardest thing I have ever been through and at times I think it’s just a bad nightmare that I’m living.

    I know that this site is the only place I can vent my anger or share my worries, so please vent away.

    Sending lots of love to you and your Mom

    in reply to: Mom is scheduled to start chemo tomorrow— #43158

    Dear Devasted Daughter,

    I am really hoping that your Mom gets her Chemo today. I know from experience how hards it is waiting for the ok from the Doctor to go ahead.

    Do they expect your Moms bilirubin to fall some more, only they wouldn’t give my dad chemo unless it was 50 or under?

    They should do another blood test before the chemo is given so this will help detemine whether it will go ahead. I would also mention to the doctor/nurses about your Moms pain, there should be something she could be given to help deal with it.

    Sending lots of love and prayers


    in reply to: Teddy & Lainy Update #43095

    Hi Lainy,

    What wonderful news!!!

    Glad Teddy is sleeping without the nightmares too.

    I have requested you as a friend on Facebook, I found you via Julia. And you’re right, from the pic of you both, Teddy is cute!!!

    Love, prayers and best wishes to you both

    Andrea x

    in reply to: New plan, new surgery #42985


    Sending you lots and lots of good luck for tomorrow.

    Love and prayers


    in reply to: Day by Day #42923

    Thanks all,

    Your comments mean so much. At home I have to be strong not only for my parents but my young son. It’s good to come on here and share my worries and fears with people who really do understand what I’m going through.

    Gavin, like your Dad mine is very stubborn. They sound so alike, right down to the morning walks to get the papers. We came back from shopping and he’s already painted the ceiling and given the walls one coat. He certainly enjoyed his cream cake! I’m not one for cream cakes myself so I had a cadburys caramel choc bar instead.

    The Macmillan Nurse who dealt with my Dad at the QE hospital has taken care of getting Dads referrals sent off. I’m hoping we hear something within the next week or two. I really don’t think anything else can be done so if it can it will be a big bonus. Suppose it’s better not to get our hopes up in the situation we are in.

    Michelle, Thank you, I really don’t know what I would have done the past few months without this site, Even though I don’t know you all in person, I feel like you are all here for me and I’ve gained a new ‘family’.

    Lainy, Dad is not on any pain RX, he is not in any pain at the moment. I think both Teddy and my Dad are going to carry on being our miracle men.

    Ashlyn, Thank you for your prayers.

    in reply to: Teddy Update #42889

    Hi Lainy,

    Thanks for the update on Teddy, you are both always in my thoughts and prayers.

    Big hugs from the UK



    ps awaiting the juicy bits too!!

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