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  • in reply to: methadone #50238

    Dear Jen,

    I have been thinking of you, your Dad and family often. Like many others on this site I know exactly how you are feeling at this moment. Like Gavin said whilst it is tough it is also very precious, something I would never have imagined until I experienced it. Your Dad reminds me so much of mine, we are lucky to have amazing Dads. Keep strong.

    Lots of love to you, your Mom, your Dad and the rest of your family x

    in reply to: methadone #50226

    Hi Jen,

    I have been thinking about you so much the last few days. I’m glad Dads pain is under control and he is back at home. Nothing like the comfort of your own home, and yes hospitals are so tiring.

    My Dad had a blue folder with all his arrangements and utility bills in. He wanted us to know where everything was and it was important to him that everything was in order and we knew where everything was. He was quiet obsessive about this at times.

    As for the chemo, take it day by day, your Dad will know if it’s too much for him.

    I’m off on holiday Friday but I will be thinking of you all, sending love and hugs to you and your family.

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Lost my Mother in law last night #50269

    So sorry to hear of the sad loss of your MIL. Sending love and prayers to you and your family.

    My Dad passed away 11 weeks tomorrow and I take comfort that he passed away peacefully at home surrounded by loved ones, just like your MIL.


    Andrea x

    in reply to: methadone #50214

    Dear Jen,

    Firstly Happy Birthday!! xxx

    I really hope they sort your Dads pain relief out and a bed becomes available today. I’m hoping that the CT scan also helps answer some questions. I can’t help on the methadone question as Dad remained pain free but if you type it in the search engine it might bring up some previous questions about it.

    I know watching your Dad go through this is heartbreaking for you and your family, I am sending lots of love and prayers your way.

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: Dad Update and question… #49672

    Dear Jen,

    Sending big hugs to you and your family. Hospital is the best place to get your Dad comfortable and get to the bottom of his pain. He’s a fighter and an amazing man, keep strong. xx

    in reply to: My dad recently diagnosed #49945

    Hi and welcome to our cc family.

    Like Lainy said get 2nd and 3rd opinions. It does sound good though that they are willing to consider surgery.

    Has for the bilirubin it can take a while to settle down after stent and drain procedures, the small ducts can become inflammed and this can slow the bile flow down. My advice would to be drink, drink, and drink to help flush the bilirubin out quicker. It’s a good sign your Dads jaundice is going though sometimes they can seem to keep the yellow tinge for a while.

    Sending best wishes to you and your Dad

    in reply to: update on dad #49895

    Dear Anp,

    So glad to hear your Dads pain is under control and he celebrated his 60th as you wanted, with family at the beach, how fantastic!!

    Don’t worry about the future, enjoy the present, making precious memories and having each day with your Dad.

    Your Dad sounds a fighter, sending prayers that he continues feeling well and you spend many more family days together.

    Andrea x

    in reply to: Dad Update and question… #49666

    Dear Jen,

    Sorry to hear your Dad is having a few bad days. IV antibiotics they gave my Dad after he picked up an infection during a stent procedure made him badly constipated, and the medication they gave him for this really knocked him off his feet, he said he felt though his stomach had been kicked in and it hurt to move. I wish I could say or do something to make it all better. As you say cherish every moment. Hoping any praying for your Dad to be feeling bright enough for Easter dinner.

    Sending love and hugs

    Andrea xx

    in reply to: My dad has passed on… #49878

    Dear Stacey,

    I am so sorry to hear that your Dad has passed away. It has only been 8 weeks since my Dad passed but like yours he passed away peacefully and painfree which is a blessing.

    Sending love to you and your family at this sad time x

    in reply to: “tubeless…” update #49744


    Lovely to hear from you, especially when it’s such good news.

    Take care


    in reply to: billiruben #49165

    I am pleased to hear the MRI shows no progression and the cc is stable. My Dad had 3 stents fitted and then an external drain to try and lower his bilirubin but due to location of tumour they never worked well enough. Apart from the jaundice Dad didn’t feel unwell, they said he was amazing having no symptoms apart from the yellowness.

    We tried lots of natural things including fresh lemon squeezed into warm water morning and night (supposed to thin bile) tomatoe juice (supposed to help jaundice) and Dad also dranks lots to help flush the bile out of his system. He always had a litre of squash by his side and drank at least 3 bottles per day.

    Towards the end when his appetite and energy was low he had Boost/Ensure drinks to help give his body the nutrients he was missing. He also started to eat little and often, which helped with the indigestion he had. Papaya enzyme tablets also helped with this.

    Is he collecting the same amount of bile in his external bag each day? My Dad collected 200ml, it dropped once to 100ml and they flushed the tube. I know from this board though that alot flush the tube daily. My Dad went 3 months without a flush and his drain worked ok.

    Keeping everything crossed that the bilirubin drops.

    in reply to: Latest on Mom #16027

    Dear AshleyC,

    My heart goes out to you and your family. This is such a hard decision to make and it’s one that only your Mom can make. She has decided on surgery and I pray that it is succesful. But I would just like to add my Dads cc was inoperable and he had high bilirubin throughout his cc journey, he did get to say his goodbyes and he passed away peacefully and pain free. He took to his bed on the Wednesday but could still talk and tell us how much he loved us, even on Friday morning (he passed 2.45am Saturday)he was talking to us, yes at times he was in and out of sleep but it was not awful, in our experience it was peaceful. That is just our experience though as I know cc treats everyone differently. This is why I don’t think Doctors should say how it will be as no one knows.

    Sending love and prayers

    in reply to: Rick Kamp has gone home #49793

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very sad time.

    Rick gave advice to so many fighting this disease, he will never be forgotten.

    in reply to: Newly diagnosed father #48895

    Jennifer, I am so sorry to hear of your sad loss, I know how you feel as my precious Dad passed away 8 weeks tomorrow.

    Sending love to you and your family x

    in reply to: Time for hospice? #49733

    Hi Stacey,

    I can’t help with the pain as luckily my Dad never experienced any. He did have a external drain and 3 internal stents. I know after these it did take a few weeks for the bilirubin to settle, they described it as static. Sometimes it was due to the smaller bile ducts being inflammed.

    The hallucinations could be the medication and the increased pain could be due to the stent procedure.

    Is it home hospice that are coming to your Dad? My Dad had District Nurses come to help with his external drain. He was also on antibiotics to prevent infections. I’ve no experience with hospice but I’m sure someone will be along soon to answer your questions

    Best wishes x

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