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  • in reply to: Still going strong! #37472

    Woot woot!! I am so happy for my cancer buddy and I bet you and your family are estatic. Stay on that cancer free wagon and enjoy all that life brings you.


    in reply to: lainey and marion: on my dear twin sister #37403

    Stay strong and try to make the most of your precious time together with your sister. Sisters are so special and my heart breaks for you. However, dont count your sister out yet. Perhaps a break in chemo is what she needs to get her strength back. Have the doctors given you concerns or is it just your feelings?

    Hang in there. We are here for you.


    in reply to: repairing hole in bile duct #36614

    Want to add my best wishes for monday too!
    Hope you come back and post some great news.


    in reply to: Mom passed away on April 5th #37407

    I am very sorry for your loss. I agree, your mom was too young but I am happy she seems to have had a peaceful passing on her terms. Hopefully the time will come when you will remember how she was pre cc and not those last weeks.


    in reply to: Mary Hughes, Los Gatos CA 3/7/1947-4/8/2010 #37294

    I am so sorry for your loss.


    in reply to: new member #37349

    Welcome Tommy and Jennifer. You found us and that is a great start. It might seem overwhelming at first, but we are here for you and there is a wealth of experience and knowledge here. If you have specific questions, please ask and let us know how things are going. Best of luck on your journeys.


    in reply to: I am home! #37285

    Thanks everyone. It is so good to be home. It is so much easier to get healthy and regain strength when you are in control of food and drink and you arent being woken up all the time by well meaning doctors, nurses, dieticians, psychologists and physical therapists. They REALLY throw everything at you in Swedish hospitals.

    Kitties are home and it is great. I think they have a 6th sense and are being really good about not stepping on my incision when they are climbing all over me.

    Hans and I try to make a point to go do something everyday so I get out and get some exercise but missed it today since I am not quite up to snuff. I cant wait for the queasiness to go. I think it is reminder that my stomach is still so SLOW at digestion.

    I found out something new this time in the hospital. Laying on your right side speeds up digestion. Who knew?


    in reply to: How long for stent to work? #37359

    Quote my surgeon “You didnt get this way in a day, you wont get better in a day. It takes time”

    Basically, your body needs to flush itself of all the bile it stashed places. I know that when I was literally up to my yellow eyes in the stuff, I always felt better when I drank tons of water. I think it helped get rid of it when I peed.


    in reply to: Dad diagnosed #37297

    It makes a big difference. It can determine if the tumor is resectable and if so will your father need just a liver resection or a whipple procedure. I am recently out of the hospital and pumped full of drugs so I will let someone else come and explain more or you can google the difference in the surgeries.

    I am very sorry your having this problem. One of our members, scragots is from Indiana and was treated at IU and has nothing but positive things to say.

    We are a great resource of knowledge and support and I am happy you found us.



    It sickens me this had to be done.

    in reply to: Enjoying Spring…. #37240

    Spring is the best time of year and it is wonderful you get to enjoy it as a family. I love that first bit of warm sun on my face. Tell your mom to keep proving those doctors wrong.


    in reply to: more bad news #37212

    I am sorry for the news. Please keep us informed.


    in reply to: Hi Kris, wondering how you are doing? #37057

    I am on a day pass now so I get to be home for Easter. My parents left yesterday adn my sister is now here. we are very close so it is good to see her.

    I am really tired and we are trying to get the pain under control. Not such an easy task since I have at least 6 kilos of fluid build up and the my oh my I have some gas. I was worried about not healing well, but my oncologist and surgeon arent worried at all and seem to think I am right on track. I guess I am tired of pain and being bored so I want to over NOW!

    Hopefully, I will be in fighting form in the next couple of weeks.


    in reply to: Kris’ (devoncat) surgery #36797

    Things are going pretty well. Kris has been moved to our home town hospital, and is up and walking quite a bit, so we’re hoping to have her home in just a few days. She’s still not eating very much though, and the pain comes and goes with the morphine. I’m staying the nights with her and her parents have the run of our flat. Thanks again for all the good thoughts and prayers!


    I have the same thoughts and feelings about leaving Hans as you do with your wife. I dont have children, I am not sure if that is a blessing or not. However, I will share with you what my psychologist shared with me. Studies show that people who have truely loved someone and had them die are highly likely to find someone to love again. I still worry over Hans being alone, but I like to know that statistically, he will find another love later when he is ready.


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