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  • in reply to: Liver Resection/ post liver resection #74309

    Hi Heather,

    My sister who was 41 had her resection aborted. When she went for surgery, her tumour was more extensive than the scans and imaging had shown and her surgeon who thought pre surgery that it had been there for about a year said that once he saw her liver, the tumour had been growing for years. Also, Prior to her surgery, she had portal vein embolisation which was basically where the blood supply to the right side of her liver was shut off to make the left side grow. This was done as her tumour through the right and mid section of her liver only left her with 14% of her liver unaffected and what was to be left behind had to grow to 25% to avoid liver failure. The gamble of doing the embolisation procedure was that the tumour might grow rapidly during the 4 weeks it took tp grow her liver. Unfortunately it did grow and along the entire length of her liver and left the surgeon with no possible way of removing tumour without leaving exposed tumour behind.

    The surgeon did a stomach bypass though before he finished as he foresaw the potential for an obstruction and thankfully proactively dealt with that for her.

    Looking back, the odds were against her from the start, not like the plan the surgeon has for Gordon. There are positive stories here and I know my sister would do the same surgery again if there was any glimmer of hope. Whilst being suitable for surgery is exactly where you want to be with this disease, I understand your anxiety.


    in reply to: Anthony, I have missed you now for 5 years my darling #74145

    Dear Pauline,

    Just beautiful words written to your husband.

    in reply to: Is CC FAST growing or SLOW growing?? #74197

    Hi Dorien,

    When my sister was diagnosed, her surgeon said her tumour was aggressive and he thought had been growing for about a year (no mention of fast or slow at that point). When he opened her for her resection (which was halted), he said that the tumour had been there for years. Less than two months later this came up again, ‘aggressive but slow growing’. I asked how it could be both and was told that the cancer had to be aggressive to get past the young, fit, healthy immune system that she had (she was 41 with no medical history). Apparently she threw many curve balls at her consultant and caught him off guard in several occasions. I think CC is one big curve ball.

    in reply to: Spouse recently diagnosed #74210

    Hi Kris,

    Welcome to the forum. You will get no end of support here. To go through cancer with your husband and son must be incredibly hard so please tap into all the support you want here. I too am a nurse and found it enabled me to be a step ahead with my sister and her illness. I do completely get though when you say it can be hard – and lonely at times. I would say use your nursing to your full advantage as knowledge is power and you might just want to be ahead of the game here.

    in reply to: Hey! #73985

    Hi Randi,

    I too wonder if those affected in young age are disproportionally represented because they are more IT aware and online as a way of life. Compared to my dad who thinks forums and Facebook are voodoo and all things evil i check,in here every day ot two. It seems at times that going by the posts that there is no distinction in age groups despite all the credible medical saying it is even rarer in those younger than 60.

    in reply to: 1 year ago today my beautiful mom left this world. #74018

    Hi Mona,

    What a beautiful poem for your mum. I love the ‘love doesn’t die, people do’ – it made me cry.


    Hi thebombpie4,

    I love your honesty. You have asked what I was desperate to when my sister was diagnosed but didn’t have the nerve. I only found this site several weeks after her diagnosis and one week before her (aborted) resection.

    in reply to: update on mum-having time to think and reflect #73989

    Hi moonpie,

    Good to hear from you. I am glad that aintree are at the helm now. It will hopefully take some of the pressure off you if you at least have confidence in the medical team going forward.

    Waiting is incredibly hard and it’s not surprising all those emotions surfaced. But some good has come from it. I so admire you for your positivity.

    in reply to: Hey! #73974

    Hi Danna,

    I just want to welcome you. You won’t regret taking the step fom lurker to poster. I lurked here when my 41 year old sister was diagnosed last year. The support is just incredible.

    in reply to: Seen Dr. Javle today #73902

    What a fab post to read Tiff :-) Slap on the SPF and have a great day at the beach.

    in reply to: Let battle commence again … Sensitive reading …. #73852

    Hi Sandie,

    I just want to send you some strength and support. I am sorry it has recurred but use us here to help you through this next stage.


    in reply to: New and scared #73769

    Hi Jules,

    Welcome to the forum. I am sorry that you have had to come here and that your mum is ill but believe me, you are in the best place for credible advice and support. It is a very frightening time and there must be so much information that you are trying to compute and understand.

    I’m not expert on fast/slow growing tumours but my understanding is that the poor prognosis comes from the tumour being extensive by the time any symptoms show making treatment difficult. There is hope however and there is evidence of it here. I can’t deny the prognosis stats make for hard reading but there is also a lot of misinformation and it wasn’t until I came here and (UK site for cholangiocarcinoma) when my sister was diagnosed that I got credible information and importantly, support.

    There will be others along soon – there is never a shortage of support and answers.

    in reply to: New and scared #73768

    Hi Jules,

    Welcome to the forum. I am sorry that you have had to come here and that your mum is ill but believe me, you are in the best place for credible advice and support. It is a very frightening time and there must be so much information that you are trying to compute and understand.

    I’m not expert on fast/slow growing tumours but my understanding is that the poor prognosis comes from the tumour being extensive by the time any symptoms show making treatment difficult. There is hope however and there is evidence of it here. I can’t deny the prognosis stats make for hard reading but there is also a lot of misinformation and it wasn’t until I came here and (UK site for cholangiocarcinoma) when my sister was diagnosed that I got credible information and importantly, support.

    There will be others along soon – there is never a shortage of support and answers.

    in reply to: update on mums ercp #73762

    Hi Moonpie,

    Don’t feel guilty. You need to look after you as it’s the only way you will be able to be the best support you can for your parents. It is too easy to neglect yourself and if your mum has CC, then you will need all your reserves and energies for the months ahead and it might also not be possible to take a holiday and if the opportunity is there now then please make the most of it. Easier said than done I know but try and use your holiday to relax a little. Good news that the stent has addressed the blockage and that in itself should help enormously with how your mum is feeling.

    in reply to: How things are going #73710

    Dear Pam,

    I’ve not ignored your post, I’ve been camping with no Internet access. You are in a place no parent should have to go to and I’m at loss what to say as nothing makes it better or easier. Let us help you here, in whatever way that is Pam.

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