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  • in reply to: Bad bad news from Mayo #47382


    I’m sending hugs and prayers your way… This is one of those times to take it 5 minutes at a time and then the next 5 minutes.

    You show your deep love for your wife in worrying about her. You are always so strong for your family…they are always been number one on your list!

    Please keep us updated on your progress! We are here for you!

    in reply to: Here we are… #47212

    Dear fightingforMom,

    I’ve stood in your shoes and it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done… Your Mom is so blessed to have raised such a wonderful, loving daughter. You will be the best legacy she leaves behind.

    I understand your pain and am sending hugs, love and prayers for strength as you walk this part of the journey. We are all here for you.



    Hi clkempf!

    Here is a really good site for all kinds of lab tests. It’s very user friendly and a reputable one we use at the hospital. Hope this is helpful!


    in reply to: Mom Having Trouble Forming Thoughts #47095

    We had similar things occur with my Mom. Ammonia levels can be high, medication can cause problems, and one time she had a bladder infection. Please give the doctor a call asap.

    Hang in there!

    in reply to: if a blood relative had CC… #46997


    I understand where you are going with your post. I made the decision to have lap band surgery in order to get off the meds I was taking and to get healthier. I had the surgery in October and have lost 28 lbs. so far. My decision was predicated on several things but I admit taking the health of my liver into consideration was part of the decision. Silly?….maybe. I’m in the medical field and know there is no heredity cause involved but I will always have that small thought in my head.

    I also admit…I’m still mad that CC took my Mom away….and I too want to be with my family as long as possible….


    in reply to: Sharing a Blessing #46973

    “A baby is God’s way of saying the world should go on.”

    So happy that BOTH of your miracles were able to meet!

    Hugs, love and prayers to you and your family….


    in reply to: 1 year later… #46933


    I hope you will show your Daddy that post. He must be an amazing man to have raised such a daughter as you!

    Keep us updated.


    in reply to: Missing Mom #46830


    The poem is beautiful. I’ve never seen it and it is perfect. Thank you so much for posting this!


    in reply to: Statistics are so frightening #46003

    Dear worrieddaughter,

    5 year survival statistics are just numbers….and by the time you get them they are 5 years out of date. As we like to say on the boards, no one has an expiration date stamped on their butts.

    The one thing I’ve learned about chlangiocarcinoma is that it seems to treat each patient differently.

    My Mom was Stage IV with mets to the lungs when diagnosed. At the time she was 76, still working full time by choice, active in church and choir and you couldn’t keep up with her. She was walking at work and at home and averaging about 7 miles a day. Her cancer was found when she was in a meeting at work, thought she might be having a heart attack and decided to finish the meeting and drive home to get my Dad to go with her to the doctor’s office. Turns out she had a bout of pleurisy and the lung mets was discovered when she had a CT scan to rule out a blood clot.

    Mom lived almost exactly a year. Diagnosed in May 2008 and died April 3, 2009. She was active until the very end. She danced at her only granddaughters wedding in December and saw the birth of her 2nd great grandchild.

    We do have success stories on the boards so never give up hope. We are always here for you and usually someone will have an answer or know where to send you to find it!

    I’m sending hugs, love and prayers to you and your Mom!


    Oh…the doctors told my Mom when she hounded them for a prognosis that she could reasonably expect about 2 months…..As she pointed out to them they were wrong, wrong, wrong…..

    in reply to: Missing Mom #46819

    Oh codergirl,

    I know how you feel. I lost my Mom on April 3, 2009 and I still sit at work and think, “oh I’ll give mom a call”.

    I miss her so much and believe me I too know how hard it is to lose your mom. I know exactlly what you mean about the empty pain. It’s almost overwhelming at times.

    I know and I promise you it will get a little better. Time will get you to the point where you never forget the end but in time, the good memories will be the ones you remember first.

    It hasn’t been very long since losing your Mom. Be kind to yourself and let yourself experience the grief. You will find it’s the hardest thing you will ever do but we have to work our way through our OWN pace.

    One of the hardest times for me was a couple of weeks after Mom died. All of a sudden, I realized the world had gone on it’s merry way and here I was drowning in my grief. Very few people even tried to understand how devastated I was. I even had a very good friend tell me I needed to just get over it…that grieving wouldn’t bring back my Mom. It was only my southern upbringing and fear of prison that kept me from killing her…..

    Please remember what a wonderful daughter you are and how lucky your Mom was to have you with her on her journey. You are an amazing legacy your Mom leaves behind.

    You will get through this and we are all here to help. Your Mom left a part of herself in you. She is proud of you.

    Hugs, love and prayers for strength…I’m here if you need someone to talk to…


    in reply to: Can anyone tell me about abraxane? #46738


    Here are two links that will help. Abraxane is usually used to treat metastastic breast cancer.

    Hopefully these links will give you some information.

    Sending hugs and prayers….


    in reply to: Not doing well… #46712

    Hi Rick,

    I think overall this can be a “down time” of the year. The holidays are over and there is a lull before the spring and summer months get here.

    My biggest concern for your post is the pain issue. Please be sure you get that under control. Pain can sap energy and dull the senses. As for the rest of things take them one at a time. Prioritize and then tackle the list as you see fit.

    As Lainy said no two people are alike. I’m praying the chemo is working for you. I know your biggest priority is your family and getting things done. That said don’t neglect the fun and spontaneous things that create memories.

    Also don’t discount your “gut feelings”… If you are concerned something is not right, address it with the doctors until you get all questions answered to YOUR satisfaction.

    I know we’ve lost a lot of people here lately and that’s hard to process.

    Hang in there! I’m sending hugs and prayers to you and yours!


    in reply to: I am so lost without her #46661


    I lost my Mom April 3, 2009 so it’s almost two years. I still miss her so much every day. It’s not as raw as in the beginning but it’s still so very hard.

    I was sorting through a box of her things that I kept after cleaning out her closet. When I opened it and was blindsided by the scent of her perfume I burst into tears.

    I was paging through her first “real” bible given to her on her 13th birthday and a note paper fell out of it. It was the first draft of her obituary written by her very early apparently in the disease process. Needless to say I was a total mess yesterday.

    What I’m trying to say is that grief is a process. There is NO timetable, NO correct way to grieve and no two people will grieve in the same way. Grief is a process and it will be the hardest job you will ever do. NORMAL IN MY OPINION IS JUST A SETTING ON THE DRYER……

    You are an amazing daughter and a wonderful legacy your Mom leaves behind. Be kind to yourself and take it 5 minutes at a time. Cry when you need to and come here often….believe me …..we understand.

    I’m sending hugs, prayers for strength and love,


    in reply to: Linda Z… peace at last #46584

    Linda had such an impact on me. I have her signature line hung above my microscope….”life is not about waiting for the storms to pass….it’s about learning how to dance in the rain.”

    She was an amazing woman and I’m glad to have known her if only on these boards.

    My thoughts, prayers and hugs to out to her family.


    in reply to: yesssss good news #42495

    What a great way to start the weekend!! Great news and proof again that God answers prayers!

    Hugs and love!

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